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Shadow Scout incoming!

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Hi all ^^


Im Joaquin, trying to enter 501 st Spanish Garrison, Lancer's Level!



I'm starting to get my Shadow Biker suit, I'm preparing to join the darkest side of the dark side ;)



I'll post my progression here, it's a pleasure been here with you all.


Cya guys!

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Hi guys, after 2 way too long years I've come back here, and I have a doubt.


I have been offered both gloss and matte abs finish, what do you like the most? I'm really hooked by the matte one, but I'm not quite sure if it would be valid in this variation for specialist...

I've got for now cummerbund, boots, vest and overall :)


Best Regards! And hope you all are doing alright!

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we have matte here in the Garrison and it looks GREAT. From my persepctive it shows less in the way of scuffing than gloss does, since even a satin will show almost every scuff. 

I have a custum costume I completed last year and painted it satin black and it shows scuffing pretty easily.  My option would be (IF ALLOWED) a dead matte flat.



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^I concur with the matte, the only thing it'll show more of is fingerprint and oils but easier to get rid of than scratches.

My gloss shadow stormtrooper looked beat to hell about after the 4th trooper ?

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There is something of a sheen diference between Semigloss and Satin. I prefer satin on everything, use it all the time, and OVER TIME it kind of dulls down.  But it also shows scuffs.  All my black helmets (other than TIE) are painted Rustoleum2x Satin Canyon Black. 

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mine arent wethered in the typical way, but my Gunner, Navy Trooper and new Sapper definitely show use (and abuse like getting freaking NAILED by lightsabers in my helmets)

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Current CRL does read semi-gloss or gloss.  This has been much debated in other threads and in back-end CRL team discussions in the past.  That said...it is tough to distinguish semi-gloss vs. satin in approval pictures...and though they are 2 different sheens some people use the terms interchangeably because they are very similar.

You can check out this proposal here, however, which @furiosa and I drafted up earlier last term to align (though not completely) our Shadow Scout w/ the Pathfinder's TB CRL.


You should notice the color adjustment would include matte and satin officially.  There are also some strapping measurement adjustments for Level 2 (particularly shoulders, upper arms, side chest/back).  We just haven't had any community feedback (hint hint drop some lol), to push it forward to the LMOs yet.

She and I plan on giving it a hard look though and presenting it once the new LMO team settles in.  I can't give you a timeline though on when it would be approved and published or if it will even be approved for that matter...but a heads up that it's been worked on COULD change the standards for Level 2 in the near future.

P.S.  There's also a similar "in limbo" proposal for Swamp Scouts as well...and we plan on drafting up a General Weir update too to close out the scout updates.

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Yes matte is matte.  You can discuss with your GML I suppose and get their feedback. I don't want to say "yes" and then you have to wait indefinitely till the update is published. Sorry I don't have a better answer at this time.

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