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Possible Imperial Army Detachment

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17 hours ago, pm07 said:

So is anyone going to take a stab at the actual uniform specifics , material , cut wise?  I thought it looked a lot like the same material that was used for the ICAT but according to another 501st member who wore the Andor costume, its stretchy denim type. here is the direct quote.

"Hey guys, I was lucky enough to wear the uniform on set and now the episode aired today I'm probably a little more free to talk about it.

It was more like a stretch denim, will try get some example pictures of closeups to be used at somepoint."

I know zip about fabric and sewing. 

not sure if he wore this one but @Tarrif (Sebastian) wore something in Andor

PS I will chip in my 2 cents on this topic at some point 

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On 10/13/2022 at 6:29 PM, pm07 said:

So is anyone going to take a stab at the actual uniform specifics , material , cut wise?  I thought it looked a lot like the same material that was used for the ICAT but according to another 501st member who wore the Andor costume, its stretchy denim type. here is the direct quote.

"Hey guys, I was lucky enough to wear the uniform on set and now the episode aired today I'm probably a little more free to talk about it.

It was more like a stretch denim, will try get some example pictures of closeups to be used at somepoint."

I know zip about fabric and sewing. 

There are a couple builds in the IOC forums. They are also arguing it is their costume. But either way, there are some great research going on already

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Thank you for all the input. This is clearly taken seriously by us, the trooper, and that it matters.  Our home IS Spec Ops, and I think Izzy put it really to the litmus test about the Sappers in particular. In my military years I only saw one SAPPER tab on a uniform, but I saw a helluva lot of RANGER and AIRBORNE. 

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I haven't really spoken much about this topic because I wanted to hear from everyone first (and I moved from Sydney to Perth  which is around 4000km). You guys are the boots on the ground and it is my opinion that the membership drives these conversations. I don't currently hold an IA costume, but have been seriously considering as a cool option for being able to travel with. I think everyone has made some great points and even learned some new things along the way, so thank you!

My own personal opinion is; it makes me sad to think about the IA leaving Spec Ops, not just because they're cool characters but because the founding members of the IA were outright rejected in the beginning and our Detachment took them on so without Spec Ops, there would be no Imperial Army! If there is one thing I have learned about our detachment is that we never shy away from any task, no matter how cool it might be or how much work it is involved - we get stuck in! The IA detachment discussion has come up before and we always assumed that if the membership grew to a point where it could be sustainable then we would support that 100%. In the meantime our focus has been on growing the Imperial Army and ensuring we have specialist staff available to guide members through their builds, which I think we have done very well.

As for the new troopers from Andor, both Spec Ops and IOC have made a claim to the Andor troopers and it is currently under vote with the LMO team. I have stated that we currently hold the library for all Imperial Army troopers and we should logically be the home irrespective of any detachment placement (existing or future). I also stated that there are a lot of visual similarities between these new troopers and the Mudtroopers.

The vote is up for seven days and we will know the outcome from that point on.

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@nanotek  Mark and @RAIDER and @izzi

Thank you for championing this cause and giving us a home.  Beginning with Sebastion's efforts back in 2019 it got us of on the right boot.     

Its going to be a nervous week for us to know if we are going to bring in our black armor brethren, but I look forward to it having them join us. Mark the IAT and the IA are both super simple, super comfortable and fit in a large duffle or B4 flight bag. Its very easy to travel with.  


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3 hours ago, Blackwatch said:

@nanotek  Mark and @RAIDER and @izzi

Thank you for championing this cause and giving us a home.  Beginning with Sebastion's efforts back in 2019 it got us of on the right boot.     

Its going to be a nervous week for us to know if we are going to bring in our black armor brethren, but I look forward to it having them join us. Mark the IAT and the IA are both super simple, super comfortable and fit in a large duffle or B4 flight bag. Its very easy to travel with.  


Cc @Tarrif

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My thoughts on why this new Imperial Army Trooper should stay here is we already have the majority of Army troopers. From IATs to Muddies, they fit here. Robert's thought that the IOC has more enlisted is not accurate. It has more enlisted Navy troopers. Bridge crewman?  Army aint got no spaceship bridges. Mechanical Trooper..that could go either way. Scanning Crewman?  CREW(as in Navy Crew) Man.  Navy trooper?  Says it right in the title. :D 

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Personally I don’t think that adding another Detachment is the solution, because of the nature of the costumes that would reside under the “Imperial Army” Detachment. Let me elaborate on that by smashing my keyboard a bit and throwing some copypasta.

The Wookieepedia says;

”Imperial Army troopers, also known as Imperial Army soldiers, were the standard soldiers deployed by the Imperial Army as the infantry component of the Galactic Empire throughout the galaxy. Those troopers, who were separate from the elite white-armored stormtroopers and the fleet troopers of the Imperial Navy, were formed from eager and often young conscripts, serving as expeditionary units tasked with the subjugation of worlds that dared to resist the Emperor's rule.”

Which would make them a specialized unit that are only used on specific locations; Ryloth, Aldhani, Mimban and Marca. The other two troopers that are mentioned already have a clearly defined Detachment within the 501st Legion Detachments (FISD & IOC).

When the Star Wars TV Series/Stories are finished with the Empire era and Empire has been defeated, nothing new will be added to the Imperial Army Detachment and the Detachment will see nothing new added indefinitely.

I think that instead of going through the difficult and long road of forming another Detachment, It might be a better idea to see if we can redefine what the Special Operations Detachment houses, because I think that the Imperial Army Troopers are all specialized units that would fit in well within the bounds of such a Detachment. None of these army troopers will be seen on terrain that they’re not equipped for. It would make them a type of Spec Ops costume In a similar fashion we see Shoretroopers and Scout Troopers being listed on the Pathfinder CRLs, Officers, Crew and Navy on the Imperial Officer Corps CRLs just to name a few.

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Hi all, the Imperial Army Troopers as seen on Andor are coming to Spec Ops. 

As for the formation of a new detachment that is up to you the membership. I will leave this discussion open  and in the meantime I’m going to review all the feedback left so far and see what we can do to align with member expectations. 

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Hey folks! 

As somebody who's new to the Legion (and not submitted my costume just yet) here is how I feel about Spec Ops vs separate Army Detachment: 

- In my head, when I hear Spec Ops, I don't exactly think "conscript grunt". The Muddies in Solo and the Troops in Andor don't exactly give me Spec Ops energy personally, there does not seem to be a high degree of Specialization or such. Not to mention the Legends version of the Army, which is really somewhat forgotten to many. 

- I feel like there is a point to be made about how the costumes are built and interact with another. As an example, the Imperial Ground Crew ended up with the Gunnery Corps, despite not strictly being a Gunner. However visual identity is a part of it, I'm sure. In the same sense, having an Army detachment would allow folks to easier get resources for costumes that are visually quite similar. I think making the costumes accessible should be a key priority to attract new members. Less digging through costumes that don't really match the identity of those costumes

- Introducing a new detachment would allow more publicity, possibly directing new folks into a direction they previously hadn't considered (for example, I only signed up to this Forum out of interest of Andor)

- A new detachment could also mean dedicated staff for those costumes, which imo is a plus. Having people highly specialized into one thing can they can go real in-depth with any detail.

- It would also mean that a new detachment could get its own unique identity, rather than being tacked on because "nobody else wants it". I know that some on the thread here have expressed that's how they felt when those Troopers were first added to the detachment. However, with this new media bringing in new attention on the Imperial Army, I feel like it could be fair enough to let go of old things and form something new :)

- New Prefix. TX? On an Army trooper? Eh? 

That's my two cents on why I think a new detachment is a good thing. I hope a fresh perspective is welcome and of course I hope this doesn't step on anyone's toes! 


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3 hours ago, Detaleader said:

Welcome Shayan! 

Im not sure if you know the history of how the Imperial Army Unit ended up in Spec Ops but the basics are that no one else wanted this costume. Read what Mark and others have posted in this thread if you haven't.  Mark, David, Sebastian and other put aot of time and hard work into getting this CRL worked up, submitted and approved.  

"- In my head, when I hear Spec Ops, I don't exactly think "conscript grunt". The Muddies in Solo and the Troops in Andor don't exactly give me Spec Ops energy personally, there does not seem to be a high degree of Specialization or such. Not to mention the Legends version of the Army, which is really somewhat forgotten to many. "

By conventional US Army standards, this is true. But again no one else wanted us at the time 

"I feel like there is a point to be made about how the costumes are built and interact with another. As an example, the Imperial Ground Crew ended up with the Gunnery Corps, despite not strictly being a Gunner. However visual identity is a part of it, I'm sure. In the same sense, having an Army detachment would allow folks to easier get resources for costumes that are visually quite similar. I think making the costumes accessible should be a key priority to attract new members. Less digging through costumes that don't really match the identity of those costumes"  

The staff here at Spec Ops have done a great job wth providing easy access for the resources and research to do the Imperial Army costumes 

"Introducing a new detachment would allow more publicity, possibly directing new folks into a direction they previously hadn't considered (for example, I only signed up to this Forum out of interest of Andor)"

Are you aware of the very involved commitment in terms of time, people, resources, money  etc to actually form a separate detachment?   I am all for it, when the time comes. That time is not right now, IMHO. Once we get the Andor related CRLs finished and approved,  have more active Army troopers, along with folks who are committed to be able to step up, then we should look at a separate Detch. 

"A new detachment could also mean dedicated staff for those costumes, which imo is a plus. Having people highly specialized into one thing can they can go real in-depth with any detail."

David, Sebastian  and the others who put a lot of time into helping members who ask and post get their costumes up to speed do a absolutely wonderful job. I dont know of any Detachment that has a 'dedicated' staff. They have Mentors etc that help, same as here.  

"It would also mean that a new detachment could get its own unique identity, rather than being tacked on because "nobody else wants it". I know that some on the thread here have expressed that's how they felt when those Troopers were first added to the detachment. However, with this new media bringing in new attention on the Imperial Army, I feel like it could be fair enough to let go of old things and form something new :)"

We have a unique identity, we are Imperial Army :D 

"New Prefix. TX? On an Army trooper? Eh? "

I'm with this , once we get enough folks to do a separate detachment. 

Again welcome and am looking forward to seeing you approved as a Imperial Army Member. 




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I have an army engineer, even at specialist level, which I wouldn´t be able to have done, if it weren´t for you in here, who helped me. 

Spec. Ops is the home for my costume, no one else wanted to touch it and in here we have been taken in just like all the other costumes as part of the pack.

Regarding a new detachment, perhaps in the future, but putting us into IOC ? no thank you. 

I am pleased to hear, that Spec. Ops is getting the new Andor Imp. Army Troopers, let´s get them to feel at home here. 

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Creating a new detachment is no small undertaking. You need a fully trained staff, ready to go on day one, and right now AFAIK, we do not have the required staff within the ranks of the Army troopers who are ready, willing and able to go- right now- to form the new Eetachment, stand it up, get the website, forum and everything else funded and built.  Its a big job, which is one of the main reasons the 501st hasnt built many new Dets.   In time, perhaps, but until there is a trained Staff to tackle all of the jobs and staff positions in a Det, were remaining in spec ops. 


Im glad to hear that we ARE remaining in Spec Ops, and not being rebranded to the IOC.  I AM for training up the required people to do the jobs, and that takes time.  Ive gone from new member to worldwide command staff in a bunch of clubs, which did not happen overnight. 

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@Detaleader Welcome! I think I agree with almost everything you say in principle. Since we took the Army in I think Ive always been of the mindset “we may have to let this go at some point” in spite of the crazy amount of hours I’ve put in personally to help give the IA a home here.

My hope is we’ve made them feel welcome (it was an absolutely intentional effort) and that we’ve grafted and trained members on our staff who specialize in those builds (I think our current DCA staff alone has 4 IA types).

All that to say, Im 100% for supporting the IA members of Spec Ops in whatever they choose…even if that means theyve outgrown the need for the Spec Ops umbrella.

Out of curiosity @nanotek @IcyTrooper, whats our current ACTIVE count of members with IA costumes (granted I know that count could change a decent amount in a few dats when census ends and some possibly get moved to reserve/retired)?

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31 minutes ago, RAIDER said:

@Detaleader Welcome! I think I agree with almost everything you say in principle. Since we took the Army in I think Ive always been of the mindset “we may have to let this go at some point” in spite of the crazy amount of hours I’ve put in personally to help give the IA a home here.

My hope is we’ve made them feel welcome (it was an absolutely intentional effort) and that we’ve grafted and trained members on our staff who specialize in those builds (I think our current DCA staff alone has 4 IA types).

All that to say, Im 100% for supporting the IA members of Spec Ops in whatever they choose…even if that means theyve outgrown the need for the Spec Ops umbrella.

Out of curiosity @nanotek @IcyTrooper, whats our current ACTIVE count of members with IA costumes (granted I know that count could change a decent amount in a few dats when census ends and some possibly get moved to reserve/retired)?

By our current count on the Holocron we are at the following costume counts:

  • Imperial Army Engineer - 27
  • Imperial Army Sapper - 2
  • Imperial Army Trooper - 42
  • Lieutenant Janek Sunber - 2

That puts the total at 73 with just the IA costumes and don't count the Mudtrooper, if you add the Mudtrooper then we are at 169 (as below):

  • Mudtrooper - 96

I have not had a chance to push those into a spreadsheet to combine like TKIDs for singular members with multiple costumes but it'd be fair to say that we probably have at least 65+ unique in IA costumes alone counting just the 4 bullets and not the Muddies.

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7 hours ago, Blackwatch said:

Creating a new detachment is no small undertaking. You need a fully trained staff, ready to go on day one, and right now AFAIK, we do not have the required staff within the ranks of the Army troopers who are ready, willing and able to go- right now- to form the new Eetachment, stand it up, get the website, forum and everything else funded and built.  Its a big job, which is one of the main reasons the 501st hasnt built many new Dets.   In time, perhaps, but until there is a trained Staff to tackle all of the jobs and staff positions in a Det, were remaining in spec ops. 


Im glad to hear that we ARE remaining in Spec Ops, and not being rebranded to the IOC.  I AM for training up the required people to do the jobs, and that takes time.  Ive gone from new member to worldwide command staff in a bunch of clubs, which did not happen overnight. 

Yes, standing up a detachment requires the following at a minimum:

  1. Project Plan - who is doing what and when
  2. Funding - for web hosting, domain etc
  3. New Detachment Proposal - what do you seek to achieve? What is the intended CRL library? Are you taking costumes from more than on Detachment?
  4. Change Plan / Communications - all members need to be consulted. What is in it for them? Who else is impacted/other detachments? etc etc
  5. Staff - make sure you have enough skilled resources to not only form a detachment, but run it effectively going forward
    1. DWM - someone skilled in setting up forum software and migrating data
    2. DCAs need skilled costume builders to be able to provide advice and guidance - also people who are familiar with CRL creation
    3. DL, XO, DPRO, DMBO etc
  6. Logos/branding and detachment mission statement.
  7. Web hosting, software configuration, domain name registration and
  8. Data Migration Plan

Those are a few things off the top of my head. 

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