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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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Everything posted by T0R1

  1. soooo after a long hiatus on working on my shadow trooper i finally going back to it to work on getting it ready for a photoshoot coming taking izzi's advice to put some snaps as extra support....snaps everywhere also working on fixing my chest plate so its shorter...and here is my method since well i dont like to use the dremel so i use it sparingly first i tape where i want to cut...drill holes in them now connect the dots with a scissors and then sand it down with a dremel which took less then 5 mins =) eheh helps with the powertool challenged (like me) ta da!
  2. i've been researching on trying to do a tron costume and lots of people been using electro luminescent light which either come in strips or wires and easily found in ebay best part is they only take 2 AA batteries for a long strip of wire/strip though electro luminescent panels take a bit of wiring to hook up which i dont know how to work those but for my tron costume i think i will work with the wires also if you keep reading on this forum your bound to get some knowledge on lighting and wiring http://www.therpf.com/f24/tron-legacy-costume-88230/
  3. woot that was quick =) we will assemble it alot quicker
  4. yeah i do recommend taking a look on the white armor version http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=913 can look how its trimmed there
  5. hmm searching my memory bank on pictures I dont recall seeing one
  6. spray paint probably the best method to do for even coating though gonna need lots of masking tape and newspaper if you dont have a good feel for spray paint might want to cover the helmet so none of the silver dust particals get on the res of the helm
  7. lol if you commission me >.> might save to get a dlt19
  8. so I just got approve but after the non official troops gets a little wear and tear in my stuff ; about time i start fixing em Just redoing my boots at the moment...which my boots were a little loose and well didnt want to stay together so....took the top part off and had left over pleather and made new ones...also note to self...things do get caught in there...and ew in my standers lol anyways here is my new product it fits a lot better and it doesnt sag as much as the first =) I am quite happy with this outcome...now if only my spray painting is liking my boot holster....might need to just try to completely sand off the paint
  9. well mine is having the same issue about being short...i just attach like a snap/velcro to the shoe inside front there to make it stay under instead of buying a new shoe
  10. i would believe so since the white version can be approved and all this is is just black capped version. The only thing I have a problem with sds is A: price (there are other that are cheaper but really it depends on what you are looking for if it be price, accuracy, or comfort) B: little tilt in the back of the helmet C: and the fact that he cant ship it to the US cause of the legal battle with Gorge Lucas
  11. yeah it always bugged me to =/ not much help but instead i just went with buying black cap stuff or all of it has to be painted
  12. its a tad a bit harder to grab due to timeing and the makers doing em in batches a black capped one but it does exist. I went for the painted up one for economical reasons but it can pull it off but bound to constantly touch up unless you dont mind the weathered look
  13. ha i can see it now People: why are you red? You: I am the substitute mascot for red lobster... People:...
  14. yeah totally would love to add her to the ranks lol it just makes it a fact that we all look awesome in black
  15. *coughs* ESP *coughs* lol we dont need no stinking comlinks i played around with that idea before =/ wanted a comlink just for the sake of having one but eh i guess i can still save it for a TK oneday
  16. hmmm black and red >.> my colors...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  17. lol well i am not sure where this is going but heres a pic of the actual suit that you probably saw already i am not sure of the question but hope it helps
  18. that be great lol a little squad of elite nova seems to be forming =D but yes i use rustoleum metalic gold too
  19. yeah my helmet is actually a don post/rubies with mods if you can get your hands on one its good too its cheaper but little elbow grease of work to do modding if you dont have the tools for it (like me)
  20. i think it just help in case if the armor has been painted white to black that your able to survive a little more troops before you have to repaint? or if you have gloss black cap armor that wear and tear may cause it to be matted in some areas? though to make armor dirty on purpose i am not sure
  21. I have an SC armor in white painted black and well I dont have the fund or patience to get the black gloss one since SC runs em in batches so it might take a bit of time all my armor was painted white to black which I am getting the battle damage here and there...but it kinda looks neat till the point if i start looking like a really dirty TB i might repaint again and my painting skills arent that great either...some cases i had bad cracking on the chest so i sand it all back down and repainted x_x so it does take a few trys
  22. hey izzi was wondering where you got your pauldron (the second one)?
  23. yeah i bought the gold paint lol and hope my painting skills is alright gotta trim it first...dont know if hips work the same lol
  24. well i go research crazy lol i think i may have to cut the back on the bottom to give me some mobility...i want to be able to make it down and up the stairs lol
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