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Darth Emphatic

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Everything posted by Darth Emphatic

  1. I had some jack Boots with metal in the heels (for the click) and it was about 30 bucks when I had the soles switched out.
  2. Great stuff and awesome guidelines. Thanks for this build, Tony.
  3. Hey Lance, Google sort of messed this up for everyone with the switch from picasa to google photo with how it handles images. Your best bet would be to upload your photos to a site like photobucket or imgur. They give you direct links to your photos which you can put in-between the photo tags on the forum like this: We also have that little image icon in the header bar which you can click on, paste the link, and hit OK. It will add the tag for you.
  4. I think the full suit covers it and will really help people out. This is great!
  5. Received great news from the LMO - Tom model DT is great and there are no problems. There only minor semantic things the LMO team wants to make and is working through. On weapons, please note, weapons are never required with any 501st costume. These will always be optional accessories.
  6. Here are the officers for the UK garrison. You want to email the GML's. http://www.501st.com/members/garrisonglance.php?garrisonId=24
  7. It can be anyone that has the ammo pouches and his willing to get suited up and take a pic. That might be you first ( ), but I am sure there are a few others that have them.
  8. I feel like every pic of this thing should be in the dark, lol. Do you have one full suited in the dark? I would actually include it next to the lit full-suited pic in the CRL. Might provide some nice contrast for people. Feel free to email me the pics and I can start working on the editing. Everything looks good, text-wise. It's fairly standard plus the lighting/color.
  9. I remember when I built my first armor...there were no labels, lol. The shape for the shins really should help with what gues where. Your calf juts in on the inside and is smoother on the outside.
  10. Hi sally, I am just guessing the costume approval has been conveyed, but your garrison member liaison hasn't yet updated the garrison roster. I'd be patient on that, but don't hesitate to ask him about it if it has been a few days.
  11. Isn't that the best day? There is nothing like getting that BBB and opening it up for the first time. Intimating? Yes. Awesomely exciting? Totally.
  12. Making the executive decision on the sideshow figure, we could make ammo pouches a part of the CRL. It would be an accessory and replace the drop-boxes. I do need an armored up shot of the ammo pouches being worn. Once I have that, I can add to the CRL.
  13. I've found good ones on Amazon. I'll see if I can dig up a link.
  14. Ty, anything you've done is much appreciated and I don't think I have to tell you how excited I am about this. Ya, the first one had some vision issues . This model is taking shape. You're awesome, man!
  15. Yep, and take a look at the individual pics on the CRL to help the line placement also.
  16. And the drop boxes are a requirement so you'll want to make sure you have them for approval.
  17. This is great progress and I hope it comes to fruition because seeing one of these in person would just be so amazing. Keep up the good work!
  18. Thanks, Todd! Good info. This needs a bit of clean-up. It's a good start, but there are definitely areas to add some more specificity from the pre-existing protocol droid CRL's out there. We will definitely 'spec ops' it up!
  19. Progress! Looking good so far. Snap plates are a good way to make your drop boxes removable but solidly stay in place - same can work for the belt. If your system is working and looks right, stick with it. Same for the strapping system. I've never seen it quite that way, but if it works, that's awesome! Looks pretty good on the mannequin .
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