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THE TROOPER Blackhole Build

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Hello everyone, been here a while and finally decided to build one of my favorite troopers, the shadow trooper. I purchased the bucket from Arakyel, one of the best in my opinion.



Next came "THE BOX", which actually came today. Sorry about the feet...





Well thats about it for now. I will keep you all posted on my WIP in the weeks to come,or months,lol. Thanx Walt, Thanx Jim.... :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok....hi guys,al speaks highly of you so here i am....i have already built a blackhole and sold it,,getting the feeling i need to do more,al asked if we want to build a set...dah..sure,so he shows up at my house with a big brown box and a s#@t eating grin....ok down to the factory we go...day one we just sort the armor and match it up,,,,i must say i have built 3 of these kits and every time i am impressed with how well it is packed,,,all the other kits i have built,none come so well packed,,,that said. day 2 trimming and fitting,,,,now you must understand,most of the time i do this on my own and it is much easer to do with 2 people,BUT,with als body,he is the hardest to fit cuz the guy has tiny legs the size of tree trunks,anyone that has built an ATA knows how much room is in there,,,thr upper legs we had to cut like half the langht and the calfs i will be lucky if they stay closed....as is probably smiling ear to ear now....we got the arm top and bottom glueing now and the butt and back attached and the front attached,,,i would have pics but al did not bring his camera.so tomorrow we will have pics and legs glued,,,,now some one tell al to get a dang belt

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Well sorry guys,our new england weather got in the way.....dang snow,,so 11 hr of plowing and 2 days to recover,,,old bones ya know,we will get back to work,i am sure al was very busy with the snow,,,,and al i would not say hobbit like thay have big feet,,if you cut your legs of a normal 6 ft 4 in person and compressed them down to like 1.2 ft and sew them on to you and shrink the feet,,,ya thats you,,oh and put a gorilla chest on,,,with a big smile,,,yep..that guys is the body we are putten armor on

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  • 1 month later...

Ok everyone includin the wolves...lol...After a very busy few weeks, including the 2 and a half foot snow storm we had, i had the chance to go down to THE SHOP and do some work on (THE SHADOW PROJECT.) I know its not pretty, but just wanted to show some progress. I aim to have this finished by the end of march 2013. Lemmee know what yall think :teehee:






























Thats it for now....but stay tuned for more developments on....( THE SHADOW PROJECT )

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Nice work so far and great photos. the assembly is top-notch. Of course what really matters is how well is fits you. I can't wait to see this on you. I have a feeling it is going to be stellar.

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