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501st Reserve[501st]
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Everything posted by ImperialLoyalty342

  1. I agree. We all should contact rs so this won’t be a problem in the future. Info@rspropmasters.com i ordered a three step abs polish called Novus. A TK recommended it to me so hopefully it works. Pretty disappointed though, thought the rs black was acceptable.
  2. looks good to me for specialist but I’m no expert. In other news.. i messaged my garrison GML today and he said that, as of right now, he predicts that I will need to polish my armor that comes straight from rs before submission photos for approval. I found this very surprising but “I will do what I must”
  3. I love the dlt you have in the photo, is this an rs prop also? For around 220$ it seems pretty good if it holds up well. Would you recommend?
  4. Definitely make sure to let us know! Did you shine the Armor at all when you got it? Is it abs or pvc? I’m waiting for my full commissioned shadow trooper from rs and the hate on rs shadow being dull is starting to make me worried.
  5. Definitely should be glossy enough for basic if anything
  6. Looks good! Do you have a thread of the making of it? I’m interested how.. i would also vote to sand it down
  7. I am a soon to be shadow trooper. As a trooper that will be known for being in the dark more than a typical TK, I would like to have an attached flashlight to my blaster. First I would like to know if there is an available attachment or simple way to attach a light. Also: is the flashlight on the blaster approval for 501st? What are the conditions for blaster modifications? I appreciate the help!
  8. Impressive so far. I wish I had the know how to build my own kits keep it up
  9. I want a voice amplifier for my Shadow Trooper build but there’s a lot I need help with.. -Do I need a TX specific amplifier or would a classic TK voice mod work? -Where is the best place to get said amplifier? (Cost is not important) -How hard is the install? thanks in advance for the help! Mason
  10. Wow that is a lot more than I thought. I never have build a kit before as I ordered my costume from rs but I may order another and try to set it up as a BF shadow. Thanks for the response
  11. Anyone here ever done a shadow trooper from rs and converted into a shadow trooper from BF? i believe the only difference would be that the BF shadow trooper needs to have a silver chin and the imperial logo on the chest plate. Is that all or is there more that must be modified?
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