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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by mr0072003

  1. Welcome.. I love the "wife gave me the green light.." I remember those days... hahaha
  2. Yeah when you round the edges down just a nail file, its so easy and takes less than a minute to get what you need.. well many 2min but you will see its very easy. … BUT Test on edges of random pieces so you get the idea of how to do it and figure out a method that works for you, as you will have little wiggle room on your actual strips.
  3. Looking good. What helmet is that?
  4. I saw the Chrome Trooper at CVII so the suite exists. As for it being approvable I have no clue. But it did look cool!
  5. This is great news! Can not wait!
  6. Don hère are the pics you sent.. Team here are some better pics of nodoner's shadow build (weathered) with sick E-11 blaster. Hope this helps in the decision making process. THOSE ARE NOT THE RIGHT BOOTS, they did not fit on the Mannequin, but he has the right ones. His E-11
  7. Welcome Franco... I am from LA as well and once you are ready a good source of help. Maybe we can do a mini armor party to get you going.
  8. Just round off the edges of the strips...
  9. Hmmm.. maybe we can start discussion on this? Staff of Spec ops, what do you think? Should we or can we open it back up for debate?
  10. Just to get the topic back up, why is weathered not approvable? I mean all the figures are not shiny and weathered. Not complaining just don't know the answer, and I am sure there is a good one I would love to have Don (nodder) as a Trooper with us and in the Legion.
  11. i started a new HOW TO this week, but the belt did not work out the way I wanted too... but the concept was spot on.. I may try and use the pics I got to show how to do it, just inform people on the exact material to get and use my pics as reference. Thanks for having me back... I love this detachment.. you guys are the scariest of the troopers (i.e Rangers, Green Berets, of the group) yet we are all the nicest.
  12. Thanks everyone.. I may try your trick toddo... as I need a quick fix...
  13. Well as many of you already know I am trying to get back into Trooping and with wonder con very soon on its way, I finally got my armor out and started to dust off the dust and see what needs to be done. First things I tested was the easy stuff - Electronics iComm - Well I plugged it on using my AKER amp and I got nothing, no voice, no static burst nothing. Bypassed the iComm and the aker amp worked with no issues. So a little research led me here http://www.voiceboos...com/costuming/. Found that the iComm battery has about 2 year shelf life with light use and 1 year with heavy use. So I ordered a new one for about 7 bucks shipped. Ill post my results when I get it and replace it to make sure that was the issue. Evilboy Fan System - Well i already was having issues with the fan turning on and off do to loose connection at the battery pack, but then I ripped off the 2nd fan from the connector. ::SMH:: I contacted evilboy via Facebook here https://www.facebook...lboyCustomProps and stated that he will get my all fixed up. So I will be sending him this today in hope to get it before wonder con next week. Fingers crossed. Next up - ARMOR Well one thing I new but did not realize how bad it was, was that I gained some weight, and well everything fits very snug. The first glaring issue was the side of my AB. I am about 2 1/2 inches wider than used to be and now I have this...So i need some ABS plastice to cover it. Anyone have some ideas were to get some? You can even see how far my belt used to go based on the velcro thats on the belt and now exposed as it no longer goes that far... hahaha... I will just peel that off... Next was my belt system... my waist is no longer a 30 but a 33/34 so getting that sucker buttoned up was too funny, but that will be need to replaced. I will make a new one that has some elasticity to it. Finally my right thigh is super snug now ( i guess my thighs got fat) and just will nearly fit..... So lots of work to do in 2 weeks.. Wish me luck..
  14. WOW.... These look great.... Yes the elastic is not required, but in your case it is to keep the chest and back plates from doing exactly what is shown in your Pic. I have been MIA for a month or so, and now to come back and see how far you come, its great. You will be in, in no time. Keep it up buddy!
  15. My Buddies Son WOULD LOVE THIS.... He wants to be a Shadow Trooper soo bad.. IF you and when you sell a kit like this. I have a buyer.
  16. I may try that this next weekend.. This one is busy... Friday night, Ghostbusters Screeening at midnight... Sat Morning Baby Shower, Sunday Trooping in the Valley!.....
  17. NO thank you Tekett.... I am always glad to have more tips added!
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