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  1. They appear to be a similar base shape to the later seasons of TCW clone forearms (once the elbows detached and back taper was not so sharp): You refine the shape and add the additional ridges, different buttons and tapered thinner shape toward the wrist that clones don't. Could certainly start with the model for a clone and build out from there.
  2. Ok, sounds good. You could also try here: https://starwarsscreencaps.com/category/tv-shows/star-wars-rebels/
  3. Do you happen to have any better images of it from the TCW Series? On first glance it appears to match TCW Cody...but I would want to take a closer look before ruling on it.
  4. No need for feuds. A request by other Detachment Leadership was made, and considered. A reply should go out soon. We're very excited to see these build progress, and can be finished CRLs of their own.
  5. It was know, yes. Update should be forthcoming soon on the request. Much of the LMO felt that was an important consideration as well.
  6. Thanks as well to the other LMOs and my wife LadyB who helped proof read the CRL. Glad to see it complete. :)
  7. I concur. Shiny is perfectly fine but based on what we see, mild weathering would be viable as well.
  8. Exactly. If they see fit to make upgrades, more power to them, but in lieu of that they are grandfathered in.
  9. Sorry it is a tricky one, I have most on steam but I don't know if Galaxies is even on there. My question was if there was a guide on sizing (fine if not) and mostly placement as it appears it could be overlapping some of the trap to be positioned right and not too far to the center of the brow (as seen in the image above) As to the other the white is that I wanted to check on. The mesh is definitely silverish, for sure. Though I know the interiors are white for ANH Stunt and some others, on the Aerators/Hovi-MIX tip is something I just couldn't see based on the size and detail of the model and texture maps. The resolution and LOD is just too low. Thank you for your attention and assistance.
  10. If able to get some more game reference could you grab some of the helmet that would also be great on this point. or share reference you have that would be awesome. References are few and far between, I've just not seen reference where you can see more than black and silver. Many thanks.
  11. That would be good to check on the game. I'm not suggesting that on the low poly model it is overlapping the trap, just that if standard sized it would. This was long enough ago I'm guessing there was no geometry for the trap, or even a normal map, maybe just a bump. The thicker red is just rather wide, and the darker trap area is kind of small. Just want to get it correctly wide (the thicker part of the red stripe), and in looking close thought overlapping a standard trap a little would be the way to do it. If you can get a hold of the game and get more details that would be great, thank you.
  12. Thanks for starting this thread Ryan. In process of helping on a build for one of these I had a question on the details in front above the trim and David suggested posting here. In looking at it I would say that the Traps in front (if standard sized) are half covered with the red paint (as seen here marked in green). I also wondered if anyone had a recommended width for the taller red part of the stripe there as well, to match reference well but not encrouch too much on the middle of the helmet. Thank you.
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