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Everything posted by tubachris85x
Thanks guys Still working on the fixes. IDK, I feel no matter how much I change, I find something else to work on. I think I just need to settle with it at some point. I've closed up the areators portion, fixed the "tubes" on the forward sides of the face (Where they line up with the point end of the frown) and almost done with the 2nd eye. The actual teeth portion, I could not get it to where I wanted (and cleanly) so I filled it up except for the center to use as a starting point. All in all, I am starting to realize just how much more work is necessary post molding. I just hope I can get it to where I want it... I'm getting worried about the strength of the helmet now, mainly the outer edges. I'm going to be doing some more fiberglass reinforcement, tomorrow at the latest. I don't want the piece to warp when molding. It's not that bad but I don't want to chance it. Oh yea, all this showed up.. -TC
Ok, well I should have been asleep an hour ago but got to work with the helmet (no new pics just yet) but I started making more corrections for accuracy. Here I present a side-by-side comparison. The 2nd one having annotations to show the areas to be re-worked (what's left at least) One of the biggest things I kinda hesitated on redoing were the forward "tube" sections that lead into the areator location. The game model depict the starting point/line as where the frown points down on each side. My sculpt's version has it starting higher than the frown. I already cut one side down tonight, need to do the other. The areator portion I initially was wanting to hold off until after molding, but I've already formed the "ring" on the left side with clay, and filled in the opening somewhat to give a good base foundation to work with later on. I plan to use short/squatty areators. That's it for now...off to bed for me... -TC
Started making fixes for accuracy on the helmet today in preparation for the transition mold in two weeks. Got one eye finished and looking a hell of alot more accurate then before and I started redoing the frown. I think I got the shape I want (need), which IMO makes the helmet look "different" then before, and I think that subtle change in angles really makes it appear more like the in game model. Just need to finish re-doing the teeth... More to come...Ordering molding supplies tonight! -TC
Just because I need the extra stress lol that's something I'd like to aim for! Anyways, I'm ordering molding materials next week, and will be molding during spring break, the following week after next...
Not much to update. Work has had me bogged down and the army has taken up my weekends :/. I'm looking to be at Megacon next weekend though, and planning to have an armor party not much sooner after. I may be commissioning someone to get work done for me on this as Im feeling the stress of getting this done for C6. As for moldin the helmet, it appears that I'm on my own and will have to use a weekend to do so...
Hope the curse doesn't kill me first!
Hazza! The first 100% finished part of the suit is done...the handplates!
Not much to report but I painted up the hand plates last night, and added one strap of elastic . Need to get more CA glue accelerant. I'm hoping to be throwing an armor party in the next couple of weeks to get some expert help and get it wearable, so I can finish it and paint it. Just need more time :/
Got some help from Brandyn the other day, just wish I had more time! He helped me get started with the clone parts and got me to a good spot to continue fitting and getting the "space diaper" fitted properly. I had to extend both sides on the cod and butt plates to get a good overlap so I can work with it. The good news is that the thigh armor won't need to be extended, I cut down one set and learned that I can assemble it right after I trim the excess plastic off. I will however have to cut down the return edge at least halfway to get it comfortable. To top it off, I received my clone hand plates as well as my belt from steelbitz. It's slowly coming together!
Steelbitz sent me a pic of my custom belt! Looks pretty good for color! Can't wait to get it in the mail!
Good news all around. I am about ready to make the transition mold for the helmet. Got the list of supplies I need, then just need to sit down and do it. Next thing, I am going to be having the torso pieces CNC milled directly from the 3d file. Discussed this with the studio whos helping me out. Gonna throw on some hydrocal and vac form it. I'll keep you all updated! Also...the clone armor just arrived!!!!
You guys will be the first ones to know!
Good news...a local studio is allowing me to bring in the helmet tomorrow and said they would help me make the transition mold. Their going to evaluate it and tell me what they think would be best, and I'll be ordering polyurethane rubber tomorrow based on their eval. It'll be one step closer to getting the helmet done. Also, one of the staff there said he's looking for more excuses to use the CnC mill at their studio so he wants me to bring in the 3d model for him to play around with, and see about getting the pieces I need milled out! Things are looking up!
Alright, here are the pics I've been slacking on posting. These are from tonight. I went and got what I could finished with the sculpt. Unfortunately, there is only so much I can do at this point but it still "looks" like a soup sandwich (to me) but it's where I need it to be for the transition mold. Structurally speaking, it's no good, so I'd like to get this in the rubber ASAP and cast a solid and or hollow resin piece to work out the final master. My concentration tonight was symmetry where the areators go, as well as re-sculpting the bottom part of one ear cap. Finished off "filling out" the forward "tube" section, so both sides are pretty spot on with each other This mix grey and white clay is really throwing me off and cannot wait to get a solid piece in one color!! Close up of the re-worked section Getting anxious here.... -TC
Good to know! Will be done by C6!!
Not sure if anyone needs it, but I do have the 3D model at my disposal, and can provide suitable reference upon request. I can without a doubt confirm the identity of parts: - thigh, belt (including two main boxes and thermal detonator), abdominal, kidney, cod and butt armor are all clone. The shoes are clone however, are missing the strap that a normal clone shoe has. - Biceps, forarms and shins are stormtrooper. In my initial research, I believed these to be semi-custom, however, having gone back and did comparisons between the darktrooper model and the in-game TK model, its been determined the above pieces are indeed identical. -chest/back, shoulders and helmet, are obviously custom. Just email or PM me if you need some references! -TC
Yea just looked it up! Interesting...I wonder how long ago they came up with that..I started this project about 5 years...5 years too long at that. Idk what to think of it. At least now, it's classified as such instead of just being another version of the darktrooper. It may or may not affect legion approval though..I'm hoping it'll be fine either way.
When/who made that story up? Have I been out of the loop for that long? Lol
Huh, didn't know it was classified as such... Anyway, ordered OSCS clone parts. Going to be ordering the clone belt this weekend..stay tuned
I am doing the battle front 2 version. Thanks!
Am in the process of ordering my clone armor and TK parts this weekend. These parts will cover about 90% of the entire costume. This is the game plan so far; have a 3D artist modify the existing models of the pieces I'll need made; chest, back, jet pack and shoulders into a HD version of itself. From that, I want to have them CNC milled into a vacu-form buck and have pieces made from there. The jetpack would need to be molded. Just started school this week, gonna be busy..
I'll get the pics here in a few. Finally found the good camera. Anyways, Ive been volunteering at a local studio, and I've learned a bit since. One thing being, is that I can now afford to make a transition mold. This means, I'll mold it as it, make a casting, and re-work the cast into the final master. Given that I don't like using clay a generally don't feel comfortable with it, this is the best way for me to feel like I have "control" over it. Anyways. I'm still going to consult with the staff there before I delve deep into it.
Will try to get pics up later, but we have been doing alot to the helmet. Still a ways away, but alot closer to being finished. We are aiming to have the helmet molded by the end of January. We've covered the whole rear of the helmet in new clay and goes up to about half way up the dome. Still correcting leveling issues and adding more material where it's needed. Last things needed to do for the helmet are: -Correcting dome's shape to counter the polygonal look -Re-do rear dome "vents" -Correct right side cheek -Add/sculpt the chin detail -Smooth the entire helmet/prep for molding Not a big list, but it takes along time, and my patience is wearing thin
Getting ready to prep my next part...
Confined indoors today, as maintenance men were occupying the outside of the building, pressure cleaning the entire apartment, so got some more work done to this... I began fixing the rear. I'd say the biggest obstacle with this is getting the entire back side of this sculpt clean. You can see the nastiness of it. I'm thinking that I'm going to cover the entire dome and back end in the new clay, as it's much better quality and much easier to work with. Overlooking the 3d model, it appears that the back is supposed to be rounded, versus the sharp angled look of it before, therefore, I've added more clay to "round" it out. Still needs some minor work and smoothing, but almost there. Since I was re-working this area, I've decided to try and pronounce the detail, but think I need to round it down and give it a lower profile.. Getting there... -TC