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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by Tekket

  1. Ok thanks all you guys for your great input I have decided that I will test fit the chest and AB plate and see if I am missing out on any significant detail on the ABs if i leave them attached to the cod, if I am I will cut it then cut some off the cod so i can lower the AB plate slightly, If Details are all still visible in one piece I will leave it alone and see how i go, I figure it will be a relatively easy update in the future should I change my mind. I know some of you might be thinking why doesnt he shorten the chest, if details are missing, its because I don't want too lol, that baby fits me perfect out of the box . Guess it all comes down to individual body shape etc Well back to work with the build . Again many thx guys
  2. But is the pic where you should cut it or is it different for everyone .......should I have the belt first or the kit finished then do it , coz once its done theres no turning back
  3. Hi sorry to bother you guys , but I just dont want to get this wrong where exactly do you cut the cod when seperating it from the ab plate on the thread im using to help me to build my kit the guy cuts the cod and leaves about 3/4 inch on each side but meets flush with the AB plate in the middle what would you do thanks steve Also should I or shouldn't I cut it if I want to get into the Specialist program By the way this is for my AM TX build
  4. Sorry Guys My partner made a mistake the boots aren't available in black but they did have another pair identical design Dublin boots and they are definitely black but $89 so you may want to keep looking, sorry if this has inconvenienced anyone
  5. Scott Horseland is the place to get the boots , not sure if you have that in tassie
  6. So will the return edges need to be ground down on the legs aswell all the return edges on my AM kit look huge to me
  7. Well at last I have unpacked the Armor and will commence the build tomorrow ..... wow it is Black and Shiny
  8. What do you guys think of these boots I can get them in black $50 and they are local Brought a pair for our daughter for horse riding today
  9. Thanks Steve I have seen those garters on fisd for sale and they look pretty easy to make, anyhow I guess I will Find out ....... spoke with the spray painter today I have decides to go with the standard paint job for the bucket for now so that I can at least wear it ......he said that it wouldnt take much effort to chang it in the future if i decided to go the nova way anyhow . Also I think were just gonna paint the vocoder stripes instead of using stickers
  10. Thanks for the advice guys , this is my busy work week Flat out .....I try to work one week on one off that is why I haven't posted up any more pics sorry I have unwrapped the armor and WOW it is nice and shiny . I,ve had a spot of luck with Scootches bucket A fella I looked after for a while A few months back ( I'm a nurse) turned out unbeknownst to me to own a car restoration business and to cut a long story short is going to 2pak the bucket for me so it should lokk really nice In just gonna keep doing the prep work between the undercoat and then he's gonna do the top coat, There is one thing though I'm not sure wether to do it Nova Elite or not. You see if i go nova I will have have to source various parts of the AM kit to Paint gold Shoulders Forearms etc, and that might be quite hard , see i thought I could do this so I didnt have to buy another whole set of armor. but buying just parts of a kit may prove difficult. So anyway if It were painted Nova then I might not get to wear it for a long time ...... Does anyone know where I could buy just parts of a kit or do you guys recommend buying another whole kit?? A friend and I are going to get stuck into the Armor next week and i"ve been reviewing Pandatroopers build and will be copying his harness system , and really the more I look at it the easier it looks . that is unless any of you guys can offer a better option because I know a lot of you have done the harness thing sucessfully. Thanks for your advice Guys and darth empathic AKA steve do you have a thread that shows your harness system so I get an idea of what others do
  11. Derek will the minor scratches made by the 400 wet sand matter or will the undercoat take care of that. I figured all of the Tshirt pieces will eventually be hidden by fans other electronics and padding..I am having trouble getting paint though would any other primer be ok I cant find krylon anywhere
  12. Ok fellow troopers time for an update I really haven't got that far but have been busy .......this costume building is kind of addictive , so I now have a few projects underway 1. The AM Armor has finally arrived and WOW how shiny although I have no unpacked pics to post yet sorry .....will update that later 2. Scootches bucket. When I got it. I'm getting there Dizzy under your guidance I improved some of the weaker more brittle areas in the bucket using the T shirt and Super Glue technique ( maybe I have over done some areas but the flex in the material worried me especially knowing I was going to be doing so much sanding).....I started off a bit fast outting too much glue it was hard to get the T shirt stuck evenly but I did finally get the hang of it and no parts were melted or warped although I was wondering at one stage how I was going to get my finger removed from the bucket when I got it stuck to the Tshirt lol Any just like I was told I sanded until my fingers were sore Then I hid my head in shame and thought what have you done Now I am deciding on a paint type to use Kryon and the Rustoleum Dizzy used are not easy to come by here it seems ......so I asked around on TAG and the guys here reckon White Knight Epoxy enamel and undercoat are the go, so I will be heading out to buy some in the next couple of days, of course I will do a test run first then I will have to chose a gold for the stripes etc as this bucket will be going Nova Elite One question guys and girls is it better to make a harness system for my armor prior building the actual armor or should I just velcro it while building then do the harness and strapping system later 3. Just to show you I have really been busy here is a pic of my JAWA that I started working on last week Tooo many projects on the go at once ........plus off to Comic-Con tomorrow to meet up with the TAG guys and girls. for your support and encouragement
  13. why oh why did the wrong pic appear sory about the double post guys
  14. Is this the krylon http://www.crlaurence.com.au/crlapps/showline/offerpage.aspx?Productid=6682&GroupID=4316&History=39324:4307:4312&ModelID=4316 is this the krylon you speak of Dizzy dont think i can get the specific rustoleum you used but do you think this paint might be ok they list it on TAG as being goog on white Armor (the white gloss that is) White Knight Rust Guard Epoxy Enamel is an effective rust inhibiting topcoat that transforms rust into a professional, long lasting colour finish in one easy step*. Ideal for use on metal fences, roofs, doors, gutters, downpipes, windows, railings and gates. Features: Renews rusted surfaces Protects new metal *No primer required for new or lightly rusted steel and wrought iron Excellent durability, adhesion and abrasion resistance Interior and exterior use 5 year guarantee Safe to spray - CFC and lead free Non chroming formula Tintable to 1000's of colours including Colorbond® and Taubmans®
  15. is this the krylon you speak of Dizzy dont think i can get the specific rustoleum you used but do you think this paint might be ok they list it on TAG as being goog on white Armor (the white gloss that is) White Knight Rust Guard Epoxy Enamel is an effective rust inhibiting topcoat that transforms rust into a professional, long lasting colour finish in one easy step*. Ideal for use on metal fences, roofs, doors, gutters, downpipes, windows, railings and gates. Features: Renews rusted surfaces Protects new metal *No primer required for new or lightly rusted steel and wrought iron Excellent durability, adhesion and abrasion resistance Interior and exterior use 5 year guarantee Safe to spray - CFC and lead free Non chroming formula Tintable to 1000's of colours including Colorbond® and Taubmans®
  16. Thanks for the advice Derek I will go look for paints this weekend and following your advice give it a go
  17. That certainly is nice and shiny ......... your years of experience versus my zip experience I am wondering how mine will turn out that looks great Derek Not sure If I can get those paints here will have to have a look
  18. Thanks Steve i"ll pm if I get into trouble with the Jawa And yep Derek that is a crack so tshirt technique there I think? sorry about brow cut thing I better go back and have a closer look at your restoration thread
  19. Well guys I'm still waiting for my Armor to but thanks to scootches quick post I,ve got a bucket to keep me busy. Dizzy your a great guy mate, I will be utilizing your restoration thread to complete this project ..... so thanks mate I'll start the actual restoration tomorrow but for Dizzy and anyone else interested here are some pics of the bucket as it arrived. I will have to use Dizzys Tshirt technique to reinforce a couple of areas .....and i will do the low brow cut as Dizzy has shown in his first pics ..............then 7hours of sanding (where will i find that time lol) Only thing I won't be doing is ironing out the imperfections like the bubbled lower left eye ............... sorry Dizz but I kinda like the originality of those imperfections. On another note guys I am gonna be quite busy I'm also embarking on a Jawa costume for my son, It will be to an approvable standard but of course because of his age 10years it won't be able to be. So if your interested head on down to TAG I will start my thread there tomorrow. Steve
  20. Your tutorial is awesome Derek I will have to post pics now my helmet has arrived, I will start to work on it on monday , but this tutorial is definately going to help me ...... Thanks mate
  21. Partying all finished guys , checked tracking on my AM TX kit and apparently its in australia somewhere so its getting close to build time yay :-)
  22. Thanks Derek I wanted to attempt a Nova Elite paint job on mine ................... I'm glad you know what you are doing mate ...........your tutorial will be invaluable to me . Steve
  23. Thanks Derek my bucket still hasnt arrived yet, but I will be eagerly watching your tutorial as i know it will be invaluable to me when it does arrive. Looks like your off to a great start though mate.........think yours will be finished before mine gets here lol
  24. Peter that was a great tutorial .................... I know it will come in handy for me in the near future too ........... thx mate
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