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Mudtrooper / Mimban Officer Build - I think it's possible!


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  On 10/15/2019 at 4:09 AM, Devolver said:

You look great! That kit has a great mix of real-world WWII era elements meets Star Wars. 


That mix is why I really love the anthology films. They really went back to those roots of using old stuff with greeblies glued on.

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Approved (not that it affects anything with SpecOps just yet).

On that note, though, it looks like WTF should be pulling the Mudtrooper stuff this week. So hopefully I'll get that soon, and still have a good weather day or two to paint before the frigid winter sets in.

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It's all but confirmed that Walt is now pulling/shipping the Mudtrooper armor. I suspect the assembly of all that is going to take me a lot longer, since I've never really had to do all that much armor before. Also, with the weather being what it is, it may be tough to paint until Spring. I'm hoping for a day or two to at least get the base coats down, since the other stuff I can do inside.

I bought gloves and a Yugo backpack for the buckles. Now I have to think about the tunic and pants. 

I have a pattern and fabric for the tunic, and I have some dockers I can cut up. But I also know that Jim Tripon does a very good set, and it's not very expensive. Might be worth the cost. I dunno yet.

I think the only thing I really need to source now are hoses.

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Okay, the officer is definitely done. I may improve some things later (the jodhpurs and hat stand out), but I'm moving on to the mudtrooper officially now.

So, here's where I'm at with that:

Parts on hand:

  • Elastic for the goggles, 1.5" and 1"
  • 3D-printed goggle buckles (thanks to a garrison member)
  • Channel trim for the helmet
  • Vinyl Imperial cog patches
  • OD scarf
  • Top belt and boxes
  • Webbing for the lower belt
  • Webbing for the respirator
  • Hinged belt box
  • Poncho (still needs to be dyed)
  • Boots
  • Ammo pouch

Part in various form of ordered/in transit:

  • WTF armor
  • Foam for the shoulders
  • Foam for the goggles
  • Hex bolts
  • Mesh for the respirator
  • Yugo pack to cannibalize for buckles
  • Gloves
  • Tunic and pants (from Jimmi)
  • Hoses

Parts I still need:

  • Buckles that go on top of the respirator (I've asked Darren if he has any left, otherwise I'll have to get those 3D printed also)
  • An E-10, but this will probably be dead last since it isn't required for approval (but c'mon, how can I not have one?)
  • Bike helmet, but I'm waiting for the armor to make sure I get one that fits.
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  • 4 weeks later...

The good news is, I got some great buckles from Darren Vaughan:


And my uniform, the tunic and pants I'll wear under the armor, is currently in customs so I should have that in a week or so.

The bad news is, I still have no idea when I'll be getting the armor and the places I ordered the hose from sent me this garbage instead of what I actually ordered:


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That really sucks about the hoses, man. And it's pretty ridiculous.
As far as armor goes, three dealers come to mind: Plastic Arms Dealer, Jim Tripon and Dan Laws.
I have PAD fiberglass Death Trooper armor and it is super, super sturdy. It has sharp details, but it's pretty heavy. Fiberglass.
Jim Tripon also makes fiberglass armor and I think it runs slightly smaller than PAD. It looks great, but I believe it requires more finishing that PAD.
Dan Laws' armor looks amazing and is super accurate. ABS plastic.

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I have armor on order from WTF, flex resin, it looks amazing. But I have no clue when it's actually being made, and since I already paid for it....

It's not a huge deal, since it's now too cold for me to spray paint, but like, I want it anyway!

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I got the uniform pieces from Jim Tripon!

The coat is a little tight (hard to hug myself - but then, I wouldn't be able to with armor anyway), but I think it's probably fine. I can always let it out a little or piece something in.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 months later...

So... I've decided I was unhappy with the WTF kit. Most of his stuff is great, but this kit was never in ABS (unlike the OT stuff), and it just lacks a lot of detail.


So I sold it, and bought a kit frim Tripon instead:


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Much happier. I don't think it's WTF's fault per se, I just don't think these kits looks goo din ABS.

Anyway, got some priming done yesterday:


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