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Detachment Costume Advisor[CMD-DCA]
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Everything posted by Hoda

  1. For clarification - baton and holster are optional accessories or requirements?
  2. This post from @Detaleaderis what I'm referring to re: the e-11: I disagree with separating out separate CRLs. Yes most are armored, but we do see a whole bunch of the same troopers in non-armor? @IcyTrooperwanna chime in? Do we keep the armored trooper separately from the soft goods variant? See @NoZoupForYou's comment above.
  3. Also, other than the soft uniformed trooper with an E-11 that was pointed out a few pages back, I can't find any troopers with an E-10.5 walking around, so might be a moot point. But let's wrap the backpack first!
  4. For later on (so we don't throw off the current discussion), let's remember to include a section for belt boxes. I saw this not only on this armored dude but also on the non-armored IST troopers
  5. Hey Brosio - best person to check on applicability would be your local GML - have you connected with them yet? Re strap on top - CRL states you MAY have one but not required. Again, check in with your GML!
  6. This. I think this discussion is very much getting into RPF territory, folks. I think the original boot text from @Blackwatchis good enough for lvl 1. Like mentioned somewhere in this text mountain, the reality is, CRL is crafted as reference guides for GMLs and honestly, most won't be able to tell the difference. Most of these conversation about boots details should sit in lvl 2 if at all. Honestly, if people want to go for prop accuracy, go for it! No one stops you from doing that! I am of the camp that we lock this language and move on, and then honestly, we can continue debate how much of this discussion to include in L2 later on.
  7. I think they look like they meet the texts of the CRL... thoughts, @Blackwatch?
  8. A dlt-19 is not part of the CRL, so whether you can troop with it or not it's up to your local command. To add something to the CRL, like the se-14r, we're going to need references... so if you find images of an army trooper holding that, we can go about adding it!
  9. A few other images, mostly accessories reference / soft uniform troopers
  10. Here's a picture of the goggles getting knocked off - see bottom left. Strap looks pretty grey to me!
  11. Good catch! We'll get that added to the reference image link. For now, let's focus on one thing at a time. Eventually we'll get to the backpack - it's listed above. For now, let's go down the list one at a time and start with ... helmets please.
  12. (and for those playing along, we will use this thread to keep track of reference images https://forum.specops501st.com/topic/8798-imperial-security-trooper-andor-reference-pictures/)
  13. No clue - but I see that you've found yourself to the now unlocked thread - let's continue the conversation there! 😀
  14. Hope you are feeling better! Once you get a chance to, post that photos here! Not a lot of people have been able to see Jim's fabric up close https://forum.specops501st.com/topic/8997-andor-trooper-fabric-comparison-photo-request/#comment-108270
  15. Happy belated! No rush - giving you a heads-up this is coming up soon!
  16. Bumperarooni on this post! @neoakajdid you ever paint this set of armor with the new paint? I think we're about to get started with knocking this CRL out!
  17. All - The CRL for Imperial Army Trooper - Andor, is now live!! Congrats to all involved in the build! https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_imperial_army_trooper_andor Go forth and submit to your GMLs! Let's grow the rank of the army troopers! CRL will be updated once a costumer steps forward with a completed Armor+Helmet combo. And now ... onward to our next CRL! Security Trooper, anyone?
  18. Hey hey - can you post up a close up of the Jim Tripon suit? Wanted to see what the fabric looks like compared to KeepTrooping (since these sound like the two vendors at the moment)
  19. Latest update - since it will be still a few weeks until @Wasrovv Slociw is ready with his armor, we're going to go ahead and push live the Aldhani trooper with version 1 and 2 first, and update it with version 3 once the armor is ready to go (and we can get a full suit-up photo). So, for everyone paying attention, here are the new "versions" of the Imperial Army Trooper - Aldhani: Version 1: Soft goods only Version 2: Hat with armor Version 3: Helmet with armor
  20. Nice! We do need both though for the CRL photo. So a month out? Two? Sorry for being pushy - you're the only one we know who's working on both! Hahaha
  21. Checking in - question, when you say in a few weeks for the full ensemble, how many weeks are you thinking? Our CRL is pretty much ready to go, but we are missing someone with both the helmet and armor. If it'll be much longer, I wonder if we publish version of the CRL first with the first two versions, and then in the helmet/armor as a fast follower?
  22. Yea! Always nice to get a full suit up. I can move myself to the gallery 😁
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