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Everything posted by tubachris85x

  1. The Ranger trooper and the one on the bike are different troopers. The range trooper is a Snowtrooper variant, so we will be seeking to develop the crl after the film's release
  2. So, I'm always questioning whether or not my brain is functioning properly at times. Just had one of those moments....I just realized that the base belt is not clone, but standard TK style. Mind you, I currently have a steelbitz belt custom dyed for this. Well, I can use the belt boxes but I need to find a new belt....
  3. The Phase 3 darktrooper stands at a little over 9ft
  4. Oy, Yes, I've been searching specifically for FX parts strictly because of the size, however, he won't part with individual pieces. As for ATA, his parts don't even fit me. In fact, I may have to custom make my own shin/calf armor...I'm a big guy lol Funny thing is, my first thread is on The Dented Helmet..I made a few threads on a few different forums. Even funnier, I was at one point made the Moderator for the Dark Trooper section on the old spec ops forum! Oh well lol
  5. It is...my friends thought it looked like a sad frog
  6. Don't think I've forgotten about this...I leave the helmet out everyday to remind me...
  7. Looks awesome! I freaked out when I first saw these in-game and it referenced it as part of the Darktrooper Project!
  8. lol thanks...I'm going to get back to work on the helmet this weekend while I have some free time
  9. Not posting as much since this phase is just bondo after bondo work. I was able to borrow a mouse sander and a dremel from a friend which helped out a lot! Before slathering more bondo on today, it was actually really looking good considering how it looked when I started. At this point, the majority of it is looking good, but I'm focusing on filling out and leveling/evening out particular areas as well as forming the dome's rim to make it more defined and get that "polygonal" look taken out and brought into a real world round look. Also mad the eyes look less goofy. Still need to get my needle files though to get the remainder out. Thanks for your patience! -TC
  10. Spent considerable time today, though the results for the day's work is minimal. I do miss my mouse sander. Got this far by hand, but it shows that it works so far, but is just going to take along time. I'm not a "bondo ranger" like I've seen others so I'm feeling the "pain" already lol Anyways, focusing on the dome for now. I noticed that there is bump on the helmet that is the remnants of a particular expanding foam incident years ago when I first built the model. I'm going to need to correct this, but I'll require a power sander to make significant headway. Otherwise, I'm going to just keep building up and sanding till it gets there.. Thanks.. -TC
  11. I was more saying "pffhffhdfhfhfsfhalfjhaklfjhakdfjajhdfjhjhjff" trying to avoid inhaling all the dust lol
  12. Started sanded the helmet today. Haven't started the bondo work but I've got an industrial size thing of it waiting to be cracked open. It's going ok for now, focused on the face today, but it's gonna take time. Cut the eyes out but don't have all of my dremel bits to get the rest, so it looks kinda goofy at the moment. Gonna start bondo tomorrow... -TC
  13. OK! Fiberglass reinforcement is complete. Gotta wait for it to cure but that's ok. I'll begin bondoing hopefully soon as well. Looks nasty right now, but it'll look pretty soon enough. Big thanks to my buddy Anthony for coming all the way down to help!!
  14. Hey guys, I just created a facebook page for this...it should make updates a little more streamlined... https://www.facebook.com/groups/444065075668835/
  15. OK, had a great time in Orlando over the weekend. Met a prospective member who also completed a Magma trooper! I'm going to get focused on this project now, hopefully get back onto the helmet by the end of the week (after payday, AKA, "Steak Day"). I've got a local member who offered to help me with the project, and who is also currently constructing a vacu-former (much better then mine of course) to which I offered to assist him on as well, which would be benificial for my project! I'm also planning on heading back into Tallahassee to pull my stuff from storage and retreived my clonetrooper armor parts and get that going again... Just taking time... -TC
  16. I am in need of TK shins, forearms and bicep pieces. The problem being though is that I need larger/taller pieces for me to fit it without looking off.
  17. Although I have not begun work on the other pieces, I am still actively searching for AM/FX TK parts. A lot harder then I thought given the vendor absolutely refuses to sell individual pieces...
  18. LOL Yea, I'll buy a cake that will say "About F***ing Time Chris" when I finish the suit
  19. lol And I'm surprised you all have Should give you all an award for it
  20. As an FYI, I'll be getting back onto this after this following weekend (Mega con) so that I will see how far I can get. I would have like to have been able to get it finished for Star Wars Weekends, but that would be pretty ambitious given my track record..thanks for the patience... -TC
  21. Hmm..is this username the same on the BF forums? I just moved the elections stuff to the archives
  22. Interesting, do you have 501st access on the forums? That may be the reason
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