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Inferno Squad Special Forces Trooper CRL

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Hello there !


I wanted to bring help with Del Meeko's CRL as I'm working on it. ;)


Concerning the belt, you're right, it's not a classic imperial leather belt. It's more a tactical rig such as the ammo vest. Actually, it's almost a shadow scout belt rig.


Here are screenshots with details I spotted.




So yea, in my opinion :


- 5 scout belt boxes (each one is a unique element, unlike regular scout troopers) attached on 2" black nylon webbing. (these boxes are smaller than regular scout troopers boxes, the last image I got shows every measurements. The most easy way to get these boxes is to 3d print them.)


- ONLY the right thigh box is present. And it's attached to the main belt with 1" black nylon webbing. This 1" webbing is separated on the front and the back with 1" black quick release buckles (just like regular scout troopers)


- The belt is attached on the back with velcro (or could be, as we can't really see anything concerning this)


- The rectangular boxes on the right & left got a horizontal positionning. On the left and the right of these boxes, there are 2 "rivets" mounted vertically on the webbing. Measurements of these rivets would be between 12mm and 15mm diameter and about 1 or 2mm thickness


- Black scout thermal detonator with white AND MAYBE* silver buttons/details on the central box (screenshots quality is not helping !!! ) It's attached on the back with hooks or any other intelligent system. As seen in the following screens :




- Black fabric regular scout pouches are integrated on the belt. These are worn behind, not too far from the scout thermal detonator. We can stuff them with material of some sort to make them look filled with ammo or whatever (personnaly I'll pute my AKER AMP in one of them)


- NO CODE CYLINDERS VISIBLE ! The MP-40 AMMO Pouche is hiding cylinders location, being attached on the left shoulder. So we "can't tell". But I would suggest to make them optional. (It's also hiding the Inferno patch as you can see)


- The E-11 leather holster is on the left just like everyone else in the Inferno Squad.




- The Pew-Pew is the great DLT-19X coming straight from Ea 1st Battlefront game. Just like the DLT-19, it's a mod of a MG-34. Already several makers are making exact beautiful copies out of resin cast/3d print/etc etc etc


- This explains why Del Meeko is a spec-op rather than JRS ! The only character seen with and without the pilot chest box. So yay, keep this optional. (copy/paste the specs from JRS Iden draft CRL xD.. ) - you can add hoses as optional too. (worn hoses seen in last trailer)




As told previously, the best is to 3d print. Actually, it's "scaled" to the Flyye Law Enforcement M4 slots width (almost 90mm also) - I already printed these and I can say to you the following :


- You can print it with 2 mm thickness and 1.5 mm minimum escape holes (with shapeways or any other 3d printing service of your choice)





Concerning the other elements, I may suggest several things, especially concerning LEVELS. It's ONLY my opinion, I just think we could be more tolerant.


Gloves :


- We could allow standard gloves in Level 1 (without split) (it also allow us to be free to choose between one design or another..) Why ? Just because we are already allowing classic Knobelbechers (jack boots) as boots in Level 1 instead of exact Inferno replica boots. (which are level 2)


Armor :


- Oval and/or circular indentations could be Level 2 ! It's really a minor detail no one could spot directly, it just feels like a good level 2 upgrade.

- "Armor extends arround the wearer's sides and connect with leather or leather like material " ----> Nooo ? The side connectors are just the same flexible material as the armor itself. The connectors can be attached with a velcro system glued to the armor + connectors


Ammo Vest has been forgotten :


- A Flyye Law Enforcement vest is most accurate (found on amazon). With the 3 M4-M16 slots + 2 extra AR-15 black single pouche (bought separately) that can be attached on the left and right of the Flyye vest. The different ammo slots shall be filled with airsoft M4 mags or boxes giving realistic appearance of mags. (mags stored upside-down)


MP40 ammo pouche :


- Shall be filled with MP40 mags or whatever making the pouche "filled"


Flight Suit Patches :


- I disagree on level 2 PVC, on this HQ screenshot, patch just look embroidered :






Again, in my opinion, if you add what I just told to you, we're like 95% done with Del Meeko's CRL. 5% left are the changes that can still happen in the final game release in one week. ^^


Thanks for reading !! =)


PS : If I'm lucky enough I can be done with my Del Meeko in 3 weeks or so. Would be glad to provide you any render pics if you want to ! I just think my helmet got a small lack of accuracy. It would be cool to check if Arakyel's Inferno helmets can be approved or not

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  On 11/8/2017 at 12:07 PM, DeathMOS30 said:

Yeup and those are clear pictures that show the details perfectly. Thank you for finding and posting those. :D

I actually updated the CRL in progress with the updates to the pew pews only since everyone else's "recommendations" I am not convinced about. Plus still waiting for the game.


Also as an FYI JRS has taken Iden along with Gideon so we will be working on the Seyn and Del CRL's instead.


No problems, happy to help out.


I was actually wondering about Gideon being listed over here as according to the book he, like Iden, was a TIE Pilot.


Del had a longer career prior to Inferno Squad and had been both a Stormtrooper and a Shoretrooper and was serving in the fleet as a chief engineer prior to being recruited to Inferno Squad.


Seyn was an ISB Intelligence Analyst.


If you are reading the book, or planning to, DON'T CONTINUE!










I wouldn't worry about a CRL for Seyn, she doesn't survive the book.



Sorry, I don't like to post spoiler info but it would be a shame if people put in work on a CRL for a character that isn't going to be in the game :(

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I am still reading the book but now i am losing interest since people keep spoiling it. We are still going to do the CRL for Seyn why not? I figure get to add another costume and plus if you think about it alot of the people die in SW anyways but we still have costumes for them. Think of all the folks on death star or them folks in rogue one even the emperor palpatine and we still do the costume. So in that terms i tend to not think it matters much. Plus more costume thehehehe. Anyways thanks for the help woot. :P


Speaking of which any guess on her pew pew? I am going to go look at the pew pew list and see if i can get a close match its semi clear on the book cover i just wish it showed the full thing.


  On 11/9/2017 at 2:03 AM, Kade said:

No problems, happy to help out.


I was actually wondering about Gideon being listed over here as according to the book he, like Iden, was a TIE Pilot.


Del had a longer career prior to Inferno Squad and had been both a Stormtrooper and a Shoretrooper and was serving in the fleet as a chief engineer prior to being recruited to Inferno Squad.


Seyn was an ISB Intelligence Analyst.


If you are reading the book, or planning to, DON'T CONTINUE!










I wouldn't worry about a CRL for Seyn, she doesn't survive the book.



Sorry, I don't like to post spoiler info but it would be a shame if people put in work on a CRL for a character that isn't going to be in the game :(

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Hello there

so of course i ended up diving down the rabbit hole and wanting to fix things now lol.


Ok so i added the belt details in the Del Meeko CRL thread so when you get a chance check it to make sure i didnt miss anything. Thanks for help on that btw.


Ok so for the gloves we are going to keep it uniform with the rest of the inferno squad CRL's (which you cant see at the moment on the 501st website) just to make things a bit easier.

But i hear ya on that i like the flexibiity so i guess maybe we can get a consensus on that but for now its going to stay as it is.


Thanks for adding the Armor vest part i added it to the CRL.


Ok so the armor i agree with your assessment about the leather part so i took that out. yeah but for now the oval parts will stay at level one just like in the other CRL's for uniformity. I think minor detail should be more in level 2 in all honesty so i agree with you.


Flight suit patches i agree and took out the PVC part.


Added the pew pew thanks so much it looked like a DLT-19 but i didnt want to assume lol.


Im fine with no code cylinders screw it lol.



As far as the optional flight chest box i will throw that in there but i personally could care less to have it in. I have to say after you breaking it down with the clear screen shots and great explanations it makes a lot more sense as to why Del should be here absolutely. So again thank you for taking the time to do this its really helpful and makes things alot of efficient and streamlined. :D


Awesome so updates have been made check them here

Del Meeko





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My pleasure to help on all that, really ;) And thank you very much for taking in count everything I've written =) !


Anyway these "tiny details" won't bother me at all, I planned to go for full accuracy already so I'm making every changes/updates I can ^^






For 501st approval:

· 5 scout belt boxes attached on 2†black nylon webbing

o Belt boxes are smaller than traditional shadow scout belt boxes

· Right thigh box is attached to main belt with 1†black nylon webbing

o Webbing is separate on front and back with 1†black quick release buckles

· Belt is attached securely with Velcro

· Rectangular boxes on left and right are horizontal in position

o 2 rivets are mounted vertically on webbing on left and right side of boxes

o Rivets are to be 12-15mm in diameter and 1-2mm thick

· Black fabric shadow scout pouches are worn on back of belt

For level two certification (if applicable):

· Belt is made from one piece at the front, and not separated with fabric in between the front part where the drop box straps attach, apart from at the back where the TD box sits.

· Straps used for drop boxes are made with a 40mm (1 1/2") black cotton webbing.

· Nylon webbing is inaccurate.



I strongly disagree on the Level 2 you pasted from the Shadow Scout Belt CRL, actually Del Meeko Belt really differs from the one of a shadow scout so the level 1 description is just enough :) Currently it doesn't really making sense as the two levels are opposing themselves and are not talking about the same things ! Plus, the distance between each 5 boxes isn't always the same because of the rivets etc so yea the traditional "one piece" has nothing to do here ^^


Also, I was seeing more a nylon webbing than a cotton one as it's wayyy stronger and wayyy smoother. It has the perfect military look and is matching the nylon webbing of the Flyye Law Enforcement Ammo Vest


For the level 2 of Del Meeko Belt I would just add some precise details such as the 5 boxes measurements for example (suggestion)



Oh ! and :



Armor Vest

For 501st approval:

· 3 M4-M16 slots on vest

o Ammo slots have M4 mags or boxes giving realistic appearance of mags

o Must be filled

· 2 extra AR 15 black single pouch attached to the left and right of vest

· MP40 ammo pouch

o Pouch has MP40 mags or boxes giving realistic appearance of mags

o Must be filled


Shoulder Ammo Pouch

For 501st approval:

· One three slot German MP-40 style ammo pouch on the left shoulder.

· Also contains oiler can pouch

· Pouch is black in color and made of canvas, leather or leather-like material.

· Pouch stitching is black.

For level two certification (if applicable):

· Pouch is made of canvas.




The part in red can be moved just under the Shoulder Ammo Pouch section so it doesn't lead to any confusions ;)





Concerning Seyn Marana I'm soo happy that we can make also a CRL for her. It's just perfect as we've got an Inferno man/woman in each JRS + SpecOps ;) So everyone can choose between JRS or Spec



Thanks again for reading me !! ^^

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Yeah honestly for the level 2 i was looking for feedback on that and wasnt attached to the idea so that is no more in the CRL.

I was wondering where those MP40 Ammo pouches went but figured just wait and get feedback on that as well. So yeah looks like we are all set with this. Your help has pushed it towards completion so i am looking forward to your costume completion and if you are the first then we can have you do pics etc for the CRL. Works out great.

Yeah Seyn is awesome in my opinion and im hoping she will attract some ladies to our forum as well and no that is not to say women have to do only women characters. If a dude wants to do seyn then by all means go for it. I feel everyone should do what they want costume wise.

Anyways thanks for replying back so quickly cant wait to see your completed build.



  On 11/9/2017 at 6:49 PM, MahXPrime said:

My pleasure to help on all that, really ;) And thank you very much for taking in count everything I've written =) !


Anyway these "tiny details" won't bother me at all, I planned to go for full accuracy already so I'm making every changes/updates I can ^^






For 501st approval:

· 5 scout belt boxes attached on 2†black nylon webbing

o Belt boxes are smaller than traditional shadow scout belt boxes

· Right thigh box is attached to main belt with 1†black nylon webbing

o Webbing is separate on front and back with 1†black quick release buckles

· Belt is attached securely with Velcro

· Rectangular boxes on left and right are horizontal in position

o 2 rivets are mounted vertically on webbing on left and right side of boxes

o Rivets are to be 12-15mm in diameter and 1-2mm thick

· Black fabric shadow scout pouches are worn on back of belt

For level two certification (if applicable):

· Belt is made from one piece at the front, and not separated with fabric in between the front part where the drop box straps attach, apart from at the back where the TD box sits.

· Straps used for drop boxes are made with a 40mm (1 1/2") black cotton webbing.

· Nylon webbing is inaccurate.



I strongly disagree on the Level 2 you pasted from the Shadow Scout Belt CRL, actually Del Meeko Belt really differs from the one of a shadow scout so the level 1 description is just enough :) Currently it doesn't really making sense as the two levels are opposing themselves and are not talking about the same things ! Plus, the distance between each 5 boxes isn't always the same because of the rivets etc so yea the traditional "one piece" has nothing to do here ^^


Also, I was seeing more a nylon webbing than a cotton one as it's wayyy stronger and wayyy smoother. It has the perfect military look and is matching the nylon webbing of the Flyye Law Enforcement Ammo Vest


For the level 2 of Del Meeko Belt I would just add some precise details such as the 5 boxes measurements for example (suggestion)



Oh ! and :



Armor Vest

For 501st approval:

· 3 M4-M16 slots on vest

o Ammo slots have M4 mags or boxes giving realistic appearance of mags

o Must be filled

· 2 extra AR 15 black single pouch attached to the left and right of vest

· MP40 ammo pouch

o Pouch has MP40 mags or boxes giving realistic appearance of mags

o Must be filled


Shoulder Ammo Pouch

For 501st approval:

· One three slot German MP-40 style ammo pouch on the left shoulder.

· Also contains oiler can pouch

· Pouch is black in color and made of canvas, leather or leather-like material.

· Pouch stitching is black.

For level two certification (if applicable):

· Pouch is made of canvas.




The part in red can be moved just under the Shoulder Ammo Pouch section so it doesn't lead to any confusions ;)





Concerning Seyn Marana I'm soo happy that we can make also a CRL for her. It's just perfect as we've got an Inferno man/woman in each JRS + SpecOps ;) So everyone can choose between JRS or Spec



Thanks again for reading me !! ^^

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Hey guys, I'm doing a Gideon costume so I won't be posting here as much now that he is JRS. I'm just curious how you are doing a Seyn costume? So far she does not show up in the game because well book SPOILER, and her gear is never described in the book. There is one picture of her on the book cover in which the other members are portrayed inaccurately. I'm not trolling, I'm just curious cause if i'm able to with the gear I already have I'll submit approval pics for Seyn to get a TX prefix. I'm assuming she'll be an Iden without the pauldron, but you should make her a little different and use the officers belt that Gideon uses. Just my opinion. Good luck everyone.

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Huge thanks again Dorothy for taking in count my little feedback :D I'm really touched and find it kind of you as I'm quite new arround that forum ^^


I would be glad to provide you with pics as soon as I'm done ! All that depends on the few elements I'm still waiting for and that should arrive in a couple of weeks :)


I totally agree on the fact we could feel free to build any Inferno member, I personally bought Iden's pauldron for myself, I like pretty much her configuration and could build it someday ;)



Concerning Seyn, yea, we lack reference pics so can't really tell how she is. Hopefully she will be integrated in BF2 cinematics or "maybe" comics book later..



PS : I may not get the DLT-19X at the same time I'll complete the uniform, maybe some weeks later.. I planned to order a full functionable resin/aluminium replica that is 100% based on an original MG-34.. So it needs $$$ + time ^^ Anyway there are enough pics of DLT-19X on google xD

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  On 11/9/2017 at 9:32 PM, An0rak said:

Hey guys, I'm doing a Gideon costume so I won't be posting here as much now that he is JRS. I'm just curious how you are doing a Seyn costume? So far she does not show up in the game because well book SPOILER, and her gear is never described in the book. There is one picture of her on the book cover in which the other members are portrayed inaccurately. I'm not trolling, I'm just curious cause if i'm able to with the gear I already have I'll submit approval pics for Seyn to get a TX prefix. I'm assuming she'll be an Iden without the pauldron, but you should make her a little different and use the officers belt that Gideon uses. Just my opinion. Good luck everyone.


I was wondering this as well?

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Hello everyone !


WELLLLL..... I started playing the Battlefront II Campagin as soon as I could (12 hours ago). Therfore I took every screenshots needed to Complete to 100% our Del Meeko CRL.



1) Thermal Detonator






2) Patches




- Patches are embroidered CONFIRMED.


3) DLT-19X




- Red ring on the scope CONFIRMED.


4) Ammo Vest




- Level 2 : Webbing is leather made - CONFIRMED.












- The pic says it all. We can still see the left patch + code cylinders pouches. So the MP40 ammo pouche is likely attached to the left SHOULDER with INVISIBLE SYSTEM. Confirmed.


- Also, AR-15 ammo pouche only present on the right side of the ammo vest, nothing on the left side. (but can keep this second AR-15 pouche optional in the CRL). Confirmed.








I'm sorry to say that but it seems I was ALL - WRONG.


But still, please hear me on that, I suggest a lot of tolerance on that element as it won't be easy to get that render.


So. The real belt is :


- A regular ROTJ imperial officer belt.


- Over that belt, at the front, the 5 boxes belt seems "one piece". The "rectangular" boxes are not fully "rectangular" they got a special shape.


- Every webbing are leather made.


- We don't really know how is attached the 5 boxes belt to the regular ROTJ imperial belt so yea, not easy.


My suggestion for flexibility (I beg you xD) :


[EDIT] Put LEVEL 2 : leather webbing at least


So, I let you have the last word on all that


Thank you again for taking in count what I said

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Good job, Maxime!


most details should be no problem to change eg. one pouch instead of two, no indentation on the back armor... and surprisingly the MP-40 ammo pouch is not connected to the shoulder which would be real good news.


But the belt and the boxes seem to be a problem: yes a normal ROTJ belt is clearly visible on the pics but what do you think, Maxime: are there two separate belts or is the one piece belt box part somehow attached to the ROTJ belt - for me it looks more like two separate belts but I might be wrong here. Do you have a shot from the back where you can see, if one or two belts are present?


Leather webbing: this could look very cool - I like the idea!


Thanks for the input - BR Thomas

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Already thanks to both of you haha ! For me it just feels like an easy job, as I'm quite concerned with Del's uniform, this is just how I work xD


Happy to share all these final In Game infos "pretty soon" with you and really glad you all find it helpful ;)


(@Darth Emphatic : Well yea, I'm playing quite soon as I pre-ordered the elite deluxe edition which was released on the 14th November :P thanks again for your 1st comment haha, coming from a SpecOps Staff I must say I'm touched ! ^^ )


@Norphos :


These are definitely 2 separate belts attached together : The classic Rotj officer belt + 5 belt boxes "one piece" belt made out of the same flexible material as the Iden's TK Ammo front Belt ;) So yea I guess the one piece 5 belt boxes belt is attached with pressure snaps system or whatever



I insist on the --> ROTJ <--- officer belt as it's not 100% flat just like an ANH belt, it has a top and bottom groove on it !!! Just like this :





Concerning the back, you can check the 1st pic (thermal detonator) on my previous post, you'll only see the "back" of the officer belt ;) the 5 boxes belt is a FRONT PART ONLY ! Again, just like Iden's TK AMMO belt !!



Leather webbing, indeed it's cool but we should have choice between nylon (level 1) and leather (level 2). It's only a suggestion but I repeat we need tolerance and flexibility =) As I said, almost the whole final revelations I made on this belt, should be "level 2" xD as most of it feels like upgrades.



We'll never be 100% accurate. The only way to do so is do be part of the Star Wars universe itself, with it's specific materials (plastic-steel etc xD), which doesn't exist :D


So, let's do it "our" way. I think what I suggested is a good compromise, so everyone can have an acceptable render of Del's belt. And for the one who feel able to do it, they can directly go for level 2 / level 3 specs ;) Just like any other 501st costume !!




Repeating something I saw on a facebook 501st inferno group I'm in : After all, Inferno is just another TIE variant that will be mistaken with Vader so ... x'D I mean, even in canon events NO ONE will spot ANYTHING as NO ONE will ever study the uniform In Game or anywhere else as we did ^^


We'll be the only people, with DICE/EA/ Lucasfilm dev team and artists, aware of all these details :D Damn I'm talking too much sorry xD


Alright ! letting Dorothy looking at all this now !



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I just want to second the begging for Levels. One of the groups I'm in on Facebook seems to be pushing for 100% accuracy by making things like leather strapping basic level 1 requirements.


I take pride in the accuracy of the 501st, but like Maxime said, outside of other members, nobody is going to know the difference.

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  On 11/15/2017 at 12:53 AM, kmart890 said:

I just want to second the begging for Levels. One of the groups I'm in on Facebook seems to be pushing for 100% accuracy by making things like leather strapping basic level 1 requirements.


I take pride in the accuracy of the 501st, but like Maxime said, outside of other members, nobody is going to know the difference.


This ^


I also agree with a previous post that the split on the gauntlets should be a level 2 requirement.


I've been unable to find a discussion thread like this over on the JRS which is disappointing as I have some screenshots (I have early access also) that I wanted to share for Hask's costume :(

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Thanks for the reply, Maxime!


O.k. from the back only the officer belt is visible.


The question I ask myself now is - because we have to translate a video game character into the real world and it has to be workable for trooping and being in the costume for several hours - is it really practicable to attach the belt box part somehow to the officer belt or is it not more practicable to wear a second belt with the belt box part attached to it.


What I wanna say here is, how would we do it in real life with the materials we have and in my opinion, a separate second belt is, what make sense.

Don´t get me wrong: I´m trying to see it from a practicable point of view and attaching the belt box part to the leather belt - the way it´s shown on the pics - does not look very stable and workable for me. Like Jimmy said on facebook the belt is "magically floating /attached by pixels".



Maxime, I totally agree with you, that nylon webbing should be standard but it would be really nice if we could get the leather webbing for a higher level - looks to cool... hope same in real life!



Just my two cents... Thomas

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In my opinion you can easilly attache the one piece belt to the officer belt with pressure snaps that are large enough to hold everything correctly ;)


I took time to think about all of that and finally it doesn't sound that difficult to make it.


The only hard part is to get a prop maker to make the one piece belt ! Then you're just almost done !



@ Dorothy : So here is a little sum-up so you can see what to add to the CRL : (don't forget the other elements in my previous post where there are every In Game screenshots ;) )





- Classic ROTJ imperial officer belt (with top and bottom groove)

- One piece 5 boxes belt made from the same flexible material as the Iden's TK Ammo Belt. This One Piece belt is attached to the Officer Belt with a secure pressure snaps system. Belt painted gloss black. Silver weathering optional.

-> rectangular boxes replaced by special shaped boxes

-> 8 rivets : 2 on the left + right of the special shaped box - each side

- Only one thigh box is present, on the right side of the wearer, painted gloss black. Silver weathering optional.

- 1" nylon webbing attached to the Officer belt to hold the thigh box

-> this webbing is separated with black quick release buckles at the front + back

- Two clothes black scout pouches are worn at the back of the officer belt, not too far from the scout thermal detonator

- The scout thermal detonator is gloss black in color and got it's button details painted gloss white. Silver weatherting optional. This TD is attached in the back of the officer belt with an invisible system. The TD zip tie holding the tube is not visible (optional?)


Level 2 :


- 1" Webbing is leather made



So yea the only point I'll keep from my previous suggestions is to keep nylon webbing for basic approval in level 1 and put leather webbing as an upgrade in a Level 2.


Now I think we've got finally something nice and, most important of all : Confirmed, as checked in the game and adapted to "our world" :)


@Others : i think it's time to let Dorothy reply to all of this, it's hard enough to merge every infos together so let's not make it harder xD

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Yes, I think it´s done now and many thanks for the great work and all the effort you put into it.


And yes, I think with one or maybe two strong snap fasteners on both sides the belt box part should be sufficiently attached to the leather belt and it´s easy to open... sounds pretty good!

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