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Detachment Leader[CMD-DL]
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Everything posted by IcyTrooper

  1. @14166 Can you upload the new helmet pics (fill size) to the dropbox that you had setup? And when you get the shins can you do the same and upload there as well?
  2. Looks like we can start a lot from the FOTK CRL and then change what we need. Pretty neat!!
  3. @14166 can you resubmit pics of the thighs, boots and hoses? The editor said they are unusable. I believe that the thighs were too close, hoses too close and boots need a front side view. Take a look at the TK CRL to see how we have those setup. All of the other pics this far have been good. Thanks!
  4. I got correspondence back from Ricky on the edits that we need to make them look the same as TK as far as what is shown on the CRL (as per @Raider) I'll reach out to others to assist if he gets bogged down. I know work has been crazy for me lately.
  5. Glad to see the armor finally made it! That is a bummer about the quality on a few of those pieces and missing the forearm pieces. I'm sure KB will make it right on it.
  6. Holiday weekend has been fun! Haha...but we are still plugging away. There may be a few that we have to redo again but I'll know more soon, I have to double check a few things with @Raider when he gets back from vacation.
  7. Just wanted to to keep everyone updated in the thread and who is watching that we are officially editing the photos now.
  8. @14166 Just got the link to the album in the command group so we'll hopefully be able to get started editing them.
  9. @14166 I'll get them uploaded to the command group tomorrow. Got busy with work this weekend and didn't have much free time sorry about that! The pics were good for editing from my viewing though, just going to have to get them trimmed out by editors.
  10. Very nice! Initial weathering looks good.
  11. Got it! I'll take a look later and try and get them out for editing.
  12. @14166 So yeah the individual pieces are going to need to be re-shot and match the lighting from what you have in the shots where you have the full body pics. We are close! We get them all within the same light then we can get the edits to finalize them and make minor tweaks at that. Good work!
  13. @14166 Yeah he did a pass down on that info to me in a message earlier. I'll see what we have an let you know, if he requested it then we'll probably need brighter ones so plan on that. I'll take a look though as well and see. @Blackwatch I just checked over it all and it looks good to me. The only thing that I think I missed before is the verbiage for the black cog on the orange shoulder. I think that we should do decal or painted for level 1 and then hand painted/weathered/faded in spots (with the damage) for level 2. The rationale is that we have stickers for decals on the helmet I think it may make things more consistent to have the decals for basic for that cog.
  14. I'm working on getting the reference image thread cleaned up for @Raider so hopefully I can get that done tonight. I'll probably be able to work on the images for editing with the team this weekend in the evening on Saturday and then on Sunday once work slows down.
  15. I'd say for the hose length that range is good, allows for optimal comfort and flexibility based on different body types. I can't remember what my TIE is set at but I definitely came down a bit on them because originally, as you said, it was impractical for trooping. I scoured the other CRLs for the RPS-6 Rocket Launcher and haven't found any other approval on it on other detachments. We may have to scratch build that one down the road.
  16. @Raider @14166 I can try if I check back on how it was done before with the other costumes. I have a manager on vacation until 7/8 right now and we are launching a new city on 7/4 so I could have a hectic schedule. Just let me know what I gotta do!
  17. @14166 Ahhh got yah, yeah that seems like a lot of work with the hoses for the helmet too.
  18. @14166 How is that box connected to the chest plate? Screws or velcro? I've seen both before. If it is removable I'd say he doesn't have to have it on, right @Raider?
  19. I like it! @CrookKnight appreciate you getting that over to @14166 as fast as you did, this is a well done costume.
  20. @Blackwatch yeah the light part refers to that orange slots on the fuel tank.
  21. This thing is gonna be wicked when it is done!
  22. I'll go through the details again tonight but I agree with the L2 to light up. Also I'd say we remove the verbiage for overlap vs butt-joint and just say "fully closed". That is what they updated the TK Commander and TK Incinerator to on FISD. My initial references for some of the verbiage was the overlap vs butt-joint but it looks like they changed it with new command and I agree with it.
  23. Excellent! Can't wait to see, I think we're in the home stretch!
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