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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by DeathMOS30

  1. Basically what Mark has stated. As long as it meets the requirement of being gloss red how the armor arrives in that state is less of importance. Just make sure when you do paint your armor make sure its the correct shade, it covers everything and that you do a finishing clear coat so you wont have to keep touching it up as often. If anything if you can afford a professional auto paint job i would recommend that and if not that is ok as well. Ultimately its your local GML that will approve the costume. If you need some references on the shade there are plenty of build threads with the red pulled abs that you can look at for color matching. Hope this information is helpful.
  2. I actually ended up using car turtle wax on my armor. I am unsure about the specific white TK wax, but I had no issues using the car wax i have at home.
  3. Good luck on your approval looks good
  4. Looking good excellent progress. Nice to see more females taking up the MT keep up the good work.
  5. So this is on hold until further notice. Good news is the helmet is out of my closet and in a display case. hope your build is going well on the TFU
  6. The lenses have to be black for the specialist requirement. http://forum.501stsp...-magma-trooper/ Please refer to this recent specialist he has a picture of his helmet and inside of his helmet as a reference. http://forum.501stsp...ation-approved/ Its a bit hard to say if those lens you are looking at will work due to the picture they have and no actual lens in bucket photo. I would rather not say yes or no and have you waste your money and time.
  7. YASSSSS!!! Congrats you did such an amazing job with this build. Super stoked for you When you get a chance check out our programs we have available. http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/forum/52-spec-ops-programs/
  8. Slowly ive been super busy with school and going full time. i am hoping to get back on track in may/june time frame but its still going to happen thanks for checking in. I have been watching your build you are doing awesome.
  9. Thank you when you get a chance can you post some jetpack ref pics in the reference pic thread?
  10. No worries I overlook stuff from time to time as well no one is perfect. Let us know if you have more questions looking forward to seeing your build.
  11. A post from the 2018 LMO team so you know who they are. http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/5597-greetings-from-the-lmo-team-2018/
  12. According to the CRL the armor is gloss black. Special Notes: The armor parts shall be gloss black and made from one of these types of materials or like materials: Fiberglass, ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), or HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene). All striping "flash" is clean and unweathered. The Novatrooper Medic red has been identified as Kirsch Red from Sherwin Williams: SW6313. RGB Value: R-154 | G-70 | B-80. Pantone code: 696c. Hope that clears up your question
  13. That may be a possibility again everyone that has been posting here make sure you post in the 501st legion forum or at least send an email to the command staff at the legion level and make sure your voices are heard. Also if you posted in the 501st forum please provide a link to the thread so others can converse there as well.
  14. Awesome progress keep up the great work
  15. Yeah not so sure this is clearly in the battlefront video game and clearly has multiple reference photos....The Spec Ops CS will be looking into it so hopefully there is some clarification that happens because it was already an approved costume by the LMO several weeks ago. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
  16. I am in agreement with all of you and i feel that the members are not being heard. Keep speaking up.
  17. Hey yeah I was wondering the same thing if we should wait for you to finish what you are doing and maybe aqcuire the 3d printed files (willing to pay)? We have a full kit and i know there are some parts on this costume that you have been experimenting on so i want to know what would be a good course of action for the shoulder bells, the forearms and the helmet? I am helping my buddy out here in florida so just want to give her the best information.
  18. lol its all good yeah the wording i get you on that but good thing their are pictures yay!!! lol. Well if you do you know we will always help you if you have questions. but yeah they do look similar and it doesnt help that the ROTJ pic to me the handplates look upside down.
  19. Good question and yes i totally glossed over it lol. So the point was to make a clarification of the fact that it is different and not the clam shell type that is on the ROTJ tk handplates if that makes any sense. Here is a close up of the Battlefront Shadow Stormie http://databank.501st.com/databank/File:TX_BattleFront_Shadow_Stormtrooper_Hand_Guard.jpg Close up of the ROTJ TK http://databank.501st.com/databank/File:TK_esb_handplates.jpeg Close up of the regular shadow stormie http://databank.501st.com/databank/File:Shadow_Trooper_Hand_Plates.jpg So as you can see all of them are different so for the battlefront you can see the top and bottom of the handplate is more square and the sides are bit more curved and round. I hope that makes some sense I can see how the wording can be a bit confusing but its why we have the pics to go along with it for clarification. I am more of a visual person so I understand more of what its supposed to look like with the reference pic. Hopefully i didnt confuse you anymore let me know if you any more questions. Sorry for the late reply.
  20. This is precisely the issue i brought up during the election Q & A in the 501st legion. What the LMO team did was not right and now has screwed over a bunch of people. Telling someone to make the other variations i get to try and mitigate costs but the problem is this. 1. Its just a consolation prize, they are not doing the costume they set out to do and having to pick something different really isnt comforting. I am sure there were several reasons why they picked Seyn instead of Iden/Gideon/Del so to say hey just make this instead is not going to cut it. I personally am not happy with the b.s. that was pulled from LMO on this and i agree with how he is feeling on this subject matter. With that being said there really isnt anything to do when power hungry people abuse their power so hopefully you can sell your kit and make the money back you spent. I am sorry and it is not an ok thing or position that you and many others ened up being put in.
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