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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by SL/TX-9162

  1. He may have miss-understood but my GML seemed to have a different opinion.
  2. I was thinking going for those but with the turn around time on the armor kit, may be worth waiting til they re-word the CRL
  3. Can a trooper be approved with a hat instead of the helmet? I have my kit ordered but it's a ways out and if I have everything else before then I'd like to shoot for approval.
  4. Are these Uvex goggles still allowed? Found the ESS goggles on ebay but their green with smoke lenses, would they be OK or do they need to black with green lenses only. I suppose they could be repainted but the lens sin't green.
  5. Got some pouches lined up, guess I'll play it by ear and see how loaded down I get, can always buy more. On some of the pouches the U.S. stamp has worn off but in the interest of uniformity. Least the canteen will still be useful.
  6. not familiar with Pilot Bay, actually looking for green and a black for a costume the wife is going to build.
  7. What is a good officers hat? Poked around the Officer boards and got some feelers out but In the interest of covering bases... I've heard opposing feelings on the Cosplaysky hat, some sources like others say it's not approvalable. I also have a email out too sewing Jenny but seems to be multiple contact emails addresses... not sure which one to use.
  8. I do not so I have to rely on the pics posted... Would be nice to have a holster for the ol' e-11 but if it dosen't fit null sweat. Currently working on my trooper, and officer variant. Dunno if I'll have the officer ready before the before the CRL shows though.
  9. Would an E-11 holster be acceptable for an IA trooper?
  10. Found the ESS goggles on ebay but their green with smoke lenses, would they be OK or do they need to black with green lenses only. I suppose they could be repainted but the lens isn't green it's smoke. And the frame is a green color. https://www.ebay.com/itm/ESS-Land-Ops-Striker-Series-Goggles-Foliage-Green-Unit-Issue-Kit-NEW/391491504144?epid=2102003033&hash=item5b26b64810:g:NAYAAOSwGIRXbJBb
  11. Are these goggles still acceptable? http://touch.kaspersky.com/pure_cup_f8f731b4-629f-4b7c-923c-495d87bf7e09/1525026924 The other style is out of stock and no telling when or if they will be back in stock.
  12. May pic up the hat, gloves and rank bar to make an officer option with this build...
  13. Gonna jump on an IA kit... armor and helmet should be sweet.
  14. Nihilus is nearly done so I am beginning to move on my IA trooper, got a belt...And looking to order the helmet asap... May go without armor for initial approval depending on how fast the build goes... I will have to get a Galls jumpsuit, the mechanic suit is not in my size... ; /
  15. I may... So used to re-enacting I feel naked with out a canteen on my belt...
  16. I wonder if a canteen could be an option like the armor... Imps nee to stay hydrated too.
  17. Wonder is canteens are a thing in the imperial army.
  18. May mix the alice pouches in to fill out the belt if there is room
  19. I happen to have a few Alice pouches sitting around for a costume I never made would those be acceptable for extra pouches on the belt? And is there any justification for a Y harness... I happen to have one for the costume that never was and I was just wondering. I happen to have an old canteen as well... any identifying marks are pretty much worn off.
  20. Where does the Imperial army patch get worn? The CRL does not specify.
  21. Looked over the coveralls not sure what my size is according to their web site but I'll figure it out, thanx.
  22. Those "capes" look like Soviet WW II plash-palatkas, Soviet Half shelters / rain gear. Makes me wonder if a plash-palatka would work.
  23. Been inactive for a while but I have opted to get in the roll so the wife and I are considering building Imperial army troopers. Found the belts and pouches, but what is a good source for Snowie chest plates, shoulder straps, AT-ST helmets, and tie back plate... Anyone doing any runs currently? Don't want to buy whole kits for just a few parts. Flight suits may be an issue... finding a good fit for the wife. What sort of hardware do you need for the harness? Does it have to clip onto the belt or would loops be acceptable?
  24. replaced the gloves, and made all the changes that were requsted... sooooo just waiting.
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