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Master Tej - Help with NovaTrooper Elite Armor Build

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Well, that's another problem I have - I have no idea where to find an RT-97C, and, having to build one from scratch, well I'm afraid I'm not experienced enough to do that. That's why I think that, if I had to build one from scratch, my best bet might just be the ref pic one, and so draws me to that, amongst other reasons. Are there places where I can buy one or detailed tutorials on mepd.net? I'll have to check when I get home - mepd.net is blocked at school here.


- Master Tej -

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Well, Evilboy, if you don't mind me asking, what are your dimensions? I do want to be sure that the kit will fit me with minimal trimming, although I would note that ATA was not sure how much better his kit, as opposed to Mightytank's would fit me. Still have to measure my head, though, to be sure that my head will fit the helmet nicely.


- Master Tej -


Hey, sorry for the late response...I have been really busy...I am 6'0" 225-230lbs and the AM kit from Mightytank/ TupperwareTK fit me perfectly (Except for the bobblehead AM Helmet, which I eventually sold) with minimal trimming on the legs and arms, and the usual snipping for comfort on the butt and ab plates. But from what I have seen and heard, you can not go wrong with the ATA...

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Sci-fire also offers a hyperfirm RT that looks ridiculously sweet!!... if you've got the credits. A good place to go for great deals is mepd.net. Get signed on with them and it'll open up tons of Heavy blaster FS threads.

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Is there a Sci-Fire website? Because I think that I may have decided upon the RT. I don't think I'll be able to build the Nova Elite reference blaster (not yet, anyways . . . :thumbsup: ), never liked the T-21 that much, and I think I like the look of the RT more than the DLT.


- Master Tej -

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So happy right now! I just had a particularly good day today, and then, I get home to find that my pack had arrived. I hurriedly brought it into our kitchen, set it on the table, impatiently broke through the tape on the box, and ripped open the flaps on the top! The smell of spray paint rushed out to me as I pulled away the box papers to find the gleaming (well, almost) pack beneath. I began to pull it out and . . . found that the bottom seed tray upon which the radio is situated came almost all the way off. No problem, I set it on the counter and found . . . it is missing the bottom piece which the "bee stinger" attaches to, and is missing the side mortar tube.


So I am not really sure what to think right now. On the one hand, it looks beautiful and I love the details, but there are the above problems, and I am not sure if perhaps they will be arriving in a separate package, or what? I have also since noticed there are no straps.


I have pictures, but no idea how to upload. Do I have to use an image server online, or can I upload them directly from my computer?


- Master Tej -

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Both of those area available at Home Depot. I believe the bottom peice is called a sink tub or something like that and the mortar tube is just PVC pipe. If your pack is a Dirty Boy he may have excluded the pipe for shipping weight purposes but I don't know about the bottom piece. But like I said if you want both pieces are at the Depot or Lowes in the plumbing section. Shouldn't run you more than $10 all together.


As far as the seed trays go I'll see if I can dig up a good thread showing how to attach them with zipties instead of glueing them together. It holds them much better and keeps them pretty flush plus you don't have to worry about the adhesive letting go and dropping everything thats attached to them.


Also I use photobucket for all my photo needs. Just log in upload your pics to an album then click on the IMG code. this will copy the link, then paste the link on your reply and viola :thumbsup:

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Alright, well, I did email Dirtyboy, and I told him how beautiful the pack is (it really is) but I mentioned the absence of the bee stinger and mortar tube. He replied that the pack I got did not include those pieces, which I did get it for a fairly good price. So, I looked at the original sale thread, and the pic does indeed show a pack without the bee stinger and mortar tube.


Therefore, I will be doing lots of hunting on mepd for threads, pics, and vids on the correct pieces needed for these missing aspects, and how and where to attach them on the pack itself. I've already found some good ones!


But I'm almost hesitant to do so due to the beauty of the pack, I almost don't want to disturb it! I am having trouble with the pics because they are too large to attach directly, and photobucket is having trouble with the upload. Also, when I upload them from that, do use the icon that is labeled "Image"? That sounds really stupid and obvious, but I've tried using it multiple times, and it never works. Not sure if I'm putting the wrong URL in.


In conclusion, the pack is wonderful. I was able to order at the price listed for a run that had already ended, and Dirtyboy was always prompt in responding to my emails. The pack is, to what I have observed, assembled solidly, and the details on the radio and overall pack are tremendous. I would indeed recommend Dirtyboy as a pack maker.


- Master Tej -

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Glad everything got figured out with DB. He is an awesome seller and I would recommend him as well! Back on topic though, is the piece missing the bee stinger or the tub thing on the bottom of the pack that the stinger would be placed on? If it's the tub thing (faucet cover) hit the hardware store its a super cheap part. Just buy two L shaped brackets to go with it and use those to attach it to the bottom seed tray. :yes:


If it's the stinger itself I recommend a door stopper spring. It keeps the stinger flexible and less likely to break but also looks the part when painted black.


Also on the mortar tube you can use a poster tube filled with foam to keep the pack extra light. check out panda troopers pack build for some great tips on that and more!



Good luck Future Nova Brother :NovaTrooper:

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Yeah, it's not just the stinger itself, but also the container. As for the mortar tube, it's funny you should mention the panda trooper build, because I was just looking at it last night! For the shipping tube, any particular place I can get it? And the control panel and disc/radar thing on the bottom, what about those? I can probably get them this weekend, but I just want to be sure.


- Master Tej -

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Picture time!


Alright, so here is my pack as I got it on Wednesday.






Detail on the Radio.



The Bottom of the pack.



The frame, and signature by Dirty Boy!



Where it came lose in transportation.



So, went shopping today, but I couldn't find either tupperware piece I needed (radar dish/disc on bottom of mortar tube; bee stinger), but I did manage to go to Radio Shack for some rocker switches. I'll post more once they're attached.


- Master Tej -

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Alright, I have two questions. First off, for the two seed trays that came lose, everybody keeps recommending the zip tie method to keep them attached. Is there a tutorial for this method? Because I have no idea what that is :laugh1: .

Second, how can I capture screen shots of my computer? For example, if I was watching Ep. 6 and wanted a screen grab or vid of Ackbar with his "It's A Trap!" face, how would I do that? I know that's a really noobular question, but I just have no idea how to do that.


- Master Tej -

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This has been an exciting week for me. It was Spirit Week at our school. Not getting off track, but tomorrow is Spirit Day (wear school colors)! I wanted to do something to stick out, and I was reminded of last year, when one of the Seniors wore a Phase I Clone helmet painted red, white, and blue, which are our school colors, and it was so awesome! A few years ago, I got a Shadow Stormtrooper outfit, but the armor is only on one side, it is cloth-like plates, etc. The helmet is probably about AM sized, too wide to be accurate, made cheaply, and fits together from two halves with velcro. So I decided to paint it.


I can't post any pics, as my laptop is malfunctioning, but I will post them when it is finally repaired.


Oh, and I also got a package! I now have my jumpsuit, gloves, and neckseal, the first complete pieces of my armor! I will post pics of that as well when I have it. :turned:


- Master Tej -

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick Progress Update.


I'm beginning to get a bit worried about how this will stretch out. Although I've got 2 years until I'm even eligible to join, I was hoping to have this done by next summer, but the Ice Cream place I work at closes for the winter on the 28th, and I'm not sure that, after I've paid for the armor, I'll have enough to pay for everything to have it done by then. Christmas presents then, eh?


Here is the helmet I wore at my school's Spirit Day. I know about the vocoder - I didn't get to paint the red stripe until the morning of Spirit Day itself, and then, while I was playing the Tambourine (Tambourine ROCKS!!) with my Marching Band in our school's lobby (we always do that the morning of football games), I was dancing so much I had to hold onto the helmet so that it didn't bounce off, and I ended up smearing the still wet paint. Whoops. The whole thing is pretty rough, but I'm happy with it for a "the day before" job.




Current list of items for my armor.


Constructoin Materials (E-600, Clamps, Dremel Tool, Hacksaw)

More Dremel Tools



Brow Trim


Mesh for behind the frown

Mic Tips




Speakers (Type Recommendations?)




Body Glove

Backpack (70% Complete)



Custom Blaster as seen in Original Reference Images

Gold Paint


As you can see, not a whole lot to report. Just thought I'd update.


- Master Tej -

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More dremel tools? What kinda tools are you looking for? Really all you need is a drill bit set (If you don't already have a drill with bits separately), Sanding drums, and cutting discs for plastic. It's a pretty short list of items you actually use.



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I've been looking at the Nova Elite reference images, and, although some of these could be reflections on the armor, others, especially the dimple on the hand plate, look to me to be weathering. I am mainly wondering if I can make a valid argument with these for slight weathering to be allowed on the Nova Elite, you know,


"Details/paint should be lightly scuffed,(battle worn), but not weathered like a Sandtrooper (TD)."


and the like.


- Master Tej -

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