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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by ImperialLoyalty342

  1. Welcome! 850 is a great maker, good price and well made. I definitely recommend abs over fiberglass. I got my DLT19 from RS, not sure if they would sell you one without a commissioned costume. I hope to troop with you in the future, I’m in south Wisconsin garrison
  2. Haha that is hilarious if we killed the rs shadow trooper... as long as ours is approvable of corse. Imagine if we had the only ones, that would be epic!
  3. I’ve decided to keep the e-11 in the holster and rock the DLT full time! I have a rubber DLT from rs but I’m more interested in finding one that can take it to the next level. It would be awesome to have light and sound in my blaster. Does anyone know of a good place to get one? I know it’s possible to buy a DLT kit and then put in the electronics but I want to save myself the headache if I can. Thanks
  4. Fiberglass is more expensive, and requires more work before you can wear it without getting splinters. It does look sharper but I believe you can get close to the same looking results by polishing abs. @mostcallmetim
  5. 805 always looks great and holds up trooping because of the ABS. Plus more affordable with lots of options. 805 all the way
  6. Yeah I appreciate the advise @Halycon I now see that’s it’s surely possible to change the look. @Raiderdo you think my GML will approve the sale results? You talked to him more than I.. im sure i can get this same look with the help of you all.
  7. Looks like I’ll be seeing you on a trading card soon enough! Interested what the bosses think @Raider @IcyTrooper
  8. The armor is awesome. I sent the final payment to rs today! I’ll gloss myself like you did.. I’ll be a trooper soon!
  9. Oh ha my bad. On FIDS and MEPS they have different levels. Wasn’t sure we only had the one.
  10. Definitely the left. It’s looking a lot different. Much better wouldn’t you say @Raider is it basic approvable or even specialist? also, did you have trouble with the helmet? I believe the helmet is painted
  11. That does help. I just don’t want to buy rs if I can’t make specialist because if the color. I will add however many cans of spray I need to make specialist. That’s the ultimate goal! @Raider
  12. So possibly specialist if you can see some reflection but not level 2 unless glossy as a kit like anovos? Anovos will be hard to match for us rs shadows haha
  13. So approvable if glossed? And what changes can we expect for specialist. I know the hand guards are flexible over latex gloves.. @Raider
  14. Hello. I am wondering if there is anyone here that has ever bought a shadow trooper from rs in ABS. I need to know if I can gloss over the plastic. Is the plastic black from start or is there a paint over it? If there is a paint then what kind of gloss can i use without hurting the black underneath? thanks
  15. Yeah I understand that you all aren’t consulted by the companies before they put “501st approved” on their sites. I will have to wait for @Halyconto figure out a way to fix his armor and then try to do the same thing. I was and still am involved in my garrison even before joining the 501st. I have made 2 jawa costumes with the help of garrison members and seen them at events. I just didn’t have the confidence yet in building my own hard armor as I am only 5’6“ (heard it’s difficult) so I thought rs was a good option.
  16. I guess my best bet then is to wait for the armor. It’s tricky because I can’t get even a partial refund if I go through with the shipping. Hopefully my GML will work something out with either Rs or the detachment managers or whoever would be in change or a situation like this. i appreciate the help
  17. I appreciate the help @Raider @IcyTrooper. I saved up all of this money to buy this armor and now it’s not seeming to be good enough. I already bought rubies before this armor so it’s ending up being almost 4,000$ My garrison GML said he will talk to the detachment leader and let me know. I don’t understand how some people were approved and now people aren’t from rs without there being a change in the CRL. Hopefully my experience will start to get better
  18. Will this work if it was painted? The response of rs was “we have never and will never use acrylic capped” I’m not sure what that means.
  19. Im not sure @Raider if it’s not painted then I will go on with the purchase and fix it at home. Can you link me the spray you recommend?
  20. Yes exactly @Raider i am more than capable of flossing myself but they are telling me it can’t happen so I’m not sure what to do. I have Novus 3 kit gloss for abs that I may try anyways but the problem is that I have only a limited time for a refund. Do I risk getting the armor and possibly not being able to join 501st or do I refund it and take the loss of time ?
  21. @Raideri messaged them and they said the armor cannot be glossed. I would for sure gloss myself if I knew how to do it without possibilities or ruining the armor. a video or something like that to show how would be great if you have one
  22. That’s unfortunate. I’ll probably just refund and buy elsewhere. Anyone have a recommendation?
  23. I just sent an email to them too. If they can sweet talk the garrisons then that’s fine by me but I don’t think it’ll happen. Update when you find out more
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