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Flametrooper Armor Build

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This is so exciting Ty. Keep going! Everything is approaching visualization for me, and it is looking promising.

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  On 2/2/2016 at 3:32 AM, Fivezero said:

After the butt plate is done, it's on to the shins for the 3D printer, then that's it for 3D printed parts really. While the shins are going I'll get the chest and back ready to pour plaster. I'm aiming for the end of next week to be ready to start sanding everything to shape, add the details and get ready for vacuum forming. :thumbsup: The master plan is to hopefully have everything tweaked and ready to go by the end of March (maybe sooner depending on how it all goes) and start pumping kits out.







I just peed myself a bit..... This is too cool for skewl, great work and holy fast too.

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Butt plate printed out, just need to glue it together!




Started on one of the shins too! They should actually be done by the end of the weekend. :)




And got the thighs printed out on cardstock, just need to cut them out and fold them up! I might be able to throw them in some resin by tomorrow night, maybe Thursday.





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I'm imagining these parts all put together as is, and in my head it looks like the Bizarro version of the flametrooper :)

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Alright guys, got the cod and butt plate glued together, so they're ready for filler sanding. Also almost there with the shin. Each print is about 4-5 hours, should be done this weekend! Also started throwing the thighs together last night. I'll finish them up tonight and tomorrow get some resin applied! And then while the resin is hardening, I'll get the chest and back sorted, maybe get some resin in those by the end of the weekend? It's looking like everything might be in place to start shaping/sculpting the armor by next week!






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You're making rapid-fore work of this Ty, and it is fun to watch. It's good that you aren't offering a live feed, or I'd never leave my laptop.

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Thanks guys, I appreciate it! Just trying to help you guys out! :)



Anyway got the first shin done. I also did some doodling, the gold lines are where there will be a slight edge and the silver is where it'll get into two when it's ready for forming. The other shin is being printed out as well. I had a small gap yesterday and went ahead and started printing that lower "spat" armor (still have one more piece to print). I'm going to finish it as one piece and then cut it once I have it shaped.




Also brushed some fiberglass resin on the thigh "molds." I still have one more to go tomorrow, and if I can I'll get the chest and back sorted out and possibly "resined." Sunday is when I hope to pour some plaster in these things. :thumbsup:






Just in case I haven't mentioned it at all..... I love this 3D printer, it is just so being able to let it print and work on other stuff in the mean time (like the thigh stuff). Everything should be done printing by Sunday unless something happens. :icon_beg: Then I can start printing my Shocktrooper helmet while I work on this thing! :devil:





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Just a suggestion about the chest & back. Those tanks will have to mount "somewhere" so I hope you're thinking about that whether you or someone else makes them. I was even thinking of doing some kind of chest harness thing that not only holds the tanks but the chest and back armor as well. That way it's not being fully supported by the armor.

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No problem, definitely been thinking about tank mounting. However I do believe that the tanks don't really mount to the back plate (at least not in a load bearing sense). The tanks probably attach to stabilize themselves but they really attach further down on a special plate below the kidney plate. See the pictures below.






It looks like there are some small brackets at the bottom of the tanks that hook on and connect to a rod on that plate. It also looks like the plate itself attaches to the armor with some small bolts, I would also imagine there's a pretty hefty harness that attaches around the waist just above the hips to support the weight (hidden by the armor). Looking at the figure I have, there are also some small bolts on the back as well. I think there's probably some structure running underneath and attaching to the kidney plate stuff. They probably made a little attachment up top on the back as well to keep the pack from tipping backwards. Here's some pictures of the bolts highlighted and my rough 20 sec sketch of a harness idea, if you guys have anything you want to add feel free to discuss!





And here's that sketch of one idea for the frame. The red circles are the bolts and attachment points for the armor, the black is the outline for the frame (made out of aluminum or something) and finally the small gray boxes are to represent straps to run around the waist and over the shoulders to the front.





Like I said if you guys have any ideas, feel free to let them out! I'm all for collaboration to get this figured out. But in short I'm going to leave the back plate as a blank, flat canvas for you guys. If you need to drill holes or cut slots for straps, then you can. I'll look into doing some harness stuff for you guys (if you want) after I get the armor sculpts done and kits made up. I have tools to work metal so that shouldn't be too difficult. :thumbsup:





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That makes as much sense as anything else so far Ty. I agree that there is a harness underneath the armor, and that the tanks attach to the harness at the waist. I've thought that the waist bracket then runs up the back to attach in the middle, but your point about those bolts in the shoulders makes sense. I noticed in Anaheim that one of the major differences between flamey's back armor and the TFO stormtrooper's armor is the inclusion of those bolts. Your theory makes sense. One could even just have straps attached to that like a backpack running beneath the armor and attaching to the waist harness. Your diagram is likely spot-on.

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I'm agree with these, if you look at the hot toys photos the top of the tanks is allowed to pivot away from the back by the attachment at the waist band. I reckon the tanks are bolted to the backplate of the armour and then the bolts at the shoulders hold webbing which goes over the shoulders and connect to the waist band. Look at how a divers bcd or wing works thats what I think it's similar to.


Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk



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Alright guys! Got some minor updates for this thing (took a break to get some other stuff done). Nothing too exciting, been waiting for stuff to dry and cure. Everything is 3D printed and ready to be sculpted to a nice and smooth finish. I started getting the thighs cast into plaster, got the backs done. I unfortunately didn't get a chance to get the fronts done, but that'll happen this weekend. I actually have to remake one of my "molds," had a catastrophic failure (didn't wait quite long enough for the resin to cure).


The chest and back are ready to be printed out too and will be done on Friday (resined too!). Maybe cast some plaster on Saturday or Sunday. I may end up 3D printing the biceps too since I'm ahead of where I thought I'd be. Either way things are progressing as I had hoped! :thumbsup:





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys! Apologies for the lack of updates, been having trouble with power and internet lately (crazy weather here in Michigan lately.... :P).



Anyway I've still been working had on this armor!


Chest mold, back is done too.




I also 3D printed out the biceps, unfortunately I'm a bit behind as I had my extruder heater die on me right before I printed them (had to wait for a new one).




And here's the beginning of the body filler! Two coats on everything then I sanded it all down.




And spent a nice cold, snowy day outside sanding these guys down!





I still have a little finish sanding to do on some parts then we're ready to detail them! I'm hoping to try and get this group of parts done this weekend and then next week finish up the chest, back and the thighs! Still aiming for the end of the month (March) to crank out a couple kits! :thumbsup:





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Looking good Ty. I was starting to worry about you. Stay safe and don't get stuck in the snow. Oh wait, you have a half-track.

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Thanks for the photos Ken, every single one helps out! Anyway, more progress tonight.


I threw some bondo on the biceps, I'll sand them down tomorrow night.




I also finally poured some plaster for one of the thighs and the back plate. They're going to need some work to finish off but they are good for a starting shape. Unfortunately I ran out of plaster and couldn't get the chest poured. So that'll have to wait until Wednesday.





Other than that I got all the other armor parts smoothed out and ready for some detailing. :thumbsup: Game plan is to get the chest poured on Wednesday and finish up everything else. Friday I'll get started on bondoing the chest, back and thighs maybe sand them. Saturday keep working on everything, Sunday finishing touches possibly? Next week will probably be devoted to some more polishing on everything, I might be able to start vacuum forming too (no promises though).





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Great progress Ty. I can't wait to see more.

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