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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by bscheff

  1. How do you go about rounding the bicepts? That would really help me as well.
  2. Welcome AC, It looks like you got a really nice kit. Did you build the backpack or buy it? Good luck with you build, I look forward to updates.
  3. I know a few guys use the nomex, but I thought the crl says no patterns or fancy stitching. Is the LMO ok with Nomex gloves?
  4. Made some more progress on the bucket. For some reason the top picture is a little washed out. The bottom one is a better representation of the coloring. I also got both shoulder bells and the sniper plate painted. I put the male snaps on the: thighs, bells and buttplate. My pauldron and lenses should be in tomorrow or Saturday. Almost there...
  5. Great work bro! Where did you guys get those gloves?
  6. Wow! Daetrin, you coming over to the darker Dark Side? I used Rustoleum Metalic Gold. I haven't seen any fabric that was the exact color of the stripes, So like Izzi I plan to paint my Pauldron to match. I've seen your stuff over on FISD and MEPD, I look forward to seeing a build thread.
  7. If I ever catch a thief... We will finally know how many whacks it takes to get to the center of a hyperfirm.
  8. Grats, and happy belated Birthday bro! Pictures.
  9. Look what the mail man brought me today!! Is this a beauty or what? My seed trays also came in.
  10. The new 12" figure coming out has battle damage. Click me!
  11. Progress update: I got the mohawk painted onto my bucket. Tomorrow after work I will put on a clear coat. I also got both shoulder bells and the sniper plate taped and sanded. I painted and installed some of my buttons: And a picture of my completed shin. Both are done, but here is just the left.
  12. Looks great! Have you started the backpack yet?
  13. How much more is the black kit? Keep in mind that any battle damage will show as white, which will need to be repainted.
  14. Status Update: My boots came in the other day. I went with the Bass Amsterdam. They aren't as shiny as I would have liked, but we will see how they look after I get some polish on them. I also have my Under Armor in hand. I heard from my pouch maker and he said they would be shipping today, so I will post pictures when I get those. I still need a pauldron and to construct my backpack. As far as my armor is concerned I need to complete my rigging system, glue my shins, finish my bucket and then paint the shoulder bells and bucket. Then I need to polish out all the scratches and stray glue that happened during the construction phase. It seems like a lot, but I also have a lot of completed pieces, so I estimate I am about half way there.
  15. So I had a slight setback last night. I was out in my shop trying on my gear and when I put on my bucket, the top popped off and fell to the floor. I used plastic weld to put it together so I was kinda surprised to see it came apart. I sanded the lid and inner bucket and re-glued it. Hopefully it will hold. Anyone ever have issues with plastic weld not holding? Maybe I forgot to sand it the first time. Maybe I used too little glue. Hard to say. Anyone know some best practices for plastic welder?
  16. Just attended my squad's armor party. Everyone was really cool and very helpful. I am even more excited about getting this done and trooping now. Had a slight issue with my "butt plate" wanting to sit too low. But I am just gonna have to work around it.
  17. Nice. I look forward to seeing things progress.
  18. I have constructed my bucket. It is the Armor Master with the new dome. As you can see it still needs all the lil extras: lenses, mic tips, chin thingy mabob, screen etc. I put it next to my eFx for scale. I also added shims to close the gap between my ab-plate and kidney-plate. I used loop velcro on the inside of the kidney and ab plates and then put hook velcro on the shim so it holds the two together. The seam is not as tight as I would like it to be, but as I am losing weight I didnt want to make a permanent attachment. I will be able to tighthen this up and if things go according to plan, remove it eventually. I tried installing the hard hat liner tonight... But no dice. the clips came unglued when I tried to snap it in place. So much for 3500lbs of strength. Or I am wicked strong lol. But really, I couldn't get it to work. Debating if I want to try it again or just put some padding in there.
  19. If you want a nice helmet that you can take out of the box and troop with then the eFx is for you. If you want to have one of the most screen accurate helmets amongst your squad mates, I'd consider the Cap-W, RT-Mod or Gino V2. All amazing buckets (some assembly required.) So it really comes down to your preference and budget. But I will tell you that site is listing it for about $50 more than we paid for it. At least we know the eFx is going up in value
  20. Does anyone use hard hat suspension in their bucket? I am not sure how to install it. The directions with the kit just say to glue the clips in it and then snap it in place, but it doesn't want to snap in. I haven't installed the clips inside the bucket yet, but I tried to snap the suspension to the loose clip and it wouldnt work. Not sure how they fit together. Anyone? Pictures would be awesome.
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