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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by DeathMOS30

  1. Any type of weapons are considered optional under the CRL's due to various laws regarding those type of things in various countries. So its considered an optional accessory and really doesn't require formal approval. However refer to the CRL as a guideline of how it should look here if you plan on having one: http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_shadow_stormtrooper With that being said if you are going "Specialist" please refer to this specific requirements for the DLT 19 http://forum.501stsp...w-stormtrooper/ They are a great accessory to the Shadow Stormtrooper costume. Let us know if you have more questions.
  2. keep up the good work looking forward to this
  3. Welcome to Spec Ops! Best of luck with your build Oh btw never feel you are too short or anything else to do a costume. You can do any costume you want as long as you make it to fit you so dont ever feel discouraged!
  4. Congrats! If you have time dont forget to check out Imperial Dragons Program http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/forum/53-imperial-dragons/ Also if you havent already check out the Shadow Team that is in your area http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/forum/74-shadow-team-area/
  5. The CRL is there as a guide for both the GML to follow to be initially approved. There is no alternate interpretation to it you either build it to the specifications of the CRL and be approved or don't and not be approved. There is no inbetween wiggle room or room for loose interpretation. I hope that clears it up. My suggestion build it to the CRL specifications and get approved first before experimenting. Also look at others build threads here for a clear view of what you need to do.
  6. Actually return edges are optional and not a requirement. I think if your case it would be a waste of time trying to build them up again unless you want it for aesthetics. Rather large wad of adhesive, I am glad things are working out for you with this armor you are doing a great job.
  7. Like the DL said patience would be appreciated as it has been around the holidays since this has been completed so people do have other priorities. once things are solidified everyone will be notified. The CRL has already been handed off and will be complete when the LMO team has time to complete it. This isn't a job but a volunteer organization so it would be appreciated if people would be a bit more understanding, respectful and patient. Thanks
  8. I hear ya on that i just finished this semester last friday. I still have yet to touch anything for my shadow evo trooper. Looking forward to seeing your progress and good luck with your final exams and/or projects yay
  9. Probably get in touch with MahXPrime and some of the other people working on this costume in the thread for some help
  10. The first page of this thread. Plenty of information available in this section of the forum
  11. Check his page and there is also a fb group as well. http://waltstrooperfactory.com/
  12. Looking so good. I know you worked so hard on this costume and it paid off. Can't wait to get a trading card and don't forget to check out the imperial dragons program. so cool.
  13. tehehehe you guys are a hot mess but i get the anticipation. Hopefully we will hear back soonish so just keep working on your costumes and be as patient as you can.
  14. Yeup like ISBEAR has said the face part is optional so as long as you build to the CRL specification it shouldnt be a problem. There have been many female approvals for male characters such as hux and others so it shouldnt be a problem.
  15. Criss cross will make you jump jump...Every time i see this thread should be the theme song for this dude
  16. Updates have been made. Thank you guys that have been helping on this. i know its a bit tricky since we have barely anything to go on but its working out pretty nicely.
  17. Congrats!!! I want to see you in your costume pics please
  18. Unfortunately that will not be the case. Since Inferno Squad is very specific and only contains 4 members. I can see how its a bit confusing when they just make random toys.
  19. well since the book is the main reference i will go ahead and change to an officer belt. I do agree with making her different than Iden for contrast. I just wish we had more information than the book
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