Hi guys went shopping yesterday , got most of the sundry items that i will require to build the kit just having troubles choosing glues and scissors ..... devcon does a glue here called plastic weld 3500psi which i"m guessing is the force it would require to break apart .............also E6000 is scarce and over at white armor a lot of guys are recommending Zap a Gap for which you can also buy an accelerant . I rang devcon myself but the guy there said I might be better off with prematex silicone adhesive but i think that is more like a gasket sealant anyhow he is sending me a free sample so we will see.
As for the scissors I've Heard kitchen scissors are good but curved ones are recommended........my question is when they say curved do they mean vertically or horizontally , I'm more used to working with metal tin snips and there you have left, and right for cutting left and right curves and straight cut for straight lines...........the only kitchen scissors I could find were curved upward in a straight line, not left or right. My other option is the dremel, i can buy a kit with a great variety of toolbits for $50.Can anyone help please
Thanks steve