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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by stevechewbacca

  1. Hehe I hope we can troop together someday ^^
  2. You're welcome So, as promised, here're the pics of the helmet building. I made a first attempt that I disliked so I destroyed it. But, let me show you The first part I get : a Kasshyyk faceplate and 2 snow trooper parts I put some bondo and resin on it : But, I was not happy with it, the dome shape was really bad so I put it in a closet for a while until that day... Then I ordered a tk cap and back and restart the build : I put some rivets The back was made with another piece of snow back and worbla to fix it the proper way. I also add some bondo on the front to correct the shape. After some layers of mastic : Adding the details : And : Voilà ! Hope it helps for future builds
  3. And next : the soft parts and pouches ! An old suit I resized to fit me well The pouches Paintig the whole armor And adding the last detail : Tomorrow, the helmet
  4. So guys, here is the WIP of the armor. I'll keep the helmet for another post It took me about a year to get all the separate parts. Some were B grades, some were donations. I used some ikea furnitures accessories to make some details : And I glued it on the chest : The knees were made of Worbla and foam : I bought a KWDesign animated pouch : And I assembled and modified it the proper way : Fixing the ankle ammos : And the knees : A friend of mine made me 2 detonator kits : Then I prepared the belt : And I just had to finish up some parts and build the strapping :
  5. Many thanks guys I'll take a time to post the build here in the next few days ^^
  6. Hi guys ! I wanted to share the pics of my finished armor. I got it validated earlier this week almost 3 months after I submit these ^^" I'm very happy to get it validated as I worked a lot on it, especialy on the helmet. I have to thank Wicker Man for his help At first, I thought it would be a FISD armor so the WIP topic can be seen here : http://www.whitearmo...y-commando-wip/ Cheers !
  7. Great !! I think the validation is not that far from now Now I see what I have to order to finish mine (hoping I don't have to rebuild the helmet )
  8. Just in time before I order too many animated amo boxes I would say that the detonators must be rounded as all star wars trooper det' are. They're angular only because of the Wii resolution. I had the same kind of problems with my ICN (Incinerator trooper) and on the FISD, we decided to go in a way that the armor made do not follow the animation requirements in order to make it consistant near the other armors. I don't get the points about the helmet :$ for me it's more like a scout/snow/storm than a vader like (may be I misundertand something) ^^" Here's my WIP if something is really wrong, please, let me know : http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/19247-navy-commando-wip/
  9. Very inspiring for my own build Keep up the good work bro' !
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