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Darth Emphatic

Detachment Web Master[CMD-DWM]
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Everything posted by Darth Emphatic

  1. That looks awesome. It must be very dirty in space
  2. Looking forward to getting the pics on the forum. I also use imgur. Serves its purpose well.
  3. The ribs are a part of the CRL and the sole has the added issue of the front being different from the sides. Another cheaper option would be to take them to a cobbler and show them the look you need. They should be able to replace the soles, just a matter of they can recreate the look.
  4. Hard to say, but the safe bet is to go with the specific color (or a color match) as listed in the CRL. Great choice, btw. Would be awesome to see another one out there.
  5. Well, I starting thinking I might go the 3d print route for certain pieces, but man this model is a pain to work with. I am going to have to pretty start from scratch on the models I think
  6. Pretty sure that's where I got my 10th doctor suit
  7. On the boots, how do they look when your feet are in them. I've seen a few troopers line up the spats without their foot in and once they do put their foot in they get way too much wrinkling. There will always be some wrinkling, but aligning them when your foot is in them helps limit it.
  8. The specialist version was just waiting on photos. We now have them as of yesterday, so just need to do the write up. If referring to level 2 stuff, that will go into the spec ops specialist section.
  9. Very cool! If you can get me a clean straight on high resolution shot we will be all set.
  10. That looks pretty darn good. The armor matching is really the key here. Colors could be ever so slightly different one trooper to the next, as long as your boots and armor match on your own, you'll be in good shape.
  11. I am looking at the ammo packs and wondering how they will look when worn. due to their width, if they are flat, and the belt curves (of course), I wonder if the ammo packs should be shaped slightly to follow the best better.
  12. That looks great! I especially like the logo.
  13. Stephen, send me a PM with contact info for both and I'll review for our vendor list. Thanks!
  14. Very cool! Make sure to get some foam for the pouches.
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