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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by Tekket

  1. Cheers thanks Shane look forward to meeting some of you guys from TAG. Just a quick note to everyone watching this thread I won't be around to much for a few days. Will be at motor racing clipsal concerts and partying sorry guys
  2. Hi guys went shopping yesterday , got most of the sundry items that i will require to build the kit just having troubles choosing glues and scissors ..... devcon does a glue here called plastic weld 3500psi which i"m guessing is the force it would require to break apart .............also E6000 is scarce and over at white armor a lot of guys are recommending Zap a Gap for which you can also buy an accelerant . I rang devcon myself but the guy there said I might be better off with prematex silicone adhesive but i think that is more like a gasket sealant anyhow he is sending me a free sample so we will see. As for the scissors I've Heard kitchen scissors are good but curved ones are recommended........my question is when they say curved do they mean vertically or horizontally , I'm more used to working with metal tin snips and there you have left, and right for cutting left and right curves and straight cut for straight lines...........the only kitchen scissors I could find were curved upward in a straight line, not left or right. My other option is the dremel, i can buy a kit with a great variety of toolbits for $50.Can anyone help please Thanks steve
  3. All good advice thanks I checked out eastbay pricing is great but shipping is more than pricing to Australia.......... but i guess a two piece suit like that is around 100 dollars here in oz , so its cheap after all
  4. I'm thinking you are right Derek
  5. So most wear a two piece ? I have seen a lot recommending a one piece racing undersuit but those are damn expensive
  6. I got the same Kit as Dizzy in the mail as we speak look up mypropcollection here it is genuine AM TX Armor, but I like many others have opted to buy the kit without the Helmet and go for something more accurate there , I've actually Ordered Two from highly recommended guys here one complete finished from ARAKYEL http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/1366-fs-at-anh-stunt-buckets/ and the other for a Future Nova build from Scootch http://forum.501stsp...h__1#entry31342 . They did have a thread over at www.whitearmor.net telling you how to contact the different Armor makers but for some reason I just can't see it tonight, maybe it is gone or I am tired. Anyway Im sure someone here will steer you in the right direction steve
  7. Thanks for the warning joshua I guess everyone choses something that they are comfortable with five minute set sounds kinda scary, but I'm sorta with you in that five minutes is better than 24hrs I'm to impatient for that lol. Looked it up but not sure if I got the right stuff is one of those glues that sort of has two tubes into one found devcon plastic weld 3500 is that what you mean? Also can you please tell me if I'm going for the stunt look is the neck seal same as the hero look, also can you please recommend a good place to buy neck seal, black body suit, belt, holster and boots thankyou steve
  8. Thanks for the advice Peter i will look into the dremel is it easy to maintain a straight cut for a newbie, Also i like the idea of the black cement will have to see if i can find some at my local hardware. on another note Peter i notice you purchased an Arakyel should i go for gloss matt or silver vocoder for approval , i ordered one myself today. Thanks Steve
  9. hi guys I know it might sound trivial but do i get black or silver snaps thx steve
  10. Thanks for all the great advice guys i will keep you posted on my progress :-)
  11. thanks mate the main reason i wanted the scissors is because i want to do the return edge thing that pandatrooper did and his tutorial makes it look rather easy. Dizzy did you use e6000 glue it seems the most popular choice
  12. Hi Well I've ordered my AM armor kit now I need to buy the gear to help me build it. This is my first kit so is there a thread that Lists what I'll need and where to get it. I like the idea of a harness system if anyone knows of a tutorial that shows how to make one. Also where do you get Scissors good enough to cut the ABS neatly and should they be curved I have read this helps ? Are there any good snaps on ebay or does anyone know of a good place to buy in Australia. Also if anyone knows where I can buy a good quality Bucket or if someone has one for sale can they please let me know, i,ve decided not to go with the AM and to get something a little more Accurate . thanks for the support Guys and Girls I'll keep you updated. steve
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