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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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Everything posted by T0R1

  1. if it isnt crossed off then yes...right now I am gathering people so we can order one suit and splitting it among us for parts...cause we all need em and these runs dont come too often I will put you as listed for calves
  2. i guess if we get enough people for the main parts I will go be the main shipper
  3. heh thanks guys =) yeah seeing if anyone needs parts as I do. Last time I got my legs to finish my TX trooper so I finally have my armor in the ranks...still working on nova ^^;
  4. Ok everyone time to gather spares or what nots whos with me! I want shiny arms for my nova troopers so I wish to have a set of arms and shoulder straps! Aiming for the lite version so no helmet....this is the list of the other time we did granted I had to adjust the prices due to a 10$ increase from last time =) Also I need someone to be the main distributor if someone (with paypal) would like to step forward using this equation which if the weight hasnt change for 4667 grams... 490(x/4667)=y x is the weight and y is the amount Part list goes: -Front Plate (1 pcs): 322 = $34 -Ab & Cod (1 pcs): 362 (Includes button plate – 21, and buttons 22) = $38 -Back (1 pcs): 284 = $30 -Kidney (1 pcs): 232 = $24 -Butt (1 pcs):186 = $20 -Shoulder strap (2 pcs): 38 (19 each) = $4 -Belt (3 pcs. – front piece + 2 belt / shim): 236 total = $25 -Thermal Det. (5 pieces – 2 caps, 2 piece tube, control pad): 138 = $14 -Drop Boxes (2 pcs): 42 (21 ea) = $5 -Shoulder Bell (2 pcs): 278 (139 each shoulder) = $29 -Forearm (4 pcs.): 376 (188 each forearm)= $39 -Bicep (4 pcs.): 260 (130 each bicep) = $27 -Thigh (4 pcs): 896 (448 each thigh) = $94 -Calf (4 pcs.): 656 (328 each calf) = $69 -Thigh Ammo (1 pcs): 42 = $5 -Shim / calf & thigh fronts (2 piece): 132 (66 each piece) = $14 -Cheese Grater (2 pcs.): 44 total= $5 -ESB/ROTJ (Scoops) (2 pcs): 61 total = $6 -ANH (2 pcs): 54 total = $6 Sniper Plate (TD): 28 each = 3$ Knee plate (TK) : 32 each = 3$ none of this includes shipping amount cause of the weight and it may vary to who it goes to and where they live... For me at least Torisempai: total= 105$ +shipping -Shoulder Bell (2 pcs): 278 (139 each shoulder) = $29 -Forearm (4 pcs.): 376 (188 each forearm)= $39 -Bicep (4 pcs.): 260 (130 each bicep) = $27 -ANH (2 pcs): 54 total = $6 -Shoulder strap (2 pcs): 38 (19 each) = $4 Drop Dead Fred -Front Plate (1 pcs): 322 = $34 Yaksha -Calf (4 pcs.): 656 (328 each calf) = $69 -Thigh (4 pcs): 896 (448 each thigh) = $94 -Shim / calf & thigh fronts (2 piece): 132 (66 each piece) = $14 -Belt shims (2 piece): 132 (66 each piece) = $14 Izzi (i'ma gussing its the same weight as calf/thigh shims) -Belt (3 pcs. – front piece + 2 belt / shim): 236 total = $25 (-shims 236-132 = 104 total = 11$)
  5. grats and glad to have ya in the spec ops! besure to show pics of your progress!
  6. There is not really an easy "how to" with the DLT 19 I'd say becuase of the level of detail (if there was one i would of totally done it by now) anyway here is a little help if you are planning to build one here is a blue print of how the MG34 is for people that build their dlt19 you can try over at the Sandtrooper detachment http://forum.mepd.net/ see if there is any useful tidbit there you can pick up
  7. wow that does look really awesome but yeah gold part there isnt much on the reference to support it cause well its on the blind side of the trooper cards we see nice to have ya and I must ask how much are you asking to have one of these babys made! (i totally want)
  8. i love the shine on em nice composition
  9. cant wait to see how it turns out!
  10. ...slowly catching up in armor count have 2 working on 3 >.>...that is if i stop upgrading the two i have
  11. yeah this would help me lots since I am actually working on my MRCE to make it nova so u-u; i'm under the sanding atm
  12. yeah rubber doesnt breath well either so if your hands ever sweat then it well get clamly in there
  13. yeah i still have to adjust mine T_T
  14. I agree with Carlos that it would make sense if special ops use weapons on the go but with standard weapons such as e-11 and such
  15. lol sounds like a super hero name
  16. ok so i've been trying to find good submission photos...anyways how do you guys think of these it was a little blurry for back and this one is better but i forgot the thermal detonator lol suns bright so i'm squinting a lot
  17. From what I hear it is expensive and if you dont fit the body type its a little harder to mod it cause of its "comes out of box" readiness but the straping sucks and likely need to adjust all the velcro n stuff ...its an upgrade from a rubies for sure in looks but its still needs work for you...i dont like t he lopsided helmet that SDS usually has as a signature. Pro: It comes out of the box ready to ware, He makes it in black and or white He work on the movies so he has more accuracy then some armor out there Cons: Cost too much and can find better sources of armor If your bigger, taller and/or shorter then those in the movie then not too much fun stripping and moding/ shimming velcro system doesnt stay so likey invest in industrial strength velcro/ snapping system He doesnt ship to america the lopsided helmet in the back issues with fan base because of the lawsuit with ownership of armor with Jorge Lucas least thats all i can think of hope it helps
  18. I did post on some bfgs here can check it out
  19. OK....so i went on a hunt on this so called sniper rifle that said to be from battlefront so on i went to research... SO as far as I learn in the game battlefront the use of a the E-11s sniper rifle was a heavily modified version of the E-11 Blaster Rifle which does look like a DLT19 but modified so the one actually used in game is DC-15x sniper rifle http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/DC-15x however hasbro had to muck it up a bit in confusion with making a scout toy hold a DLT20A instead ingame pic is a DC-15x...drawn picture on side...DLT20A which maybe what your picture was trying to look like in the original post ....I'll just get a DLT19 at this point o.o
  20. i always wondered about that...i would love a rifle >.> its perfect for my size
  21. yeah when i first saw those on screen i am like ooOOooooo
  22. you might want to go to the bikerscout detachment for the boots and gloves...they either have tutorials to make your own boots but if you want someone to make it there are peeps there that would...and I think there is one ongoing about gloves http://forum.bikerscout.net
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