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Everything posted by SL/TX-9162

  1. Dunno if this is any better... it's listed as OD, looks OD to me. The leg pockets are off to the side... We can move em over is need be. Collar shouldn't be too hard to change. Looks the same as the Galls jump suit under the parts list... If worse come to worse we can trim the collar down and add the chevron strip. Mostly a matter of what fabric to use. Of course I dunno what a mandarin collar is. >.> NM... I educated myself, shouldn't be too bad to replace the collar... and anything we take off can make the chevron strap. The pockets are on the sides... Unfortunately the pic provided is not the best, website has no other views...
  2. Awesome, thankyou I was gonna hit Pilot Bay next weekend... when I order the rest of my kit.
  3. Will the leg pockets on this jump suit nee to be moved or they OK where they are? Breast pockets should be OK. https://www.lapolicegear.com/elbeco-510-transcon-jumpsuit.html
  4. Just tryin to get by

  5. That would be a great help and clear up much of the confusion.
  6. I should be able to order my parts next week and get this build in for approval under the current CRL. Jump suit is ordered... Next is pouches and officer hat. I will be ordering a harness this eve, and likely get the goggles with the pouches just in case I can get my helmet and armor in. Already have boots, belt and gloves.
  7. I'm not sure if my GML is asking the proper question or what... I think something got lost in translation. Well I will submit under the current CRL with the hat and hope there are no complications. With luck I can get this mess straightened out with my GML. If the new CRL drops before such time as I am able to submit I will simply update my build to meet the new specs. The armor and helmet are just gravy and I would love to use em but I will adapt.
  8. Seriously confused now... My GML came to me with this. "Yeah I messaged the DL over there. This is their response. Right now my staff and I are working on both updating a lot of our CRLs and trying to get the new ones up and running. There is also a side of Legion this involved. When we update the CRL, it will clearly state what can and cannot be worn for the kit. Please inform your trooper that we are trying to push and rush this, but unfortunately we are only one half of this update. Thank you and if you have any other questions, please feel free to ask." Which does not answer the question.. Under the current CRL can the hat replace the helmet. I'm getting different answers from everyone and it is seriously confusing me. And tweaking my anxiety.
  9. Starkiller GML said... (see below) I grabbed a few refs of IA troopers with hats instead of helmets so I will include those in the submission photos... Hopefully the hatted IA goes down with relatively little pain, "I put this inquisition into the DL over at SpecOps. Just waiting to hear back. _________________ Starkiller Garrison GML/GWL BH/DZ/IC/TI-12686"
  10. I was just wondering do we have an estimate on the grace period from the new CRL drops to the end of the useful life of the current CRL? Just trying to get an idea of a timeline... Pretty sure I can all my parts ordered by the end of the month and the build should go quick, hopfully approval will hassle free. I planned on going hat for the initial approval and adding the armor and helmet as soon as they come in and get built.
  11. I can have all the basic components for the green IA in a month... I'm holding out hope the armor arrives in time to get in under the current CRL.
  12. Appreciate it but I have my kit ordered.
  13. Does anyone have the WTF IA helmet I want to make sure it will be smooth all around with no indentations. I suppose they could be filled with bondo if it came down too it but that is extra work I prefer to avoid.
  14. Yea seen these ones around but no way to know if they were legit. Not sure what the current base will be just that it was WEG and FFG. Still these look like snowies or AT-AT commanders to me.
  15. Supposed to be from the RPG's but I have no idea which book, I've scoured many of the FFG Books with no luck.
  16. If I knew which books the art was in I bet I could find the book in PDF and at least get an idea of the trooper.
  17. yea... seems quite the work load... Well the wait just gives my kit more time to show up... And if the armor changes looks too much I can paint it up green and get it in one my green trooper. Rather be a little in-accurate then waste the armor.
  18. If worse comes to worse I'll shot to get my green IA in with armor... assuming the armor changes on the new troopers which I'm really hoping it dosen't... You need minions.
  19. Iz is going to get some posted asap... he needs to work on the Engineer this weekend then he will post the RPG pics... Talking with him briefly they wear an imperial belt, and have black pouches, I am hoping the battle armor won't change.
  20. Just looking ahead to the tan IA troopers... Debating if it's better to buy a green jumpsuit and dye it. All the tan one has a very open collar and expose the upper part of the chest. Wondering if this might be viable. https://www.galls.com/tru-spec-flight-suit?PMWTNO=000000000002321&PMSRCH=
  21. All good... I'd prefer to go DLT anyway
  22. Hell if ya need help with pics let me know I mess around with photo editing allot.
  23. Refs seem to show some carrying blasters, maybe enough to allow blasters are optional.
  24. So under the current CRL we can have armor but need the black, green lens goggles... And when the CRL changes we can't have armor but can have the olive and dark lens goggles... Do I have that straight?
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