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Everything posted by ACJay

  1. As you can see, I've been hard at work. I decided to make new shoulder bells, new all metal guantlets. There's a comparison shot of the old plastic guantlet. I will be using the old shoulder bells as hand armor and have decided to line most of the armor with trim for safety and overall cleaner looks. I have also added a second back plate to connect to the collar plate more easily. I have also decided to go with a tighter flightsuit as the old one seemed to puff out at all the joints causing the armor to clash with the soft parts. The new suit will be more aking to a trooper suit and will go very nicely with the rest of the armor. Stay tuned for more updates in the next few weeks
  2. OK I've actually been doing a ton of work on this project. Here's some pics to show how it's been going.
  3. Been a bit but got to working on this again. Forgive all the blue tape. Gloss details will be added to all Flat Black peices in the near future I just need to get busy with the razor blade. Took some pictures for fit purposes. I've decided to add one more plate to connect the backplate to the rest of the frontal armor. I'm going to have the plate go from the top of the back plate under the collar plate and probably into the breastplate. I will be attaching this plate with some form of magnet or easy disconnecting mechanism. There will also be an additional ring in the bicep/tricep area. The thighs and shins are in the works as well. Thighs now have a nice leather strap going around the back and will probably have hidden snaps on the top area to attach to the thigh area of the flightsuit. The knee plate will also be attached via snaps with hidden elastic from the knee down to the shins to keep everything in line yet still flexible. I'm hoping to keep this costume kneel-able for some cool action shots. I also made a metal codpiece out of some leftovers I had. I attached it to a leather thong with e6000 and it came out looking good in theory but just ended up being kind of... odd so although I'm sure it would be a huge hit at conventions it'll probably never see the light of day. I'm just trying to figure out whether I will ditch the cape for a lion cloth and kama or keep the cape and the lioncloth/kama together. The only issue with the second option for me is it just seems like too much cloth for a serious killer. I was also hoping everyone could give me some input on the shoulders. Should they be bigger? I'm kind of leaning in that direction but if it looks good to others I don't really want to be just nitpicking myself to death. Oh and don't worry about the helmet. It's just a stand in til the real deal is on it's way from the UK. The paint scheme is the only thing that will remain the same.
  4. Ok, I think the problem is that my rivets have a longer "inner area" than your rivets. Now, is there a way to shorten that area without comprimising the security of the joint? Could I file it down, cut it shorter or even hammer it flat? Again thatnks a bunch DE this will definately help me when I get to the final product.
  5. Yeah, I've been using bolt on everything so that nothing becomes permanent at this point. I may go to rivets at some point in the build I just need to know how to get them flat on the inside. If anyone knows please help me out. I'm going to be shortening the bolts with a blade I saw at lowes for my dremel but if I ever do use rivets I need to know how to get them more flush on the interior so they don't dig in to the fleshy stuff
  6. A few update pics, put eyelets in the flight vest to mount the plates. Backplate fits great all other plates need attaching. All plates with Blue tape are painted flat black and will soon have the custom gloss paint that has been added to the chest plate. The chest plate was an experiment. Worked out great, in certain light the designs are difficult to see but in others they shine. Should make for a different pic everytime which was my original plan when I was thinking of going "thermochromic" with the paint job. Made one shin plate and am working on the other as well as started forming the bicep armor, I'll only be using two strips versus the comic reference three. Knees are also ready for mounting Formed the thigh plates and I am really happy with the built in holsters Finally bought some leather scraps to create the straps for leg armor. ON that note can anyone tell me a good way to attach leather to metal that will be flush on both sides. I was thinking of using rivets but I was wondering if you could smash or grind down the side of the rivet that sticks out to make it flush on the inside. I need a good method to keep the inside from digging into fabric and eventually flesh. Any suiggestions would be greaty appreciated. New Nova pics will be up tomorrow night, wifey's armor took precedence today. I was on a roll and couldn't stop myself
  7. Here's the link for the cistern http://www.501st.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=59878
  8. Here's a decent "radar dish" too http://compare.ebay.com/like/300542432112?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&_lwgsi=y
  9. All right here's the list of the parts I've figured out. (2) hammond 1591 ABS plastic boxes just google "hammond 1591" and a bunch of boxes will come up (2) wet ones wet wipes bottles top center and under Cistern (1) "faucet guard" from Home Depot/Lowes Bottom piece housing "stinger" (1) shaped wood bock with pvc pipe "stinger" (2) tupperware tops? over the wet wipe bottles (4) perma nest trays from www.grower-supply.com I still couldn't find the exact cistern used but this might be a really good alternative http://www.toiletspares.co.uk/macdee_derwent_25.html# or this if it's round, can't tell by the picture http://www.ukhps.co.uk/products/Opella-9-1%7B47%7D2-Inch-Cistern-Siphon.html Best I can do guys, pretty sure the other parts ie: radar dish and radio face are direct ordered from someone on MEPD
  10. New PIcs up from Legoland. Decided I need to trim/shorten the chest and backplate. Also need to reinforce the right stirrup as it popped just an hour into the troop as well as tighten the thigh straps just a picnch. They started riding low later in the day. And I promise once I get a minute to start cataloguing the pack parts
  11. Don't worry brother soon as I have a spare minute I'll compile a list of where some of the parts can be found. I got the pack kit from Dirty Boy on MEPD but I'm sure buying the parts individually would be way cheaper so I'll see if I can get a list for everyone here in SpecOps
  12. Do you mean on the game pics? I was only referring to the action figure and tshirt shots I got. I think the top of the helmet is just standard trooper black rubber thing in those pics. I personally think the game version "EVO" style looks alot cooler but the Star Tours version would definately be easier
  13. OH don't worry all edges will be filed/sanded down in the final product
  14. Little update with the plates. Didn't so much Nova today but got some donw here. Everything is cut out so tomorrow I will be doing some shaping. The thighs will have holsters built in. I also bought some trinkets at a yard sale that I thought would make a pretty sweet Diamond design. Let me know what you guys think
  15. Actually the paint job is just a bit misleading. The helmet is actually exactly a standard trooper helmet with grey paint on the chin and mohawk. Really almost no modification needed outside of just attaching the tubes and I was thinking it should be easy enough to simply use the same method as the tie fighters since the face portion of the tie is only a stormy plus the tubes go to a slightly modified tie box. I'll have to examine further but I think the only mod to the box is again just paint
  16. Here's some new shots I picked up yesterday at Star Tours of a "Sky Trooper" these area actually seen in the Star Tours ride so does that count as an "in movie" reference as well. Got some good pics but really couldn't afford to purchase the toy set so no 360 pics but from what I saw in the ride. All parts are standard stormtrooper with a modified tie chestbox/tubes and a Boba jetpack with no rocket.
  17. All rght, I will be debuting my Nova at Legoland after all. Here's some pics of the finished helmet. I'll have more pics of the full suit up by tomorrow when everything should be finished for approval. I'll also be posting more pics of the leg trimming and such once everything is complete and I have a moment to take a breath
  18. Sorry buddy had a real buzzkill for LL weekends. The suit will be 100% ready to go for it but..... I got a graduation to go to in Las Vegas on monday with the party the Saturday prior. so I won't be able to make it. believe me I would like nothing more than to be at Legaoland sporting me Nova
  19. Guess what came in the mail today Already got to work for the lid debut this sunday at Diseyland
  20. Hey Buddie those are screen-accurate Vacuum cleaner parts to you
  21. Here's the updated concept drawings for the metal armor. First one is the back without the pack. The pack plate will be colored in thesame fashion as the original plastic armor Here's the front with the teeth on the bucket. Still debating if the teeth will make it into the final design This is the back with the pack And finally the color concept and helmet without teeth. I'm going to try Flat, Gloss and Satin Black for the darkened plates then decide whoch fits best. I'm going to leave the white plates Bare Steel and of course highlight with the gloss purple and the shiny purple fabric
  22. Here's the pack pics
  23. Legs are done, just making them comfy now. Pack is 95% finished I'll have pics up later today. And yes I'm waiting on Baron's bucket. It should be here any time his week. It hit US customs last thursday or wednesday in New York so any day now
  24. Just got the pack kit today. Gonna throw it together tomorrow and probably paint it as well. Helmet should be here any day this week
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