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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by DeathMOS30

  1. This CRL is now live and approvable http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_Battlefront_Shadow_Stormtrooper
  2. Thought I would pop in and see if this is still being worked on?
  3. Looks like we have a canon version of these guys. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Phase_II_dark_trooper
  4. So are we calling this imperial sapper engineer or imperial engineer or imperial engineer trooper? Also im not sure if we came to a conclusion about the trooper with the backpack and shovel thing was their a definite on it being a different costume completely or just a variation of the engineer?
  5. Place holder for discussion on level 2 and 3 certifications IF it makes sense to do so
  6. I am so sorry i knew i had to reply to someone but things got buried and i had a hectic weekend. So i was thinking about the shoulder thing i think in general people know that on the shoulder it should be centered on the shoulder rather than giving a specific measurement. but i do like the idea and wouldnt be so far fetched but i think for this we can keep it off for now so its in uniformity with the army trooper one since it seems everyone is able to figure out where the patch goes and havent had any issues with placement and making the costume.
  7. Welcome and good luck with your build! I think by far that was the best about me post ever lol. I think it will all work out and looks like you are off to a good start
  8. awesome looking forward to some more updates in the imperial dragons program.
  9. Ah Well i definitely was including him and everyone that has been working on this. I have seen the hard work everyone has put in including him especially So it was an everyone good job. Good job for building the costume so good job all around for everyone
  10. looking good so i will relook at the crl to make sure everything is good and start working on that to be on its way. Yet another costume to add to Spec Ops!!! Great job you guys
  11. this is looking good i will review more tomorrow but this definitely is looking on the right track for sure. good job
  12. Yeah that can be a royal pain. I have not traveled with armor like that so i am unsure of what i can give you for advice but maybe someone else who has a bit more knowledge might know of a trick or two.
  13. So after going back to double check this is at the very top of the CRL for Shadow Stormie which covers all armor parts so unfortunately the use of the rubber tie pilot is a no go. Special Notes: The armor parts shall be gloss and made from one of these types of materials or like materials: Fiberglass, ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene), or HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene). So is the issue just your straps are breaking in transit or just in general?
  14. I personally don't have an issue with that at all however before jumping i would like to discuss why they did not specify in the first place for the IAT.
  15. Agreed but there wont be any CRL's written for any of these items until the movie comes out and if they are clearly going to be Spec Ops costumes but nothing wrong with posting about them and showing interest
  16. I understand why you would think that however the reason it does not read that way is because across all CRL's its uniformally not stated that way. If you view CRL's the different weapons that are not E-11s do not have that disclaimer so I wont be adding that. If they want to scratch build it they are welcome to the point of the CRL is to provide a this is how its supposed to look not a guide on you have to make it a certain way using certain materials if that makes sense. That actually might be a typo so let me do some digging see what the deal was with that but good eye on that one. So yeah typo for the blaster since there is no DLT21 As far as disclaimers again not something that will be added just because CRL's have a specific uniformity. So for the level 2 level 3 stuff not set in stone yet and I would actually ask the other guy to chime in more on that and also check this thread here because i think they had a good discussion about the level 2 level 3 stuff. http://forum.501stsp...certifications/ I know technically its for the Army variant but some of the things are similar or if anything start a new thread about level 2 level 3 stuff for the engineer Good eye on that i need to put acceptable at the end of the boots statement. now that you mentioned the may it sounds better so I will change that.
  17. Yeah I hear ya on that sometimes stuff just gets over looked its good to have multiple eyes on that. True the lighting in the comic book looks legit purple to me so hey if folks want to with charcoal i am all for it. Honestly i think the charcoal color would work very well. My DW costume is basically that color and it works well. But we all know what is the most important part. The Shovel
  18. Ok those changes you proposed have been made good eye on those. Ya know in all honesty i would love it to be an optional accessory for the engineer but after reviewing the photos that is a completely different outfit. Was there any mention of what those are precisely in the comic book an official name? So yet another CRL we can get started on. Quite frankly i think those purple jumpsuits are ugly but the shovel makes up for it. As far as the pioneer it was just i glossed over it so i added it back thanks for pointing that out. I need information to add for these two pew pews: DLT-20a For 501st approval: DLT-21 For 501st approval:
  19. Cool thanks for letting us know about these new troopers
  20. Alright a couple of questions The backpack/shovel combination is that a different named costume altogether? Also does the officer variant have a rank bar as the reference pics show that they do not?
  21. Alright folks here is a posted CRL please post comments suggestions etc in this thread so we can get this thing approved http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/5334-imperial-army-sapper-engineer-crl/
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