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Detachment Leader[CMD-DL]
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Everything posted by IcyTrooper

  1. That is incredible! Nice work!!
  2. I forgot to mention that we have pics for the following already edited for the CRL: Helmet Shoulder Bells Biceps Forearms Hand Plates Shoulder Straps Chest Abdomen Back Jetpack Belt Kidney/Butt Thighs Shins Boots I think all we'll need is the stuff for the front/back and any gallery images.
  3. James, sorry, I think I worded it poorly. What I was meaning to say is that yes the parts that have the specific coloring are separate when it comes to coloring with other parts that aren't listed with a specific coloring scheme. I was more pointing out that the recessed areas should be uniform with the rest of the costume when it comes to coloring. We don't specifically call out a weathering color for the rest of the parts but I'd go with a flat black similar that is used on your chest example. That looks very close the CRL images on the recessed areas. @Lt. Dan, what did you use in your recessed areas on the biceps, forearms, etc. for the parts that didn't call for a specific coloring scheme? I'll raise the question with the rest of the team to see if there is a discontinuity with the text. These are living/breathing documents that can be changed if we notice an error or references surface that would otherwise warrant a change.
  4. Hello, James! As far as the weathering goes with recessed areas and the rest of the armor allows for very narrow liberty with that as long as it matches the rest of the costume in uniformity. In that gallery section of the CRL there are additional pictures showing other pieces that are weathered but not specified in specific part weathering. I'd say as long as you follow that you'll be in good shape! With the additional weathering it looks like the weathered silver looks pretty close to many of them. @Chaos @Lt. Dan may have some additional guidance for this, so I'll give them a chance to respond as well
  5. I agree with @Dropkick and second the armor party option. Being able to meet in person with your garrison/outpost will give you some good ideas on what help other than the forums there are. I'd say it isn't impossible by 10/31 but you have to manage your time wisely and do plenty of research on what you need and where to get it so that the timeline is met. I know a guy who worked on a clone commando and got it done in 3 long weekends but he was working each of those days only stopping to sleep. That is from trim to fitment to filling to sanding and more filling and the painting. I've also seen people take over a year depending on what is going on in their life and their own goals. For me it depends on the costume, what is needed and my work schedule and personal drive/mood.
  6. @SpaceWelder I definitely think that it looks cool! Are there any other angles of the costume or publications in official Star Wars books, games, publications, etc.? Artwork would have to be out of something that is LFL official and would also have to include front/back/side images. We'd need all of those references before we could even consider bringing it to the LMOs to see if it'll be accepted or not at the Legion level. This website has some good intel as far as stuff like this goes, under Costume Approval, and also what we'll follow: https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:CRLGuide
  7. Find the most recent and updated version of the Task Force 99: Cav CRL in English at the link below: https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:Task_Force_99:_Cav
  8. @nanotek I agree with that text, very nice! FYI for all: The CRL is now live! https://databank.501st.com/databank/Task_Force_99:_Cav
  9. A correction was applied to the Helmet section to consolidate the first two bullets in one and correct an error with the text the following: The “ear” bars have three or four bumps and are gray or painted gray, with a black outline. Painting the bumps with rank stripes (highlighted) in black is optional. I will update the first page text.
  10. Hello again @stevechewbacca! So here are my thoughts since L1 (to me) should be about accurate look to all extents possible while considering locales and supply for parts, etc. that we can perhaps look at allowing some flexibility for the gloves while pushing super detailed seams and such to the L2 requirements. @nanotek what are your thoughts?
  11. Okay to address the 3 points here: 1. The intake detail does already have the text "...that matches the reference material". 2. I corrected the text to say "trapezoidal section" but that same bullet already mentions the "inside and outside". 3. I have added weathering to all sections but the following: Neck Seal, Undersuit, Gloves, Pouches, Thermal Detonator, Boots, Knives and E-11 Blaster.
  12. So I mulled over this a bit this evening after I got back from my little break. I feel like we can make the weathering mandatory based on the perception that it is supposed to be there on the panels but may not be present on the smaller panels with smaller images (level-of-detail (LOD), restricted). We would be modifying the 2nd bullet in the Special Notes section to be the following: Weathering of this costume is MANDATORY consisting of physical scratches and gouges; NOT surface weathering techniques such as painting or scuffing. All weathering will be consistent across the costume with no piece/s standing out from the others. With regards to the adding of text within each part of the costume, I can support that so that it isn't missed if we are considering the weather to be integral, which I also agree with. The line would have to be linear on each one and can be placed at the end of all of the bullets as to not detract from the other details. I recommend the following: The [part name] will be moderately weathered. See special notes for permissible weathering. Looking at the intake/scoop I think that part should remain as it intakes the part is a hollowed out or appears to be hollowed out. Similarly, I agree that we should keep the hexagon description with the chest pad as that is the shape it takes in the comic references. I do believe that a change should be in order in the Shoulder Armor section so that we have the sizing and alignment to match the in-comic references. I recommend the following bullet in between the last two bullets of the L1 details: The left shoulder is larger than the right shoulder and sits higher than the right shoulder due to its size. If we agree upon this I can update the first page of this thread housing the "finalized" text and make the change to the WIP wiki page.
  13. Right on! I have it updated on the wiki page as well.
  14. @RAIDER you bring up a good point. I honestly had to go back to the reference images to verify and check (not that I didn't believe you) to see what I had missed and it does appear you can see a clear difference between other SCAR troopers and Cav: So therefore, I can agree that the text needs to be modified to what you speak of in terms of required weathering with the following text: Weathering is required and must be consistent across the costume. No piece should stand out from the others with respect to weathering. Weathering for the purposes of this costume is limited to scratches and gouges and NOT brown, black or other dirty weathering.
  15. Looks well done! The only thing I can see is you may want to bring the ab armor up a bit to keep it from overlapping the chest armor when you move. Well done though, that is some great red shine!
  16. How does this sound with regards to weathering: Weathering is optional. If weathering is used, it should be consistent across the costume. No piece should stand out from the others with respect to weathering. Weathering for the purposes of this costume is limited to scratches and gouges and NOT brown, black or other dirty weathering.
  17. Oh, that's what you meant. I'm on board with that and will make associated changes here and then update the 1st page and wiki! Thanks!
  18. The requirement for the X is in the L1 details, so that will have to be present on the helmet.
  19. Yeah I'm a proponent for the following on the main page: TX - Task Force 99: Sergeant Kreel TX - Task Force 99: Cav That is similar in line to the groupings the Clone Trooper Detachment uses. The changes would also be reflected on the actual CRL wiki pages themselves as well as the main Spec Ops CRL page.
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