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My adventures with Ol' Sparky

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  On 2/8/2017 at 11:26 PM, Darth Emphatic said:
I had some jack Boots with metal in the heels (for the click) and it was about 30 bucks when I had the soles switched out.


I was surprised to find out how low the cost is for this. I'd says $80 for TK Boots, and then $20-30 for the soles is much better than what imperial boots, or gio charge.



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Got a little bit done tonight.

For the bar that goes across the top of the big tanks, I cut out 4 pieces of 1/4" ABS and put them together to make it 1" thick. Btw, thick pieces of ABS are a real pain to cut.




I plan to have LEDs in the tanks to light up the red circle parts, and thus, wanted to be able to remove the ends of the tanks. So I got these rubber specialty nut things, and cut some grooves in the piece that divides the tank from the end, so I can do a simple turn to lock everything in place.





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I made a huge error when cutting the ends of the bollard cover. It's making it difficult to get the screw to line up with the notches in the inner piece. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out. There is a section on the back side that I will have to hide where it is crooked. These darn covers aren't cheap.



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I'll have to get a few photos done of it. It's actually the back side of the piece that I have the screws in. The first piece that I cut with my mitre saw, I didn't draw a guide line around it. I didn't think I'd need it. I was wrong. It kinda gets a little crooked in the back. I'm thinking that as long as I position everything just right, the not-so-straight edge can be hidden by the bigger tanks. If not, then I will just have to get and make a new one.



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Sloooowly getting there. Eventually, I'll have a tank pack.


Stacked 6 pieces of 1/4" ABS to make the thingy that connects the other thingy to the frame.





EDIT: I just noticed when looking at the photos that I have the thingy on the frame backwards. Oh well, I did test fit it the correct way, so it's all good.


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  On 2/22/2017 at 4:27 AM, Daetrin said:
Man, that is a boat load of work, but it sure will look awesome when done. Thanks for sharing your WIP!


Thank you. It is A LOT of work, and a ton of details. I have no artistic abilities. I can't draw/cut a straight line even with a ruler. In the end, it will probably cost more, and not look near as good as one that I could have bought...but...this is way too much fun figuring this out. When all said and done, if it doesn't look like it should, I know a few people that can help make it right. Until then, I'm all about the adventure, and figuring it out.





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Working on the center band today. First thing to do is make the pattern. Once I got the pattern cut out using cardboard, I can start cutting some sheets of abs. I've been dreading this part for awhile, but I can't really avoid it much longer. Not to mention it is way too cold to get anything done in the garage today, and this is a part that I can get a majority of it done in the house.





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When you discover that the white sharpie you bought, was actually a wax marking stick, but are too stubborn to stop tracing to go get the proper marker, then finish tracing multiple copies just to consider wiping it all clean and starting over. Let this be a reminder to actually read packaging before buying products. I have an idea to make this work. Being stubborn has its downfalls.





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  On 3/4/2017 at 8:29 PM, Darth Emphatic said:
Love it...And your dedication :)



Thank you! With there only being 2 or 3 of these guys approved in the legion right now, I need to make sure this project looks great. There are a ton of details on this fella, but it's a lot of fun figuring out how to replicate them.



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  • 1 month later...

After taking much more time off from working in ol' sparky than I wanted to, I got back to the grind stone today.

I'm way behind schedule on this project, but hopefully I can get caught up soon enough.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'm now wishing I had just bought a tank pack. The center black casing is proving to be a royal pain. Even with a ruler, I can't ever draw straight lines, nor can I cut straight lines very well. Nonetheless, some progress was made today, sorta. I also managed to burn my finger on some melted plastic while cutting out a piece.





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