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THE TROOPER Blackhole Build

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  On 7/5/2013 at 4:40 AM, Master Tej said:

Looks great! Is the blaster a custom PVC?


- Master Tej -


Thanx Nick,


The blaster is a doopy with a custom plasma cutting lazer that really works :shok::laugh1: Just kiddin. :D But it is a doopy

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  On 7/5/2013 at 3:06 AM, THE TROOPER said:

When i get my new one, i will give you first dibs on this one if you want. :shok: OOOOh yea its a hyperfirm too, so when you go troopin, you dont have to worry about someone breakin it. :verymad: :verymad: Mooahahaha


First dibs , that would be very nice :D thankyou

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My gml is saying that the chest plate has to come down and be attached to the third ab plate with elastic. I think its just the pose because when i put my arm down, the chest plate goes back to where it should be. I see this same thing in a lot of builds. Let me know what yall think. My submission pics are on page 5.



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The elastic is not required in and of itself; however, it can help with the fitting. Looking at all of your submission pics, I think you would benefit from having the chest attached to the abdomen with elastic. I recommend doing so in three points. I have TK-based suits with elastic and without, and the ones where I employ the elastic between the chest and ab definitely fit better and troop easier. In other words, I think it looks like you need it in all of your poses.

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you got it Al. My chest used to pop up without my knowing it at troops, especially with my TD pack on. The elastic has eliminated that from happening. I build that into all of my suits now. I think you'll like it, you'll look great, and your GML should be happy.

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Ok kiddies, tried the elastic straps and heres what it looks like now....no more fly-away chest plate. Sent the pics to my gml also......fingers crossed.








Yea, the back plate came up by accident when i raised my arm, but a simple fix. What a difference with those straps. Thanx again Todd, :thumbsup:

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WOW.... These look great.... Yes the elastic is not required, but in your case it is to keep the chest and back plates from doing exactly what is shown in your Pic. I have been MIA for a month or so, and now to come back and see how far you come, its great. You will be in, in no time. Keep it up buddy!

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Thanx Steve, Thanx Pete, you know, i took the armor off, and found that my shoulder straps were too close together when i was re-arranging it and never put them back ? :wallbash: :wallbash: Sooo, i made an adjustment and it sits perfect even without the strapping, but its there anyway. lol, I will re-post my submission pics monday night to my gml. :icon_beg::whistling:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey buddy, couple of questions for you....but first.....your build look awesome! Where do you recommend getting your accessories....boots, black canvas belt, neck seal, gloves. I live in south Florida where it can be super hot! Thanks for any help. Jeff / (GRASYHEEL) . Jediberserker73

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  • 3 weeks later...

Pmd you Jeff. Thanx bud.


Sorry for the delay peeps. Been busy and now goin on vacation to sun shiny Florida. When i get back i promise i will post my submission pics and let you know how things went with my GML. Thanx for all the encouragement ......... :D:lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok gang, back from vacation. It was great in Florida. As promised, here are a few pics at the star wars section...









I felt bad for this guy, his right shin kept twisting, almost completely around.









Will post my new submission pics on friday gang.

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Dude, I love Star Tours! Everything about it is great! What did you get on your adventure? Han or Vader? Tatooine, Hoth, or Kashyyyk? Leia, Ackbar, or Yoda? Geonosis, Naboo, or Coruscant?


Anyways, I'm glad you had a good vacation, and I look forwards to seeing the new submission pics!


- Master Tej -

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  • 2 weeks later...

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