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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by stevechewbacca

  1. Sorry for my misunderstanding but what is the backing of a glove ? The forearm part should be gray i think. And the hand darker.
  2. Very nice ! I'll use this pic to make you another version but it has too wait till i get the internet in my new home. I'll let you know
  3. What you say is very interesting, so the shape of the back is caused by the forearm armor. That makes sense in a way.
  4. Man this is awesome ! Too bad for the left shoulder but if needed i can make another version. Let me know
  5. Aaaand here are some shots I was able to take from online videos. They were on HD but the constant moves do not allow good pictures ? Hopefully the colors are quite readable ^^"
  6. I can try to get some too or may be on a let's play HD video on youtube ? Let's try it over the week end ^^
  7. I understand your point on the color scheme. I focused on the in game ref rather than the model ones but I guess grey should be working
  8. Thanks for the reply I'm glad I don't have to work on these parts again ? Thanks ! The next weeks are going to be a real adventure ^^ I cannot wait
  9. @IcyTrooper considering the steps on the CRL, do you think I can build my suit in the same kind of material as the helmet skirt ? It is more off white than light grey but with a bit of dyiing and/or grey weathering, I think it should match. Also, I dyed the pouches into a beige/off white color is it ok or as above, should i change it a bit ? Now the project is on stand by for a few weeks as I'm moving into my new house during December. So all the kit is being packed up today ?
  10. Hum yes i see it better now. And you are right I guess i need to sell my duster and build it again ?? I also think there is a suede like material part under the knee pad. (Or maybe it is the shadow i'm not sure)
  11. I'd definitely go for the duster + pants and not for the kama + suit. But this is just me regarding the concept and process of the creation of this trooper which is clearly a modified snowtrooper. More over, for what I understand about the suit, it is more an off white duster/pants combo weathered with soot. If that makes sens. What do you think ? I think the shoulder armor part is clearly ok btw
  12. Well done so far ! Imo we should keep a "squad consistency" if that make sense. As it is complicated to know what was the real idea from a comic book. So all black with white lines for me I guess
  13. Do you need some pictures of the boots I have found to be the closest to the 3D model or not yet ? Also, about the gaiters, a very impressive seemstress who works a lot with my garrison and a lot of other great stuff told me that the material looks like suede in "taupe" color. I ordered some and it looks really good and very close to the shoes as well. I just wonder what can be the level of realisticness we can get based on the ref pictures we have. Especially that the "in game" and the "rig model" are quite different in color for the suit for example but as the snow model is close to the flame model I guess we should go for a base "off white" just like a snowtrooper should be. (that is what I started haha) What do you think ? Let me know if I'm not clear btw
  14. Hi guys ! Here is my little progress (I'm slow now as we are in the process of moving from a rented appartment to our own house with my gf). Anyway, I manages to dye a bit the pouches which were way too white ^^", I glued the hand plates and the com. I also weathered a little bit the canva part of the helmet to get a better look at the details. Of course the weathering will be constant all over the costume when I finish it
  15. Hey there ! Long time without posting. Been busy with "real" life haha ^^" But here is the progress of today as I received my custom gloves from a Slovenian leather handcrafter. They are reaaaally comfortable and trooping with them is gona be easy. I'm really happy. Original piece with cut lines to fit my (tiny) hands. Ok, obviously I have really tiny hands ooooor the maker made his kit to fit a wookie or something And voilĂ  ! I tried them with the forearms armor and it looks cool. Can't wait to show you more See ya ! Steve
  16. Thank you ! yes i have to take better pics. Soon I hope. But i want to make these details more visible first with some weathering and finish the side "jaws" too
  17. Hey guys ! I'm back from my vacations and I wanted to try the new color and fitting of the face skirt. Sorry for the blury image. Also, the helmet seems a bit too up but it is because i tried some thick foam in it which definitely won't be in the final version haha :p
  18. It is exactly what I'm doing But I obviously didn't cut the canva the right way This part is very difficult to figure out
  19. This part is visible from a close view thanks to the 3D part underneath and will be more visible with the weathering Also I'll change the material used for a ligther one as it is meant to be almost the same hue as the suit. After that i'll weather the whole suit and armor to get something as realistic and matching possible. [EDIT] On a second thought I will keep the same material to avoid destroying all my work and build the whole part again as I glued all together ? My concern now is : how can I light its color slightly and on top of all, how can I add some material to get it longer and larger without it being too noticeable ? :S
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