Wow, this board has changed drastically since I was last able to sign on, it appears my original project thread no longer exists here. It's been along time and well overdue. Eats me away that I have not completed my personal project I started about 5 years ago. I need this to be done to move on and show that I can actually finish something. I'm taking a shortcut with this though, it'll be quicker, but produce a quality result in the end. For those that don't know me or have any idea as to what I'm talking about, please check this link out from The Dented Helmet :
I started many aspects of this but failed along the way, left this alone for another time. Well now is do or die I originally wanted to keep this a sorta "surprise" to those that know me, but I like doing this, showing progress...
For those that have seen my previous work on this, I'm starting back on the helmet sculpt which is about 90% done. It has survived 2 separate moves across the state. I started today repairing, correcting and re-adjusting things. I have lost and then recovered the 3D file, which I have already started putting through pepakura to get started again with the custom pieces. Realistically, all that I need to make myself to get this near completion, is the helmet, shoulder bells, chest/back and the jump-jet pack. My bicep and Forearm molds just need to be fixed up and repaired to form again. Everything else, I already can get.
This will get done. Next year is 2012, right? Gotta finish cause the world is gonna end