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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by mr0072003

  1. thanks for the tip Raider Nick. I plan on bending all edges once it all put together. Thats a whole another nightmare.
  2. Next was glue time. Now my buddy that was helping introduced me to some better type of adhesive. It melts the plastic together and causes we less of a mess. I was not able to document the first part of the glue process of the biceps, but was able to get the second part of it. Here it is glued and magnets together. Man these magnets are crazy strong!!!
  3. OK guys here are some more updates on the build. Noticing now all the differnces between the different kits now. So its intresting to see how other have theres set up. First off was triming the edges off of the Biceps. Here is a before shot of the front and back: Here are the after trimmed shots. of the front Bicep pieces: The first one is closest to my should and the gap is there for a shoulder strap later. Here is the front and back of thr front bicep peice. back side does not have the gap. Now it was time to trime the sides of the front biceps as my arms are skinny. So some tape, measuring and cutting! Whola! Next up is the back of the bicep peices. Before trim Here they are after some grinding around the return edges and some test fitting: Now to trim the edges of the BICEPS as I am a SKINNY dude. I took off an 1inch. As you can see the edges are all jagged, but I have fix for that. Pics on that Later Here are some comperason shots with the rear biceps one that is cut and the other that is not. You can I see I had to hack a lot off to fit my skinny arms. Trimmed off more of the return edges after I cut the inch off. This helps with connecting the pieces together. You can see now that the pieces connect much better now.
  4. Great! Thanks for the info on the Raider Nick. Now I will start to cut those and glue them. I will keep everyone posted.
  5. Thanks for all the advice guys. Here are some more pics as promised. Shoulder Bells Before cut Shoulder Bells after Cut (FYI dont use masking tape) It took me a good hour to get all the goop off. Also one question. Are these the correct peices for the biceps? I was watching some videos and did not see the dimple thats shown in the pic.
  6. Yeah it may be to late for the forarms, but I will look into it for the shins. I really was trying to do my best to not scuff or damage the armor so it can stay nice and shiny. But with Butt jointing on the horizon and scuff marks slowly making their way on to the armor, the weathered look is looking more and more like the route i will HAVE to take. More pics in a bit
  7. HI guys I posted a few weeks ago in the intro section of my Brow Box of goodness. I figured I would start with my BUILD thread and kkep it updated as I cotinue my progrss. BIG thanks to DON, who recently posted his weathered version of the shadow trooper, is helping me out. The good thing is that he and I are the same size so I used his parts for measuring. Well this weekend I started to cut up the forarms and parts of the legs. I was able to glue one set of forarm completly and only half of the other. Here is what I started with Here are the forarms. Will finish glueing today and start on the Shoulder bell today (trimming).
  8. Great stuff Don, Thanks again for getting Jon and I our kits today. I have video of us opening my "Brown Box of goodness" at work and geeking out like little kids. I am so exctied!
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