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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by dewannawanga

  1. Are we content with the posterior and cod armor? What's our next part to wrap up?
  2. I'm sure it was there under the kama. You can tell there is something under the kama giving it shape. If it wasn't there the kama would look off in the back. On mine I just hung it from my main garter belt so it will sit under the kama and give it shape. Here is a photo of mine.
  3. Correct, I emailed FBFX and they confirmed the kit is identical to the clones they made for the show with the exception of the shoulders, greebs, radio pack and helmet.
  4. Is it possible to get this wrapped up by May 4th? Once my soft parts arrive I'll be done and would love to be able to wear it on may 4th.
  5. Looks pretty good. I don't know if it's worth mentioning but the new one goes together in a corset style like the new TKs. Also should we mention the back cover plate with the ab plate or with the belt? I've attached some reference photos of mine and another one to show more detail.
  6. Sure is! It's the meng kit with the full interior. Took me over 2 years to build lol.
  7. That looks good. Here are some photos of my radio. I still have to make the dial greeblie. This is the jinta studios kit witch is said to be made as a direct copy of the 3d files made by FBFX for the purge trooper. Sharing incase they help with any specific details.
  8. Also like we found on the chest there is indeed a gap on the sides were the 2 meet.
  9. Sharing photos of my lvl 2 kama liner fabric me and a buddy made. The red is screen printed with several layers of ink. This built up the red on the fabric making the black cogs appear lower and embossed.
  10. So the back center is split up the middle like a clone kama. You can see this in the reference photos of them running.
  11. Just sharing some armor progress pics. Yes I know the wrong bicep is red 🤣. I still have to paint the helmet so I'll be repainting it then.
  12. That looks good! Out of curiosity are we good with the kama? I ask cause I was planning on printing the inner cog fabric this weekend.
  13. Also we should add the red lens being lit as it's seen in the film illuminated.
  14. One detail I'd suggest changing is stating there is no gap at the sides between chest and back armor. If you look at screen used clones (I've confirmed with FBFX the base armor is the exact same as the clones they made) you can see a gap. The the gap is backed with black elastic or rubber like the new Era ties. If you watch the Adam savage video where he goes over a screen used clone in close up detail you can see the gap.
  15. Yeah. Something like "compad location matches reference photo"?
  16. One thing I might suggest is mentioning the placement of the compad. Since it's the same as a clone but in a different spot people might get confused and glue it on like a clone. Something like "upper left rear" or something like that.
  17. Hey yall, one thing I found that I might suggest we change is the flat sole of the boot being a level 1 detail. The reason for this is after hours of research the only source for the correct boot with a flat sole is keeptrooping. This means that if he stopped making the boots no one would be able to be approved. I found several online sources for boots that match everything else but they all had heels. I think the flat sole should be a lvl 2 detail strictly due to availability. Me personally I will still be buying his boots but for anyone else who may not have that option now or in the future they are SOL.
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