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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by bscheff

  1. I would advise against this guys. As Tigger said one scartch and they are toast. Not to mention they shouldnt be price gouging the spec ops. Take a pass.
  2. I'm pretty sure the whole bucket needs to be gloss black. Or are you referring to the rank stripes on the ear?
  3. I installed snaps on my boots, one in each corner of the "tounge." The boot has held up nicely, but the snaps inside the shin armor broke in each of the last parades I participated in. So I am still looking for a better solution. Unfortuneatley the AM shins are shaped kinda dumb. If they were more rounded instead of just wide we wouldn't have this problem. Picture a clock: mine are tight at 12 and 6 but way loose at 9 and 3. If they were rounder they would be perfect.
  4. That's pretty cool if plain black is your thing. Here's a picture of the first ever Nova Elite bucket.
  5. Lol he's 18 he isnt gonna get Mortal Combat references. Tobias Boon.
  6. Noob!! I kiid I kiid. Listen to these guys. They know what they're talking about.
  7. Yup, its a taller can than the norm. My Cap-W is out in the garage drying as we speak. Er... type.
  8. Looking good brother. Keep up the hard work.
  9. So does this mean your 18 now? Happy Birthday youngin.
  10. I'm trying to find out where you got the actual vinyl. I cant find any shiny pleather to save my life. Did you buy the vinyl and send it to your belt maker or did she have it?
  11. Where did you get your vinyl?
  12. When you say visor, do you mean lenses? Also what is the sound card for? I have the same memorex wireless and aker amp, but I dont have a sound card. Just curious what its for. The armor looks awesome! Nice job.
  13. Apok, you dont like posting pictures do you?
  14. Welcome to the fold Nova Brother.
  15. Grats on the forward progress! You must be excited Regarding your questions: Have you seen it? Is it close the reference pictures? How close is it to the paint you will use on your armor? You won't want blatantly different golds on the finished product.
  16. Grats brother. And you're right, this is the best Det I've seen.
  17. Scootch do you reccommend primer on your buckets?
  18. Was that the Nova medic Izzi?
  19. Izzi, Crazas close your eyes... There is always the option of not submitting it for approval. You're already a TX afterall. That could be your "custom" armor if you really like the burnt look. Ok Iz, Crazas you can open your eyes again
  20. Great work so far Scootch. I look forward to working on my bucket this weekend
  21. Orsan, did you assemble the helmet or did it come built?
  22. Wow, I really like that color.
  23. You should probably follow up. It takes a long time to get your TX number, but it shouldnt take this long for feedback.
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