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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by SL/TX-9162

  1. Is there any set length on the strapping for the drop boxes?
  2. this one is going to be a shadow scout... Picking a second up in march, and I will attempt to make that one convertible into a snow scout.
  3. Armor just came in today, need to set down and get to work now. Going to take the armor to friend and see what we need to do. The boots actually fit so I'm hoping we can salvage them. Any here is a link to the some pics of what I'm starting with. http://s397.photobucket.com/albums/pp57/sa3X/TB%20White/
  4. The rocket launcher looks sweet... So much fire power, may have to a search and see if I can find any good for building one... All I have for my Nova is a T-21, but the carbine sounds cool, do we have any info on it?
  5. Got a great deal on a TB, so looks like I'll be going the painted route, just need to look everything over and see what I need to finish off... And I'll need to make new boots.I have some old sniper boots I may use as a base for my shadow scout boots, repaint everything and finish off some minor details but I believe I should the shadow scout ready pretty quick. Now the hold out blaster is included, but what else can a shadow scout carry? Not to keen on the rocket launcher, so is an e-11 a possibility or should I try something else?
  6. People still like to spout the "rule of three"... Not so much anymore and usually it's just people who think they know more then they do. At any rate it will be nice to see what happens with this costume. Personally, I would like to ask Shadow about the belt.
  7. if there was a better way to do the belt I might make him.
  8. I see... I'm looking into acquiring two TB's one to keep as a TB and one to be a Shadow scout, possibly a Wier... It would help is the Bacara would move! I've heard the "rule of 3" mostly spouted on the EU boards... So can't speak to that.
  9. huh could of sworn I saw one on the boards, less he just applied as a basic shadow scout... I was always made to understand that someone needs to present a completed costume before it can be up for approval.
  10. Is General Weir an accepted costume now? He is listed on the 501st main boards ref library as accepted...
  11. i just took a page from Izzi's book and painted the pauldron.
  12. Do we have any pics of A SCOUT CONCEPT RIFLE (Carbine) I have a lead on a scout costume so I may be going the painted route at this point.
  13. well lucked out with my Nova, so I would prefer Black ABS... I have some feelers out so I'll hold out as long as I can.
  14. Well I think I'm done with full armor, got my Nova and finishing off my clone, and the scout seems like a perfect compromise. I have not settled down to locating a kit yet however... as I am wondering if it is better to locate a Black ABS kit or if painting up some armor would yield acceptable results.
  15. has not set their status

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