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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by Tekket

  1. Heres some pics of my recently built armor Note correct six correct size side rivets left side Note correct back of snap placement Right side Also note both sides closed Also note placement of correct cap rivets for right knee belt and no visible rivet or join for sniper plate Rear shoulder straps Free float but can be held with elastic like this Front of shoulder straps glued in place like this (in my case with Black ABS cement ...........Thanks Peter) Finished pic
  2. First unofficial troop today Raised up the thighs Jim but too much..............hopefully will get it perfect for my first official Troop lol ......My son is the Jawa centre
  3. Excellent work AL soon there will be two new Blackhole Troopers i am sure
  4. Thanks for the kind words guys , a friend said i should paint the tan stripes but i wasnt sure in this costume as i was led to believe that for TKs the tan is screen accurate but if i'm allowed then i will paint them black i think it would look better too , so thx Jim . Now i'm real fussy but looking at the pics i really think i should raise up the thighs a little , they look to gappy to me ?
  5. Well guys i know i havent posted for a while but work has been busy and building this kit has been busy , however i am there and i wanted to give you guys a preview of some of the pics i will be sending in for approval I will do a full update soon on the build so dont worry, and a more formal thankyou I wish the lighting had been better for these shots as the flash does tend to wash out the black a bit and show up the minutest dust particle .......Believe me this looks better in person Gee i need a better Camera but you get the idea
  6. Sorry to bombard your tutorial with extra advice , but for those who want to use ABS snap plates heres a great tutorial http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/tutorials/article/18-how-to-recess-snap-plate-snaps/ if you recess your snaps there will be no chance of the snap eating into and buckling your armor , especially if using ABS cement .
  7. Let me know how you go with the boots an excellent buy if you can get the free shipping the link i posted still costs 72 bucks
  8. Heres a link for boots I found over at FISD http://www.ebay.com/itm/Mens-New-Black-Leather-Twin-Gusset-Low-Rider-Chelsea-Pull-On-Boot-Sizes-8-12-/390546565329?pt=UK_Men_s_Shoes&var=660116653654&hash=item5aee63a8d1
  9. Theres always EFX buckets but pricey and need work to meet approval I believe http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-EFX-Not-Master-Replicas-Shadow-Stormtrooper-Helmet-Prop-1-1-/130902287450?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e7a62645a
  10. Looking good , I just bought another AM lite kit for a Nova Build and I'm kinda regreting only getting the lite kit, I know the AM helmet is not as accurate as others but being ABS it is kinda more robust and therefore can take a bit more abuse trooping . Maybe I will bug the guys at TKBoots again lol Keep up the good work
  11. i'm not a 100% so someone correct me if i,m wrong but i,ve got an idea ATA could be a source for a black ABS lid
  12. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/tutorials/article/18-how-to-recess-snap-plate-snaps/ Hi Scott if you dicide to go with snap plates this is an excellent tutorial and will avoid you warping your armor where the stud presses up against it still trying to chase up a blaster for you have you had any luck yet yourself?
  13. hey guys I,ve joined the AB, Kidney and butt with snaps , side rivets and elastic but when I put it all on I'm having real trouble with the butt wanting to ride outward when i walk and flip over the kidney I'm not sure what is best to do here both the butt and kidney have big return edges so i wondered is that the cause, should I trim them out where the elastic flows through so they sit against two flat surfaces or should i just lengthen those straps slightly or I was even thinking should I make those straps from non stretchable Eg: Webbing or industrial velcro sewn to webbing ..............................any ideas would be greatly appreciated thanks Steve PS: thanks for all the positive comments
  14. Only cut the shoulder straps on the chest plate so far (not the ribbed ones) the ones built into the chest plate, cut off 6.5cm or 2.5 inches , I tried to use the boiling water technique but couldnt get the angle i wanted where the ribbed strap meets the chest so resorted to the heat gun, the one i have isnt too over the top, an ozito variable from just about nothing to damn hot $39 at Bunnings, ozito are great 3 year warranty and a fraction of the cost of others I got my ozito dremel from there too same price ...... but ozito is exclusive to bunnings in australia
  15. Adding up some more pictures cut down hard hat inner is for scootches bucket The scootch and Arakyel side by side Some goodies I have acquired .........If anyone is interested in the binders PM me and I will head you in the right direction Also some progress shots And my Jawa Defininately ABS Glue was the best for the shoulder straps as was a heat gun .......just be careful ...Thanks Peter only thing with ABS glue is you are only allowed to bring in 100ml at a time into Australia through Amazon who had the lowest price and the cheap shipping was quick .........probably wouldn't need more than 100ml anyhow The Blaster needs a little work, a tiny bit dodgy but I was sort of glad a few bits wheren't glued well etc as i am wanting to update it with electronics, counter etc so now I dont have to worry about how I will pull it apart
  16. Excuse my ignorance ......everyone talks about forsale signs do you mean the ones for houses in australia they are made of metal I've asked around but cant find any ABS signs Scott I'm still waiting on a few things but when they all arrive I,ll send you a package if you like mate side rivets glossy black material to cover your belt .... I'll provide a tutorial with that,,,,,and will try to think of anything else that might help you out No cost just postage mate
  17. Thanks for the pics , very helpful
  18. The straps on the outside, the ribbed ones that are seen Private armor party with Mrs Tekket lol.................she took the pics as I couldnt see ....................where is my black suit I do wish it would arrive lol.........I think I will take that pic down, its just with shorts or trousers on you can't get it positioned correctly Sorry guys and girls
  19. Guys could you give me some advice please hey guys I'm having trouble deciding exactly where to attach the armor straps to the chest plate Eg: how far down and at what angle. do they usually jut out on the AM at the edges , because if they have to sit flat and perfectly glued all around they seem to be too far back to me . can someone please help when joining the AB and kidney Armor how much room should I have inside the armor, when touching at the back I have about 1 and a half inches of room at the front and about 1/2 an inch at each side is this too loose do i need to cut before i join and if so cut from the AB or the kidney or half from each? Also when the back of the armor is all joined together it is too long should I cut the back plate, the kidney or the butt plate , id prefer to cut the back as i have an idea about recreating the return edge and if it didnt work out it is probably the best part to leave with a straight edge ( having said that a straight edge on the kidney would probably be hidden by the belt ............what are your thoughts If anyone is interested what do you think about my Jawa eyes
  20. Time for an update At this point I will upload a lot of pics and will edit the update with explanations when I get the time, sorry guys and please feel free to ask any questions thanks steve
  21. hey guys I'm having trouble deciding exactly where to attach the armor straps to the chest plate Eg: how far down and at what angle. do they usually jut out on the AM at the edges , because if they have to sit flat and perfectly glued all around they seem to be too far back to me . can someone please help
  22. For inner drop boxes try KW Designs I got some black ones from him, fit the AM perfect not super shiny but with novis should polish up ok http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/8638-for-sale-inner-drop-boxes/
  23. That would be great steve your set up sounds easier to set up and maintain, if you cant find the pics, you wouldnt be able to take a couple would you Reg ards stev
  24. Yep and Master Tej this is how I will reconnect the the AB plate to the cod should I end up cutting it
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