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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by DeathMOS30

  1. does anyone know how many Magma Troopers there are in the 501st? Seems like we have very few compared to a lot of the other costume folks in the 501st.
  2. Hello Here are two pics of the work in progress for the DL 44 I used a airsoft gun and doopy doos modifiying kit. Just need to drill that lost hole glue and paint I will post pictures of the finished product for the DL 44 Magma troooper pics hopefully this weekend as well. Been trimming and cutting still need to get another tool though, but at least making some sort of progress . I am shooting for the end of the month to have it all done which I think is possible.
  3. thanks I have a lot going on I think I will be finishing my Reserve Tie Pilot today since I just needed to redo the belt So I will post pics on the JRS soon for that. I posted the modified DL 44 I was working on the other day. Did a lot of trimming last night on the magma trooper. I hope to start my Tie Pilot next month I am enjoying all this projects its so much fun. Thanks for the well wishes.
  4. Thanks everyone so much to do still but very excitied. Hopefully I wont break anymore tools lol.
  5. Some work I did on Saturday night/early morning. I am hoping to complete the helmet today I broke one of my tools so I had to stop The pics came out okay seems natural light is the way to go.
  6. That also sounds like a great idea. I am glad there are several different approaches to doing this.
  7. Yeah I spoke to a friend of mine that does professional cosplay and gave me some good tips on getting the boots red with either using the white or black. I am hoping to do the qhite boots they seem to be a better way to start. There are two types of paint that are very great for getting the colors you want for your boots. The first time is a flexible brush-on acrylic specifically made for leather-type fabrics called "Angelus." It can only be bought online but you can mix them to perfectly match the color you want. The other type of paint I prefer is a spray-on shoe painted called "Meltonian." Meltonian is sold at Dr. Shoe Repair at the University Mall and is also sold online. If you are going the Meltonian route, I recommend that you first strip the protective layer of the boot by rubbing it all over with an acetone cotton ball. To get a nice shiny finish, I recommend polishing it all off with Angelus High-Gloss, though you may not need it so just get it at your discretion. And I would start with black if you are doing Angelus since it is more obvious what parts need more coats. Do white if you are going the Melatonian route. That was the advice sorry its so long.
  8. Thank you everyone for the well wishes I will definitely update on my progress and hopefully provide better quality pictures. I was using my cellphone and its an older model. Next time I will use my digi cam and natural sunlight. I am hoping to gather the tools and get started sometime this week. Still finishing watching a amazing tutorial I found on youtube Thank you all and hope to upload some progress pictures soon.
  9. I got my armor yesterday I have my work cut out for me for sure. I did find a wonderful tutorial on youtube and also have been researching and reading beforehand hopefully this goes smoothly. This is my first armor build. Wish me luck. I will continue to post more photos of my progress.
  10. Already ordered from Darman but thank you. I am still looking for gloves and boots.
  11. Thank you now if i could just find one...
  12. Wow those are perfect but it looks like they dont have black and my size in stock right now
  13. www.shoulderpauldrons.com they are out of buisness they gave me a refund this morning so back to the drawing board. So it seems the gloves i have wont work with this so i found a couple of them and wanted an opinon http://stormtrooperundersuit.com/gloves/velcro-glove/prod_15.html http://stormtrooperundersuit.com/gloves/gloves/prod_6.html http://www.stormtroopershop.com/32,stormtrooper_accessories.stormtrooper_gloves.html that is a good question i hope someone can answer that for you
  14. Thank you everyone for your help, links and suggestions. I will probably paint the boots myself once my armor comes and hopefully get it to match up. I will probably go with getting the neck seal it will probably last longer. Plus it requires sewing and that just isnt my strong point. Ya know i think our blood does match the color you have a very valid point. Someboyd get him a medic lol
  15. Hi Everyone I was hoping to get some information on the boots and how to get them the correct shade of red to match my armor. My armor is being sent and once I receive it I will post pictures. I also had a question about the neck seal,pauldron as well as the blaster and gloves. Neck Seal and pauldron are those availble to purchase or is making it better? Also how? I have gloves for my reserve tie pilot but I am unsure if those gloves would be good to use and if I should purchase new ones and where? The blaster I have been on all kinds of sites looking for and I am unsure if the year matters. I found some on e-bay even though I think they are overpriced but are older versions. I am having a hard time finding any it seems they stopped producing them? I know the mod kit to come from doopydoos as I am modifying a DL44. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-E-11-Electronic-Stormtrooper-Blaster-1996-by-Hasbro-/321125429566?pt=TV_Movie_Character_Toys_US&hash=item4ac491313e Any help will be apperciated, Thank you Dorothy
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