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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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Everything posted by T0R1

  1. your infinite amount of armor projects your currently working on? lol
  2. woot i got my arms! lol they will be on stand by when i get my legs done for the shadowtrooper
  3. ok so i glued one leg together so far which front side they are the same height now for the back i am not sure what i should do if i should cut the behind like the other one on the bottom or trim another inch from the top. As is atm i know that my calf armor will hit the top armor and i wont be able to walk too well lol. Which my other question is how far up can the thigh armor go if i were to cut another inch off, when i wear it it is sitting right above the knee cap and here is a comparison pick new AM left old FX right
  4. >.> yeah dont worry i am using my old one as reference and i trim it one inch and it doesnt fit still so two inch it seem great just the back knee area i worry about to see if i want to trim it a bit for more mobility
  5. >.> <.< ugh how about a dermal? i dermal like i cut lol in my lap sitting down which kids dont try this at home thing lol but first off got to trim the insides i like to create stress relief so i cut lines in to the area i want to cut usually perpendicular to it then i dermal the area and most of the time i dont go all the way due to that fact that i dont want to slip with a dermal in my lap if done correctly (least to me)then the flap will be able to bend and snap a little rough but will sand it down ahh look at that gloss reflective armor this is next to my old one so i am thinking of taking 2 inches off...since i am short *sighs*
  6. Anyways so finally getting to work on my AM legs that was shipped down from izzi (thankys) so been working on the others mmm first i use masking tape to mark where i want to cut (since pencil lines dont work on black too well) some heavy duty scissors let it nom nom away on the armor and ding its apart...only recommend scissors just for the straight parts...will go to the dermal for the underside so then your left with the masking tape can rip that off (i waste lots of masking tape sorry) so it looks like this note to self hand hurting with red spots will be apparent here i notice the back dont got a stip so i am using the front strip in the front to fake one on the back....yeah lol more coming soon >.>
  7. alright PM Scootch and see where it goes =D =) bought and its on its way
  8. no not a nova done by halloween but just a build thread, I'll take picks when I get it all preped up for painting the things i have least for now i have: left is a white MRCE painted which I bought the new one from Efx so i will be using the right as the Shadow Stormtrooper and gonna use the left as the nova helmet
  9. Alright just putting the foundations on a to do list to help me work the parts for an elite novatrooper Stuff I have: -Helmet (have but not painted gold yet) -Hand guards (needs to be painted) -knee (needs to be fixed and to be interchangeable and painted) -pauldron (which i have a blue one that i will paint gold) -arm armor (thanks izzi got some from scooth) -gold paint Things I need: -everything for the backpack -DLT-19 -ammo pouches ...wonder if i can split another armor for the arms lol oh well we will see but looks like my first task is painting!
  10. which in depth is my kind of tutorial and best part PICTURES!...sometimes visual learner has its draw backs lol
  11. cool thanks izzi this would so help me in constructing for nova!
  12. woot great cant wait to see what ya gonna do
  13. ha ya got an awesome mom and the TX looks awesome...tell her she looks good in it =D
  14. I got the patience but not the time lol work and family bogs me down and i really do like the backpack and i think your armor construction is a heck lot better then mine. Looking at teh cushman paintballs i think i might get the delux one so i am set on that one =D but first thing first i gotta get my new set of legs for my shadow trooper >.< so i will continue this idea when i have money
  15. lol man now that i bought the efx helmet i am looking at my mod MR CE and visualizing gold on it >.> i need a set of arms to convert and i already have leg spares =D oh man its plausible for me to make the only things i need to get are the backpack and the gun o.o want to build me a back pack (commission) or help me find gun?
  16. soo thats why i could fit my glasses....i was wondering why lol...well maybe wont when i have the padding in
  17. heck yeah fast shields are great i have a large for my biker scout lense in the day time its like wearing sunglasses...people tend to ask...can you see in there alot lol
  18. it really depends on the quality, personally i would get armor cause the other stuff i can find locally or have it done by some one i know
  19. i dont think so really lol black does hide more then white thats for sure...its to pretty to drill holes in it but yeah screen and screws is easy XD but yeah I'm not touching it but wearing it...maybe put another set of patting in there
  20. i just got mine here is a pic compared to my mod MRCE -yes lense are flat but heck its great to see through and i wore it on at night dim lighting and i can see pretty good -three holes are on sides and there is screening there so it appears grayish from the outside and cant see through (note the MRCE dont have mesh in there atm) -no ear screws yep none that i saw -13 count but it did have some curve...some which the indents are gloss it seems
  21. hmm i can easily make parts to swap out to be a shadow scout to a general...just make a template that can place over my belt piece and make straps and a cover lense on to the front of my mirror lense hehe...possibilities!
  22. lol i can kinda see the conversation "but honey! Its for the children!" "....no"
  23. yeah i got my payment out XD i cant wait to get it
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