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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by dewannawanga

  1. Only suggestion I have on the pauldron is mentioning the under strap attaching to the underside of pauldron with the snap.
  2. I was following a build from a member who was an actual clone on the film and built his kit exactly how the orginal was rigged. I'm happy to leave it out. I only mentioned it as an extra detail people could have if they wanted.
  3. Knee Armor • Painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor • Knees have a protruding flat area in front oriented towards the top of Knee. • Knees wrap around both sides of the knee . There is a black rubber strap that attaches to the insides of the knee armor and wraps around the inside of knee. . There are 2 raised ridges that run along the outside edges of strap. . There are 3 raised half moon lines the run across inner section towards one end of the strap Lvl 2 . Knee armor is padded to slightly elevate knee armor off knee
  4. Shin armor: . Armor is gloss black to match the rest of the armor . Armor is 2 part assembly with a front and rear that are joined at the sides. Both seems must be visible . One side should open allowing leg to slide through armor . Bottom of armor slopes down from the top of the ankle to the heel . There is an upside down u molded into the rear bottom of armor . There is a flat face at the top of shin by the knee armor Wording isn't the best so feel free to change where needed.
  5. Okay so this is what we have so far correct? I'd like to move on. shoulder bells .Shoulder bells are considered effectively symmetrical; they may be worn interchangeably on the left and right shoulders .The top center is recessed between the two ridges and runs from the top of the shoulder to the bicep and notches into the lower rectangular area .A raised ridge runs along the bottom edge and angles up to meet the top ridges along the side. .the armor is painted gloss black .there is a black 1 inch strap that attaches shoulder armor to shoulder straps from chest and back armor. Lvl 2 .shoulder bells have padding on inside that makes the shoulder armor sit slightly elevated off arm elbow armor • Painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor • There is a small rectangular buckle style greeblie on the outside front corner of the armor. • A black rubber strap is attached the both inner ends of armor and wraps around the inside pit of the elbow. The strap is flat with 2 raised ridges that run along the outside edges of the strap OPTIONAL: Level two certification The inside of the armor is padded to slightly elevate the armor off elbow forearm armor • Painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor • Armor is a 2 piece design with a top and bottom. Armor is joined together with visible seams on both sides • Both left and right forearms are mirror images of each other. • Right forearm has a main compad with 8 small buttons and 1 large main button. A second slightly smaller rectangular button sits centered on the main compad. Forearm tops have a flattened triangular area with a ridge that comes to a point at the top center of the forearm. hand plates • Painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor • Hand plates are mirror images of each other. • Hand plates have a top curving ridge just past the knuckles of the hand. Plates turn down in a triangular shape that point towards the base of the thumb. chest armor • Armor is painted gloss black. • Two raised rectangles aligned vertically in center of armor ○ Left rectangle has small raised line along outside edge ○ Right rectangle has a small notch shape on right edge and 4 small horizontal rectangles on the lower left corner between shapes. Top of rectangle extends slightly above left side rectangle • Raised greeblie is located in lower left with a round red lens illuminated with red LED • Two beveled vertical rectangles in lower right • A seam line is present. Shoulder straps are slotted into the cut ridges of the top connection points. . Shoulder straps are made of flexible rubber like material back armor • Armor is painted gloss black • Radio backpack is permanently attached to back armor • Back and chest armor come together at the sides with a black rubber like peice of the inside of both to fill the gap • A seam line is present. Shoulder straps are slotted into the detail ridges of the top connection points backpack radio • Radio is painted gloss black. • Clips on right and left side appear to attach radio to back armor • Radio consists of a horizontal top panel and vertical side and front panel. Front and side lower panels angle in to meet bottom panel • Top plate has rectangular recessed area that includes ○ Short, thick antenna mounted on top left. ○ Large slide switch near right of antenna base. ○ Next to slide switch is one long vertical rectangle, 2 shorter horizontal stacked rectangles and a long vertical rectangle ○ Right of the long vertical rectangle is a raised cone shaped cylinder with a recessed round button ○ Next to the round button is a small vertical rectangular button ○ Beveled edge runs around the outside of the top panel • Front plate ○ Recessed band runs horizontally across center ○ Square with shallow slope is slightly recessed below front plate inside band ○ Long horizontal recessed rectangle sits above 3 circular inset shapes. The rectangle is divided in half by a diagonal bar and is filled with recessed diagonal bars. 3 circular inset shapes have 2 inset rings. ○ Bottom angled panel has a circular button on bottom left corner • Right side panel has horizontal recessed band that aligns with recessed band on front • Left side panel ○ Horizontal recessed band aligns with band on front and ends at raised side panel ○ Raised side panel runs from the center of the bottom angled panel and extends just above the top panel § Slightly raised vertical rectangle with five horizontal raised rectangles with beveled bottoms § Horizontal rectangular red lens at bottom of side panel OPTIONAL: Level two certification • Horizontal rectangular red lens at bottom of side panel of backpack is lighted abdomen armor • Two inset lines divide the abdomen armor into segments. • Four holes, approximately ¼ inch in diameter, are present in each inset line. • Abdomen armor wraps around the wearer’s body and is sealed at the sides or back. • Two inset lines divide the back into segments Abdomen armor is completely contained under the chest and back armor. Cod armor • Armor is painted gloss black. • Codpiece and Posterior armor connect at the hips Belt • Belt and detonator are painted gloss black. • Eight boxes are painted gloss black, 2 are painted gloss red to match other armor. • Front of belt has three vertical rectangular indents which are spaced apart by two raised rectangular smaller boxes. Left side box is red and right side box is black. • Belt has raised edging on top and bottom that run along the whole belt. • The remaining eight belt boxes are attached with four on each side. ○ The two largest boxes in front are angled with top surface higher toward the center. ○ The smaller boxes located behind the front boxes angled with top surface higher toward back. Small recessed square is located near the bottom edge. Recessed line runs through box just below the top of the square. Left side box is black and right side box is red. ○ Medium sized matching pouch like boxes, with flap like top cover. A small raised rectangle runs near the bottom front of box. Two raised vertical rectangles run on each side. ○ Rear box has two square buttons on the upper front corner of a larger raised rectangle. The bottom area is recessed below the top area and sides of box angle up slightly. Two dashed indented marks appear near lower back corner on front of box. • Five small stacked rectangular boxes appear in the recesses of the belt between the top and bottom ridge next to the back of the rear box. • A detonator is centered and attached to back of Belt. ○ Detonator tube is about 2 1/4 inch diameter with 2 wider detailed straps near end caps. ○ Seven vertical rectangular buttons are on left side of tube, facing backwards. ○ End of detonator has inset circle. Rectangle shape cuts through circle and is slightly raised. Small round cap extends above rectangle. Thigh Armor • Front of thigh armor has a flat triangular area near the knee. • From the top of the triangle a ridge line travels up the front of the thigh to the top edge. • There should be a visible seam down the inside and outside of the armor Armor is painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor I left the shins and knees out since those are parts we are currently discussing and altering.
  6. I'm fine to leave it as until more photos surface. Being the hot toys is our only real reference that's what we have to go off of.
  7. Are you referring to my suggestion for the knee armor or my suggestion if lvl 2 rigging? I'm fine to leave out the lvl 2 rigging details. I was just mentioning it incase people wanted to add it but if we don't that's cool. If it's in reference to my suggestion for the knee that strap is visible and specifically detailed, that's why I feel it should be outlined. If we wanna remove the reference to it being a "clone strap" that's fine aswell.
  8. Here are some photos of my shin armor. This is the new style that should be used on the purge trooper. Here is my suggested revision. Shin armor: . Armor is gloss black to match rest of armor . Armor is correctly sized to the wearer . Armor is a 2 piece construction with a front and rear part joined together . 2 seams are visible down both sides of armor . One seam must be able to open up allowing room for leg to be slid through. The inner lip of this seam should be recessed lower to allow room for velcrow to make both side of armor sit level when closed. . Bottom of armor should slope down from the top of the ankle to the heal . Armor closely resembles the realistic style clone shin with the added detail of a recessed arch on the lower end by the heal of the armor.
  9. Afew more notes. Knee armor: the rear strap is a black clone trooper style rubber strap (I can send photos of mine). Also the outside edges of armor are smooth with the strap attaching on the inside with snaps or velcro. Shin armor: the shins are a seemed clam style armor like the rest. It's a 2 peice style with no trap door piece on the rear like the older clones. It has seems down both sides with the outside seem opening to allow leg to slide through. This can be seen in the reference photos and the Adam savage clone video. Radio: I'll start by saying your radio outline is awesome and I don't think there are any specific details that need changed. The only thing I might recommend is laxing the details a tad. I feel this is very much like the dengar back pack where there are no really good photos of the radio so we should allow alittle creative freedom with some things until some better photos surface. However this is just a suggestion. If it stayed just how it was I think that would be fine aswell. Chest armor: with reference to the red light cap. I think it would be fair to require this To illuminated since it is shown to be lit in the film. And it would be incredibly easy to install one light in there. Also where the gap is there is a black peice of rubber that goes on the inside to help fill the gap but gap edges are still visible. Thigh armor: this isn't a huge detail but specifically with the thighs I feel we should require the 2 strap rigging to garter belt. The reason for this is this was strategically done to hold thigh armor straight and prevent rotating while wearing and walking. Since this causes a cosmetic difference to the kit I feel it's fair to require it. Abdomen plate and belt: this one is tricky. In the films the belt and Abdomen plates are attached as one piece. I don't know that this is something that needs to be required just mentioning it for discussion.
  10. Freaking Scott Killin it! Looks like someone made good use of the time off from the holiday;) afew things I might suggest Chest armor: reading it is sounds like you have written there should be no gab on the bottom corners where the front and back armor meet. This would be incorrect. There is a gap between them on the screen used kits. Also for larger troopers it would be impossible for there to be no gap there on the sides. Let me know if I miss read the description. Knee armor: there is also padding on the inside of the knee to elevate the knee armor off knee. I would recommend adding that lvl 2 detail.
  11. I agree on the strapping. If we keep it level2 then that leaves rigging open for everyone for Lvl 1. We will just keep the clone armor thing for now and if he decides it's not necessary we can remove it later.
  12. They are close but not exact. I would sell it and buy the correct R1 tk undersuit
  13. Right thigh armor: . Movie realistic clone thigh armor . Armor is a 2 piece construction with front and back pieces being joined together. There should be 2 visible seams down both sides of the armor . Armor is sized to the wearer . Armor is painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor . Armor is rigged to a garter belt with 2 1" straps the are attached to the front outer edge of thigh armor. "this particular detail can be seen in the Adam savage video" Left thigh armor: . Movie realistic clone thigh armor . Armor is a 2 piece construction with front and back pieces being joined together. There should be 2 visible seams down both sides of the armor . Armor is sized to the wearer . Armor is painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor . Armor is rigged to a garter belt with 2 1" straps the are attached to the front outer edge of inner thigh armor. "this particular detail can be seen in the Adam savage video"
  14. I understand your point on the reference to other armor. With this particular costume how ever I do feel it's important to mention "movie realistic clone armor". The reason for this is the armor is clearly clone trooper armor and the problem with clones is there are allot of variations. Without mentioning "realistic style clone armor". People could say "oh hey that's just clone armor" and could buy animated or other style clone armor if they didn't understand the difference witch would not be approvable. Afew minutes of research on Google would show the difference between the types of clone armor so I don't feel it's unreasonable to expect people to do some research on there own. Clone armor is very particular so you have to be very specific. Thats also why i mentioned the seems cause the OG realistic clone armor had no seams. We could alter it to say "movie realistic style clone armor" As for the strapping the only reason I recommended those as level 2 requirements is because that's how the movie suits were rigged so it's just an extra detail. There is a member on the clone trooper detachment who was an actual clone in kenobi and build and rigged his armor exactly like the one he wore in the film so felt it could be a lvl 2 detail. If we decide we don't want to mention it for level 2 that's Fine aswell. I was also basing some of that off of what is seen in the Adam savage close up clone video.
  15. I was thinking maybe we do the legs since they are super easy regular clone armor and get them out of the way then move onto the center armor parts that we will need to spend more time on. Is there anything you suggest changing on the arms before we move on? Should we split the bicep armor into a left and right like I did with the forearms?
  16. Left hand plate: . realistic style clone hand plate . Hand plate is attached and centered on top of glove . Armor is painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor Right hand plate: Left hand plate: . realistic style clone hand plate . Hand plate is attached and centered on top of glove . Armor is painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor
  17. Right Forearm armor: . Realistic style clone Forearm armor . Armor is a 2 peice design with a top and bottom. Armor is joined together with 2 visible seams on both sides . Armor is painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor . Compad greeblie is positioned on the topside of the Forearm and is identical to the clone trooper compad. Compad is painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor Lvl 2 . A 1 inch black elastic strap runs from the inside elbow to the inside of the forearm armor Left forearm armor: .Realistic style clone Forearm armor . Armor is a 2 peice design with a top and bottom. Armor is joined together with 2 visible seams on both sides . Armor is painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor Lvl 2 . A 1 inch black elastic strap runs from the inside elbow to the inside of the forearm armor
  18. I also realized something was missing here. Bicep armor . Realistic style clone bicep armor .there are seams that run along the sides of the armor connecting front to back. . Right side is painted gloss black to match rest of armor . Left side is painted gloss red . Armor is specific left to right . A 1 inch black strap runs from the inside side of bicep and attaches to elbow armor . Bicep must sit under shoulder bell
  19. I've moved on to the elbow. Elbow armor .realistic style clone elbow armor . Painted gloss black to match the rest of the armor . There is a small rectangular greeblie on the out side corner of the armor. .a black rubber strap is attached the both inner ends of armor and wraps around the inside pit of the elbow. The strap is flat with 2 raised ridges that run along the outside edges of the strap Lvl 2 . The inside of the armor is padded to slightly elevate the armor off elbow .there are 2 elastic straps that run down from the bicep armor and attach to the inner sides the elbow.
  20. Bicep armor . Realistic style clone bicep armor . Right side is painted gloss black to match rest of armor . Left side is painted gloss red . Armor is specific left to right . A 1 inch black strap runs from the inside side of bicep and attaches to elbow armor . Bicep must sit under shoulder bell Thoughts?
  21. Shoulder bells .The shoulder bells are considered effectively symmetrical; they may be worn interchangeably on the left and right shoulders .The top center is recessed between the two ridges and runs from the top of the shoulder to the bicep and notches into the lower rectangular area .A raised ridge runs along the bottom edge and angles up to meet the top ridges along the side. .the armor is painted gloss black .there is a black 1 inch strap that attaches shoulder armor to shoulder straps from chest and back armor. .there is a webbing strap that runs down and connects bicep armor to shoulder armor Lvl 2 .shoulder bells have padding on inside that makes the shoulder armor sit slightly elevated off arm So this is what we have. Are we content for now so we can move on to the bicep armor?
  22. Yeah I like that. I mentioned realistic style clone just as a base but I agree Maybe we shouldn't mention that to avoid confusion.
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