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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by bscheff

  1. Your pouch and pauldron are reversed. Try tinkering with the pack strap placement. Mine doesn't push my chest at all.
  2. Actually, I have the east side all locked up
  3. Looking good Iz. You sure do a lot of fan films/videos. How'd you get involved in that?
  4. You never cease to amaze me bro. Is that a real firearm? Demilled I hope. Did you make or buy the belt?
  5. You're the man Ac. Well, west of the Mississippi anyway.
  6. So it only took what three months, lol, but I remembered where I kept seeing this "rule of 3." The Flagship Eclipse has it right on their homepage. I know it doesn't exist, and I mentioned it to Torment at SWW and he reaffirmed that it doesn't exist, but someone must have forgotten to tell Flagship lol. Anyway, I just wanted to show you that I'm not totally nuts lol.
  7. So Ac, you gonna share your backpack parts list with us, or is that on double secret lock down?
  8. That's a gorgeous pack. Mind sharing where you sourced all the parts? Especially the toilet cistern thingy.
  9. Hey brother, you all done with this? My GML mentioned that a new nova was approved on the GML boards and that it looked really good. I assumed it was you. That or we have a mystery Nova that hasn't announced themselves on the Det boards.
  10. I hate to be the lone dissenter but I'm not a big fan. As best I can tell, it's not accurate to the references, Nova striping isn't reflective. And there's no way to apply the film to all of the curves and indentations without it creasing and looking bad. Just try and use it on the forearms and you'll see what I mean. With proper application nothing will look better than paint. A great and creative Idea, but not too practical IMHO.
  11. we'd be the only Novas then @Sul, remember it's a marathon not a sprint. Good luck.
  12. What prompted this reboot?
  13. **Opens Nova Field Manual** I thought the minimum height for the Nova Corps was 6'? Jk lol. Good luck with your modifications. I look forward to seeing the finished product.
  14. Well done brother. Now all those sloppy TKs who keep getting shot can sleep easy. A Novatrooper Medic is on the way.
  15. Nice work. Won't be much longer now. What kind of gloves are you using?
  16. bscheff


    So I just finished my Cap-W. I love this bucket! This weekend is Megacon so I will have plenty of pictures in armor after this weekend, but here is the bucket.
  17. We'll just loose some Ewoks on you Cole and game over. Welcome brother.
  18. Grats Wraith! Keep plugging away.
  19. I can't remember where I read it. I'm not supporting it, simply saying that even I've heard of it.
  20. Not to get off topic, but I have heard of the rule of three as well. And I've only been around since August, so it's out there somewhere. Anyway, awesome looking costume Shadow. Good luck with final approval.
  21. Nice buckets everyone. I'm finishing up my new bucket. Not sure how I am going to wire it yet.
  22. You could probably use a brush if you are skilled. I wouldn't trust a paint pen.
  23. Welcome Piper. It's always nice to see the Spec Ops family growing.
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