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Darth Emphatic

Detachment Web Master[CMD-DWM]
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Everything posted by Darth Emphatic

  1. Good info. The only thing I would add under Tools is sand paper. Specifically wet Sand paper. With Wet Sandpaper, very high grit like what Rockler sends, you can eliminate almost any glue mistakes. I had to do this with my Bucket.
  2. If you are interested in a completed FX let me know, I have a replacement for mine I have been working on forever, but I need more motivation to finish it. I might also be interested in just trading with you for your eFX. PM me. FX bucket
  3. All true, signing up for some troops keeps you motivated to final make that change/upgrade you had been wanting to do.
  4. Congrats! You totally need to put an officer together too, you have the look!
  5. Nice Job man! I have a replacement bucket that has been sitting because I haven't wanted to try painting it again after the first trial and error. Getting it even is such a pain, but you did it quite well.
  6. blah blah blah...I'm getting there

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