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Dark Trooper - Generation 3 - Mandalorian - CRL Discussion

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Bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob ich das richtig verstanden habe, die Gelenke jeder Art und Hüfte können also aus Gummi oder einen Rüstungsteil sein ?

Sprich die  Hüfte soll komplett verschlossen, also von allen Seiten?

Aus meiner Praxisverfahrung als Kostumbauer, wird dieses sehr schwierig und dann nicht mehr für jederman tragbar.

Auch bei dem Neckseal ist bei der Disneypuppe eine Überlappung zu sehen, bei der Hot Toys eine glatte Verbindung,

wie es in der Serie war, muss ich mir noch mal anschauen.

Bei den Gelenken lassen wir also jedem freien Lauf bei der Gestaltung oder legen wir die Optik hier noch fest.

Das Ksotüm steht und fällt mit den Gelenken.

Wird dieses keine feste Verbindung, macht das Kostüm später beim Tragen was es will ( meine Erfahrung)

Und wird dann auch entsprechend so aussehen. Ich bin der Meinung, dass Ellenbogen und Kniegelenke eine feste Verbindung sein müssen um diese Kostüm nur grundlegend gerecht zu werden.

Ich stelle mir jetzt schon vor wie unsere GMOs bei einer Kostümzulassung hin und her diskutieren und den Spielraum einer persölichen Interpretation ihrer  Meinung zu diesem Kostüm anlauf nehmen ( oh mein Gott das kann was werden ;-))). ).

Ich denke das wir auch wie bei dem Helm klare Fotos anbieten um ganz klare Vorraussetzungen zu schaffen und die Messlatte ganz genau bedenken für die Grundstufe, damit diese Kostüm wirklich für Leute die da Bock drauf haben dieses auch umsetzen können.

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This is Andreas' comments translated. I will respond later today or tomorrow. 



I'm not sure if I understood that correctly, so the joints of any kind and hips can be made of rubber or a piece of armor?

A piece of armor or a rubber type gasket that looks like segmented armor - This is what we need to discuss and decide on. I agree with Andreas and think the elbow, wrist, knees, and ankle joints need to be attached so that they move and look more like a mechanical joint. The ankles could be just the side disks like Andreas has made, since this area is less noticeable and the movement is pretty simplistic. 

So the hip should be completely closed, from all sides?

I think the hips should not be completely closed like the C3P0 shorts. I think if we use either just the black undersuit or a ribbed gasket like the DT or ST that it would suffice as a concealment. However the "if used" comment was if someone wanted to include a greeblie attached to the thigh armor that looks like the silver mechanical ball joint that we could consider it as a Level 2. I am saying this because I have been working on the 3D files for the thighs and hips and have managed to incorporate a design that mimics the CGI appearance and does not bind the wearer's movement. 

From my practical experience as a costume maker, this becomes very difficult and no longer wearable for everyone. 

The Disney doll also has an overlap on the neck seal, where Hot Toys has a smooth connection,

I'll have to watch it again to see what it was like in the series.

The concealed overlap closure can be seen in the movie. This type of construction hides the zipper. The suit displayed at the Mandalorian exhibit looks like it had been modified for display purposes. I just realized that I did not post up the supporting photos when I posted the proposed CRL text. (I have attached them below)

When it comes to the joints, we give everyone free rein in the design or we still determine the look here.

The body depends on the joints.

If this is not a firm connection, the costume will do what it wants when worn later (my experience)

And it will look like that. I am of the opinion that the elbow and knee joints have to be firmly connected in order to do this costume justice.

I can already imagine our GMOs discussing back and forth over costume approval and taking the liberty of a personal interpretation of their opinion on this costume (oh my god, this could be something ;-))).

I think that, like with the helmet, we should offer clear photos to create very clear requirements and consider the bar very precisely for the basic level, so that this costume can really be implemented by people who are keen on it.


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On 9/2/2024 at 8:54 AM, Andreas Funk said:


Do we really want to base the joints on the Disney doll? 

Personally, I think that the Hot Toys doll is much more similar to the series figure and looks better.



I would prefer that the elbow, wrists, knee, and ankle joints look like the CGI and Hot Toys, BUT we have to also discuss and decide what path we want to take.

Like I said, my vote is for hard joints that resemble the CGI mechanical joints.

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Well it has been 2 1/2 weeks since we posted up the undersuit and "gaskets" with the question if we decided on "gaskets" at the joints or hard armor joints. Andreas and I are leaning to the "hard joint" armor path. Unless someone comes up with any other suggestions, I recommend that we sideline the section and move on to the Chest Plate and Shoulder Armor. We can always circle back around to the undersuit and joints (hard armor or gaskets) at the end. Just so we can keep things moving. Thoughts from the group?

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