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Approvable Shadow- / Blackholetrooper Armor

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6 hours ago, ImperialLoyalty342 said:

Looks like I’ll be seeing you on a trading card soon enough! Interested what the bosses think @Raider @IcyTrooper

I think it looks great! ?

5 hours ago, Halycon said:

I will start a thread asap, i got to wait until i get approved i think?

Yep, what Raider said because the first prerequisite for that Specialist application (and all others) is to "Meet the base Shadow Stormtrooper requirements" and base is approved by a GML or LMO. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shadowtrooper stories: 

Another year went by... its 2020 and i haven't heard something from my gmo, since i sended the new pictures i start to believe there is no more hope... the years come and go and i feel like i am the only shadowtrooper left in germany without a garrison... darkness surrounds me, has the empire left me, am i forgotten in a world full of rebels? I don't know, i never had to wait so long for something, even my imperial education and training to an elite shadow stormtrooper feels like a short walk in the park compared to this.. what can i do? Should i take the next transporter to the 70th Explorers, i've heard their gmo is a pretty cool guy and helps lost TX units in need...or is the mighty Raider, the heroic leader of all TX detachments able to help with his unbelivable wisdom and power, i don't know... i've even read the forbidden rebel book luke skywalker and the shadows of mindor, can you imagine how desperate i must be? waiting... waiting.... is there a light at the end or just eternal darkness..

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3 hours ago, Halycon said:

Shadowtrooper stories: 

Another year went by... its 2020 and i haven't heard something from my gmo, since i sended the new pictures i start to believe there is no more hope... the years come and go and i feel like i am the only shadowtrooper left in germany without a garrison... darkness surrounds me, has the empire left me, am i forgotten in a world full of rebels? I don't know, i never had to wait so long for something, even my imperial education and training to an elite shadow stormtrooper feels like a short walk in the park compared to this.. what can i do? Should i take the next transporter to the 70th Explorers, i've heard their gmo is a pretty cool guy and helps lost TX units in need...or is the mighty Raider, the heroic leader of all TX detachments able to help with his unbelivable wisdom and power, i don't know... i've even read the forbidden rebel book luke skywalker and the shadows of mindor, can you imagine how desperate i must be? waiting... waiting.... is there a light at the end or just eternal darkness..

If you are banking on my wisdom and power you are in trouble my friend lol.

In seriousness though, I would follow up with your GML after this weekend.  This time of year (November-December) is historically the worst time to get anything accomplished.  People typically take breaks to do the holidays.  Shoot...even my intention was to not post anything while I was on vacation...though I failed at that miserably and kept up on most threads lol...in a hotel now responding here haha

Hang in there and do a followup on Monday.

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3 hours ago, Raider said:

If you are banking on my wisdom and power you are in trouble my friend lol.

In seriousness though, I would follow up with your GML after this weekend.  This time of year (November-December) is historically the worst time to get anything accomplished.  People typically take breaks to do the holidays.  Shoot...even my intention was to not post anything while I was on vacation...though I failed at that miserably and kept up on most threads lol...in a hotel now responding here haha

Hang in there and do a followup on Monday.

That is why I said you’re a hero... it doesn’t take much time to answer a request or respond to a question, it is a matter of your attitude! Do a job and do it right... or get to f..k outta there... just my opinion ;D

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Yep this time of the year usually is the worse for anything but I'd recommend to do what Raider said!

You'll get it and it'll be the greatest feeling!

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Btw friends... RS took the Shadowtrooper out of their shop. It could really be that Marlon and I have the last RS shadows. If this is the end of this story.... i mean if we brought the RS shadows to the graveyard, this would be an epic end and for me personally an end all the pain and work and time was worth it.

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I am approved my friends, my GMO told me last night and now i just have to wait for my ID from the u.s. 501st headquarter... it was a pleasure with all of you , many thanks for all your help and the support. Now it is time for the final step, i made about 50 pictures for my specialist application yesterday and  i have learned that hard work and believe in what i am doing can open many doors in the 501st. It's time to move out and open a thread in the specialist programm... see you on the other side ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there. First of all welcome to the Spec Ops Detachment. I'M very sorry, that I did not make contact with you in December when you asekd me to. I was very busy in December and even nao in January al ot of things are coming up. Nontheless I would like to congrat you on the great work you have done on that Kit. It really looks great and so much better than before. I'm glad it all worked aout for you n the end. 

To hear that RS no longer offers the shadow TK is also good news. As I personally fought against those Kits and had some extensive Discussions about that Kit. People will now see that they can bring their Kit to a mush higher Level thanks to you and I bet some members of our Garrison will be very glad for your advice. #

Again: I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you. I meant no offense. 

Cheeers and happy trooping in 2020. 

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