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Everything posted by SL/TX-9162

  1. I will thanx... So far everything seems very... minor. Hoping I can get everything adjusted pretty quickly abd get my TX designation back soon. ;>
  2. Found some new gloves... Ordered them yesterday and they already shipped... o.O Found them on the TB boards...http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10953 Hopfully these will do the trick, then I just need a litte adjusting, so other then the "Stitch" debate should have everything squared away by the end of the week.
  3. nice, I'll have to check that out. Thanx.
  4. Followed thw CRL for the basic level scout... This is a MonCal kit, as are the boots and cummerbun. just waiting for the GML to look it over. Figure I will track down a hold out blaster laster. Just need a good way tp keep it in place... ; /
  5. More Shadow Scout specific refs would be nice... Guess I'll see what happens with the refs I have. For now I just want to get my basic scout approved.
  6. Are there anymore ref pics on Shadow Scouts or are the posted images all there is, I've searched but most of the stuff seems to be fan made... Is there anything more offical that has a better view?
  7. Shadow Scout trial run, need to adjust the arm bits so they stay in place... And I need to pad the nose... Visor slips down too much. Other then that I think it turned out well. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =3&theater
  8. Going to build a tocket launcher, have a DLT-19 but want to try something different.
  9. Bought one from a friend, though had to wait from them to be in stock... which was supposed to wednesday, and she shipped it soooo it should be be here soon... I hope. Everything else is more or less done,
  10. Not sure I could ever get past the helmet... I like it in some ways but not others... ; /
  11. Well waiting on my flight suit but my kit is built, hopefully my 181 will go fast so I can get my Shadow Scout in and get my Spec Ops back.
  12. I have played with an SC scout and an MC scout and to me... MC has the best kits, had one of his Snow troopers too... If I went full armopr I'd get an MC kit.
  13. I don't want to paint it if I don't have too, I'll just frustrate our GML. ;>
  14. Can the front of the snout be a light grey on the Shadow Scout, or should I go in an paint it black?
  15. Well got a was working on a 181 and my Shadow Scout at the same time... Scout kit and the TIE bucket are both MC so while it was a long wait it was more then worth it. TIE bucket arived first sooo I went ahead and finished that and put my 181 in. Scout is now in progress. Waiting on a flight suit and gloves, but everything else is good, finnaly have my DLT-19 as well. I need elastic and webbing so I an get everything assembled but I should be able to put my scout in soon.
  16. Good to be back... Now the waiting begins, got my kit ordered, just need to track down a Hold out blaster, a DLT-19, Flight suit and gloves.
  17. Well got the kit ordered, helmet, cummerbund and pouches and boots... Getting everything together will be easy, just have to wait on the parts to come in.
  18. Well I have the money so I'm re-making my Shadow Scout, can get my TX designation back. ;>
  19. Believe I know how that feels, I'm built an A'Shaard Hett and just figuring that out has been a pain... I just want to build it, even if it isn't viable for the legion but the current LMO's seem open minded enough.
  20. I saw yours, but the refs all seem to show variations. What ref are we using, in this one it looks likes only the bucket has the glowing parts, speaking of which what happened with Crazas build. Looks like four variants here, kinda like the second one.
  21. I was thinking of upgrading my Nova, but I'm wondering if the Force Unleaded Shadow TK would be better,,, And these pics looks so good, and the fact the LMO is considering it has made up my mind. Just need some info: From what I gathered the armor is grey, with black shoulder bells, what color are the shoes, looks like the eyes and possibly the frown have to glow but dos anything else? Where can I find the proper blue lighting, I know someone mentioned electro luminescent light, but an e-bay search turned up nothing. And what colors work bets for armor?
  22. Works for me... ;> Thanx!!! I had allot of help with the painting, and that turned out real well. Strapping was pretty straight forward. This will be a nice one to run around with, hopefully approval goes smooth. I am getting all my costumes photoed professionally on the 9th so, maybe we'll see some new spec ops featured. ;>
  23. Sending my scout in shortly. http://s397.photobucket.com/albums/pp57/sa3X/Shadow%20Scout%20Submission/
  24. I do not believe that would be too bad... It's more about what a good base is, and how to achieve the shapes on the bandoleers. Some looks like pouches others look allot different.
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