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Master Tej - Help with NovaTrooper Elite Armor Build

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Hey Nick, hows the build going? I might be going the same route my brotha. lol. i received my bucket from Arakyel a week ago and its mint. A bit tight with the fans but wow what a helmet. Im gonna order my armour from mitytank next week and then the build starts. You know, football...build...football...build,,,sip, sip then repeat. Then before you know it, badda bing....its done and then your parading around the house wit the guy scaring the kid, the dog, the wife, lol. i love this place.....and yes i said badda bing...lol smiley-sw022.gifsmiley-sw022.gif :laugh1: :laugh1: :headphone::NovaTrooper:

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Hey, thanks for asking! I've been a bit busy, so I don't really have much to report on. I've got my fan system, I ordered the Evilboy one, and I'm probably about to order I-Comm, speakers, and a wireless headset mic from TK 6294, he's got some sales running for it on FISD and MEPD. The armor should still be a few more months for me, and I've been meaning to do more work on the backpack, just haven't gotten around to it. I'm really looking forward to when the armor comes in! And hey, saying badda bing, well, I'm used to it. I'm a 4th Italian with family in New Jersey. I hear it fairly often. :laugh1:


- Master Tej -

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Oh a paisan ehhh? lol ...Cool. yea that back pack is spooky lookin. i commented on ricks pack a couple of weeks ago. Really nice. im gonna incorporate a camel pac inside one of the seed trays and put the tube under the armour and up to the helmet for those really hot days i hear about. Then im gonna fill the ammo pouches wit some twizzlers for the kids, you know.....the kids....pretty fricken good idea ehhh. a badda bingggggahh!!!lol :NovaTrooper:

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Quick update. I now have, in addition to my recently bought fans, my entire sound system, with a wireless headset, Aker MR1506 Amp, Push-To-Talk button (even though I can have the headset automatically turn on when I speak), and I-Comm. Special thanks to TK 6294 for the great deal on the whole package! The setup works great, as my voice comes through the speaker loud and clear, with a random static burst after each time I speak.


I'm still looking for good priced MP 40 pouches, and waiting on the armor. And finally, I hope to post here soon with a special project related to this, if I can get around to starting it!


Current list of items for my armor.


Constructoin Materials (E-600, Clamps, Dremel Tool, Hacksaw)



Brow Trim


Mesh for behind the frown

Mic Tips




Aker MR1506 Speakers




Body Glove

Backpack (70% Complete)



Custom Blaster as seen in Original Reference Images

Gold Paint


- Master Tej -

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  • 1 month later...

Ummmm ok its 2013 now and were waiting for an update trooper. Dont stop now. Hows the sound system ? Did you contact the trooper for the ammo pouches ? Did you get a chance to find the right boots ? Did you watch the Cowboys loose to my Washington Redskins ? Daahhhhhhh. Just thought id put a plug in for my team. Let us know bro......Cant wait to hear from you...

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Yeah, sorry there hasn't been a lot of progress recently. Of course, I'm still waiting on the armor, which I estimate I will get by February. In terms of the sound system, it works great, with really very few blurbles and whatnot. I'm glad I bought it.


I did contact Boo over at MEPD about his pouches with a PM, but I never got a response. The PM was sent on December 6th, and I admit I am a little perturbed that I did not get a response, especially considering how he read it the day it was sent out. I'll probably contact him again soon simply because I think he has some of the best pouch deals, despite my the fact that I am considerably annoyed with his lack of response.


I also got fine Bass Amsterdams for Christmas, except for the fact that they are too large! I'll have to send them back for a smaller size that doesn't slide around on my feet.


In general, I had a great Christmas, and got some really awesome stuff, and I'm looking forward to working more on this build. A new Semester will be beginning for our School, though, so I might have another lapse in progress as I'm getting accustomed to some new, difficult classes. However, I'll be working a lot in the Summer, especially because I would love to have it done in time for September 20 and October 4 of 2013. Those are the days that AOTC and ROTJ will be released in 3D, and going there in armor would be awesome.


Thanks for keeping me going on this, Al. I hope to post with more soon! Also, no, I didn't see the Cowboys v. Redskins game. When it comes to football, I'm pretty impartial, unless it's at my High School, in which case I get a little excited.


- Master Tej -

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Progress Update: My armor should be ready very soon. I've endured the wait, so I'm hoping to report with my big brown box soon. In the meantime, here are some pics of what I've got.




Is this the right type of Gold?




Evilboy's Fan System




Clamps and E-6000. We have some more clamps of varying size. Will one tube be good for one suit?




My I-Comm and wireless Amp set-up with PTT.




Does this look fine for the gloves set?


Today, I also received, from Dirtyboy, the stinger piece and Mortar tube radar dish for my pack. However, they were made to be for Sandie's, and so are not matte-black and are weathered. Before I paint them, what should I use to sand them?


Also, this is super-embarrassing, but why will I sand areas of the armor before painting? Everyone talks about doing that, but I just don't know why that is done.


Thanks, everyone, for the help you've given me, and I apologize for dragging out this thread to such a ridiculous length without any actual armor.


- Master Tej -


*This was my 501 post!*

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Hey Nick...looking good. I'll let the Nova guys weigh in on the gold color. Nice hookup on the fans, clamps, and Nomex gloves. Your hands will love you after a long troop. One comment: E6000 is great for most things, but does melt if it heats up. I typically use this for greeblies, helmet parts, webbing/snaps, etc. I use an ABS/solvent compound and/or Gorilla Super glue to actually chemically bind the armor parts. That last thing you want is for the parts to come undone while trooping. E6000 is an awesome glue, but does take around 20-24 hours to cure totally. My 2 cents...

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Alright, I've got another embarrassing question. When it comes to nylon webbing for a support system, what is a good width of webbing to get, and approx. how many feet? The webbing is used to hold up the torso/midsection (not arms or legs), right?


Also, I've got a small problem with my boots. They're the right size and fit me fine and all, but, when I walk in them, the right boot bends at the toe when I walk and kind of digs into my foot. This doesn't happen with the left boot, just the right one. Should I put something in the boot to make it not bend as much?


EDIT: Would this Devcon work for armor? http://www.ebay.com/itm/ITW-DEVCON-14300-PLASTIC-BONDER-PLASTIC-WELD-WELDER-EPOXY-NEW-SEALED-/190794455227?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c6c3c58bb


- Master Tej -

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For the support of the ab/butt parts, most of us use a suspender type system. I bought some cheap 2" suspenders at Wal-Mart and added snaps to them and on the inside of the armor. I did have suspenders with clamps, but they wore out after a few troops. The last thing you want is your suspender system to fail. See below... ;)


I also used Gorilla Super glue for mine and for all my armor costumes. It cures quick and lasts. I'm not certain about the glue in the link you provided. It may or may not be work for your armor.





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Here is a diagram CFO posted on FISD that was designed by one of the ROTJ actors complete with a revised version from Troopermaster:




I have used the suspender system on my Shadow/Novas as well as my Sandtrooper. It works fine. For my Incinerator and my TK I used this system. I have to say the whole suit seems to hold together better this way. It feels like it's all connected. I would recommend using elastic under the shoulder straps though. In ROTJ they likely didn't do that, but in ANH they did. It works much better and allows you to keep the tension off the plastic straps.

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The bicep straps are hidden within the shoulder bells as there should be overlap. The forearm straps are on the inner arm and are black, so they match your undersuit.

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not at all. I had one on my first helmet, but I fumbled all the time with it. I took it out after my first troop and now have just padding in all of my TK-style buckets. Keep in mind that the ROTJ troopers were stunt troopers intended to be upended by Ewoks.

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ABS Cement is great stuff if you do not ever want the pieces coming apart...it literally fuses the two pieces of plastic together. I have used it in certain places, but very sparingly. E-6000 is absolutely your friend because you can get it off any plastic pieces with a little work and if you need to separate a piece later, an razor will do the job. I have never had a melting problem and I have trooped it in 105 degree weather (not recommended).


As for the forearm to bicep, as Todd indicated, it will blend to your under suit.

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Hey Nick, are you going for the nova trooper ? I was just wondering because earlier in your post you wanted to know how to sand and paint it. Im assuming the gold stripes right ? If you have an autobody supplier near you, i suggest getting 3m pinstripe tape, and some blue painters tape, and a couple of sheets of 1200 grit sandpaper. Tape off the vertical lines and scuff lightly the surfaces that have to be painted. When painting, dont try to cover it all at once, in one shot. Apply a ghost cover to all the areas and let it flash or (dry) for about five minutes. Then repeat until you achieve the desired color appearance, normally about three coats. Hope this helps a little bud. I do know autobody. You can do it the cheap way and get the supplies at walmart but the 3m pinstripe tape is the best in my opinion. It leaves nice crisp lines with no color bleed through. And ahhhhh wheres your armour mister ? Hmmm ?? We'll be watching you. :shok::teehee: :teehee: :teehee:

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