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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by ImperialLoyalty342

  1. @cartersachse21 also remember that rs does require extra work to gloss the armor up. It came very dull but it is still nice. But if you order then I recommend getting the red label bucket. The screen accurate helmet won’t get you to level 2 specialist unfortunately. Rs does have some deals on their website when they are doing black arbor orders. They also offer to build it for you so it’s completely ready to wear besides the helmet teeth mesh + glossing.
  2. Hello everyone! Haven’t been as active as before due to not being able to troop but I have some good news! A upcoming Star Wars prop maker https://m.facebook.com/divergedpathdesigns/ made me this t21 as an exact replica from battlefront. Every piece is broken down into a replica, by far the most screen accurate I’ve seen out of any maker so I’m super happy about it. Check it out: https://imgur.com/gallery/vKH8YUH
  3. Grey makes the face pop! The chin is available to be painted silver aswell.
  4. Where did you get your pouches from @HugeBadWolf
  5. I’m deciding whether I want to replace the drop boxes with the mp40 pouches. Will it not allow me to sit? (So far I can) Also i have prices on leather and fabric pouches but what’s ideal? I know the leather looks better but will it easily get scuffed and look bad. If anyone can show me some pictures of theirs on / attacked to belt, I would appreciate it. Thanks
  6. I have an rs blaster at the moment but was always interested in a blaster with light and sound, not so interested in making it myself however haha i found this Facebook seller that sells completed E11s with light and sound for just under 100$, that’s the best price I’ve seen yet, so I got one. The weight is awesome since it’s mainly made from wood, I plan to troop more with the dlt but it’s still great for display either way. The electronics make it much cooler to carry around. If anyone is interested in getting a nice e11, I recommend him. I don’t know him personally and he isn’t in the 501st at all but his stuff is high quality. https://www.facebook.com/RoadToDreamsByPV/
  7. I got a hovi tip mic comparison photo. Let me know if it’s good for specialist @Raider @IcyTrooper https://imgur.com/gallery/nZshiZK ..And I finally painted the belt clips
  8. I can switch them out for the photos @Raider but I need to troop with the ones from ukswrath. Ill take a picture of the Rs ones today for you
  9. Yeah I’m painting the clips today, and I replaced the hovi mic tips with the ones from ukswrath, the same ones that Halycon used
  10. I’m proud to say that I sent in the submission photos yesterday. It’s during election but my GML wants to get them so I could get approved right away in time for c2e2 after voting ends. If you see any major problems, please let me know. I appreciate all the help so far. https://imgur.com/gallery/tG0sES2
  11. I trimmed the thighs about 2”, they fit much better. They don’t touch the cod piece anymore but they still clip the butt plate when I walk. I tightened the connection of the cod to butt plate in between the legs in hopes of it hanging less down. It is an improvement but I’m not sure how to solve the problem completely, I may have to get use to it. No big deal tho, the armor really looks great and feels wonderful. I will take the suggestion from @Allan1313and put some padding in the thighs. Once election is over, I will be able to submit photos for basic approval. I do plan to go for specialist. https://imgur.com/gallery/FOiSGuJ
  12. that is a good explanation @Allan1313i know to keep the shape but on top there is a return edge, it isn’t straight off the top, it curves back for comfort I guess. If I cut, then that return edge will be gone completely. Should I do that? With that gone on both sides, the circumference will also be larger, so I will probably have to resize it.
  13. I can trim from the top but then I would lose the curve that is has. They do get stuck over the butt plate when I walk, very uncomfortable. Forgot about the clips, I will have that painted by tomorrow
  14. After working on the armor for about 16 hours, breathing in heavy toxins, and making the house smell like spray paint I am finally finished. I can’t submit yet because of garrison election but I want to know what you guys all think. The thy pieces are too long for my body and it’s causing multiple problems. It feels more comfortable if I pull them up but then they run on the cod, and when I put them down then they are resting on top of the lower leg pieces. Also then butt armor is still hanging like a full diaper, I can try to shorter the strap between the legs to try to get a better shape out of it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Let me know your feedback https://imgur.com/gallery/mMiwCo9
  15. That’s what a local TK told me. I got that done now. Also finished painting the traps / tears / teeth of the helmet. Just need to add the mesh, and do some strap adjusting.
  16. I’ll be done polishing in a couple hours. Just need to paint the helmet and somehow figure out a way to attach the holster. The loops aren’t approvable anymore, I’ll need to talk to a tk.
  17. I thought about some good counterweight options today and considered a lot of different ideas. I had to go to the bank today and well, the nickel rolls were calling my name haha. https://imgur.com/gallery/Fcr2PXV it works perfect. I will probably dump them all in a bag, tape it up, and Velcro it to the helmet under the frown.
  18. Finished with today. I completed the inside of the helmet. I took out the padding it came with and replaced it, added @ukswrathsound system + new mic tips, and cooling fans. The problem I’m having now is that the helmet keeps tipping backwards due to all that weight in the back, I have the same problem with my gunner helmet. I need to find something to weigh down the front, any suggestions? Thanks for the help tonight, I hope to get more feedback as I continue my journey https://imgur.com/gallery/hqQT5gi
  19. @Raider i will do that for sure. I sanded the bell and prayed another coat and let it sit for a while. This is what I got: https://imgur.com/gallery/Wqn8S9z
  20. I did 4 sets of spray. 5 minutes apart. I will sand the bell and do another layer and see how it turns out
  21. Hello everyone. Today is the big day, big brown box day that is. I have done one test fit and it seems great besides butt plate (too big, any tips?) I attached my first fit and some polish comparisons. I used rustolem clear polish after a high grit wetsand. So far only the bells but if it’s good then I will use that method for the rest of it. Thanks! https://imgur.com/gallery/Dk8CYcf https://imgur.com/gallery/vVKChed
  22. Congratulations, I hope to be following in your footsteps soon. Good luck on specialist
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