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Flametrooper tanks

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I have been searching for found items that could work that are light enough. This could very well be the ticket. Great find.

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Looks like we may need someone across the pond to distribute these.

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Had a little brain storming session with meself. Only one per year allowed!


I took the SideShow/Hot Toys pictures, sized them them to approximately the correct height of the collectible figure. They are 1/6 scale, so started by using the toy height they have listed of 11.8 inches tall and doing all sorts of fancy conversions and mathematical equations, came up with the actual height of the "guy" at 70.8" tall, and went from there. Using the measure tools in Photoshop and the rest of the pics from the Sideshow site, I went from there.


All scaling is not 100% perfect due to the bluriness of the pictures once zoomed in, but should be fairly close. I'd say within an 1/8".


I was worried about the scale of my pep files, but after this it seems they are almost exactly right.







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Nice work Rob both on your initial file design and on your analysis. So exciting.

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Little experiment I did. Used spray foam to fill up the tube inserts to give them some extra strength. Blew the top out of one after it finished expanding. The other held the roundness, but made the top bulge a little. Otherwise they are very solid now, which was what I was going for. I was afraid the foam, while still, umm, liquidy-foamy would soak through the paper. It didn't at all.


I plan on filling up the brace section and tubes to make them real solid. Just have to be careful how much I inject into each piece.



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Nice work. I've never really done pep work, but I admire the crispness of yours.

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This is all I had time for this week. Now I'm gone for the next 3 weeks. (1 week in Orlando to scope out where the next Celebration may be :) ) No holidays, all business :(


The messy large sphere prompted me to make a V3 of the pep unfold for those, but I won't be able to get it uploaded now. Next Saturday I am back for a bit, then I will finish what I started, and get it uploaded.





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OK here is the 3rd revision of the PDO for the backpack and tanks. New unfold of the caps and fixed some tab sizes.


Not sure I'll have time to work on anything in between trips this weekend. Seeing as it's -40 outside, there isn't a lot to do except help the neighbours get their cars started :) I'll try to bring some of this mild weather down to Orlando as it's probably way to hot there.






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  • 2 weeks later...

So quick question chaps - I want to start on my tanks build and at present I am thinking about the options I posted earlier - where I have seen domed waste bins for the cylinders, then probably use plywood to make the central support that runs around the tanks.


What do we do about sizing options - I know that we have some approx sizing already from the great work that Deadman has put into this, however, as there is no CRL yet do we work to those or is there any margins / tolerances we can work within - as long as proportionally it's correct - and obviously not hugely outside of what we believe.


I don't really want to get 50% through a build to find elements are unlikely to be cleared ? what's the stance on this as I've never had to do a scratch build without a CRL to work to ???


The reason I am asking is that bins I want to use are just over 6" wide and I think I could probably use packaging tubes at 5.75" - so neither 6" but both very close ?


Thoughts please :)



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  On 2/7/2016 at 11:49 AM, Jeditid said:

So started this weekend on trying a first build on the tanks.



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Pretty cool. I was looking into bollard covers - the plastic posts that cover the steel posts outside of doors, around fuel pumps, etc. They come in all sizes, but can be quite pricey.

I'm away for one more week, then can get back into this :)

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  On 2/2/2016 at 1:44 PM, Jeditid said:

What do we do about sizing options - I know that we have some approx sizing already from the great work that Deadman has put into this, however, as there is no CRL yet do we work to those or is there any margins / tolerances we can work within - as long as proportionally it's correct - and obviously not hugely outside of what we believe.


I don't really want to get 50% through a build to find elements are unlikely to be cleared ? what's the stance on this as I've never had to do a scratch build without a CRL to work to ???


The reason I am asking is that bins I want to use are just over 6" wide and I think I could probably use packaging tubes at 5.75" - so neither 6" but both very close ?


I'm not really sure how they come up with the CRL stuff. I imagine that someone gets ahold of original screen used stuff and does everything from there.

I am waiting for my Hot Toys figure to come, and then might 3D scan the pieces to make a more accurate armour. I would have to use and trust that the scale they tell us is used is accurate. At the very least, I will make a list of exact measurements for the entire thing.

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We don't have accurate measurements for the tanks. Given that fact, I'm sure the CRL will not be specific when it comes to size. It will be more about making sure that they are present and matching the reference material visually as closely as possible. In other words, we aren't doing prop replication in that exactness isn't our goal. Our goal is to represent that costume elements so that they look right.

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So tanks are now able to be fixed in place. Proportions seem right. Need to finish off edging and sculpting on central band then I can start thinking about lids/tops. post-2630-145488017252_thumb.jpg


Sent from my D5803 using Tapatalk



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